Don’t sue me!! I don’t own CCS or Sk8er Boi!!!!!!

Sk8er Boi, Prep Gurl
By Raven



(Me Talking)

They heard someone clapping behind them and they turned around.

“It was about time you both did that,” Said Tomoyo holding Eriol’s hand.

“Wait, you and you are…”

“Yeah,” Said Eriol holding Tomoyo’s hand tighter.

“Since, when?”

“Since, today when he kissed me in the parking lot and then I kissed him during lunch and told Lena off.”

“You both kissed in front of the whole school? I thought you said that if any one ever did that, then they would be an outcast.”

“Well, I changed my mind. Well, Eriol changed my mind.”

“I was worried the whole time for nothing,” Said Sakura.

“Worried about what?”

“About what you said.”

“You mean you and you were together.”

“Well, it is a long story.”

“Well, who would ever think things would work out like this,” Said Syaoran holding Sakura’s waist tightly.

Sakura smiled up at him and all four of them when to get ice cream playing hooky for the rest of the day. (Hope I spelled that right any way hooky means skipping school)

Next Day At School

Sakura held Syaoran’s hand tightly as they walked through the school door.

Lena came stalking up to them. Sakura was prepared for the worst but she said, “It was about time someone stood up to the crowd now I can be with Xing,” She said kissing the skater boy.

Sakura and Tomoyo looked at each other and laughed. They saw Chiharu and Rika coming up to them, “Hey guys.”

“You guys are not mad?” asked Sakura.

“No way, now I don’t have to hide.”

“Hide what?” asked Tomoyo.

“Him,” She said pulling Yamazaki out and kissing him.

“And now I can kiss my boyfriend,” Said Rika kissing a boy with spiked brown hair with blonde tips.

The principal looked around and sighed, “My school is now a make out place. What has the world come to?”

Sakura laughed, “Guess every one was secretly going out with each other.”

“It is weird how things work out like that,” Said Tomoyo who was being held by Eriol.

School Dance

“^He was a boi

She was a girl

Can I make it any more obvious?

He was a punk she did ballet

What more can I say?^”

“^He wanted her she never tell secretly she wanted him as well

But all of her friends stuck up their nose

They had a problem with his baggy clothes.^”

“^He was a sk8er boi

She said see later boi

He wasn’t good enough for her

She had a pretty face but her head was lost in space

She needed to come back down to Earth.^”

She looked out to Syaoran and winked, “^Five years from now she sits at home feeding the baby she is all alone

She turns on the TV and guess who she sees?

Sk8er boi rocking on MTV

She calls up her friends they are ready know and they all got tickets to see his show

She tags along and stands in the crowd

Looks up and the man she turned down.^”

She grabbed the microphone and started to sing, “^He was a sk8er boi

She said see later boi

He wasn’t good enough for her

Now he is a super star

Slammin on his guitar

Does your pretty face she what he is worth?^”

Syaoran smirked at her as she went on, “^He was a sk8er boi

She said see later boi

He wasn’t good enough for her

Now he is a super star

Slammin on his guitar

Does your pretty face she what he is worth?^”

Sakura smiled towards Syaoran and began to sing again, “^Sorry girl but you missed out

Tough luck that boi is mine now

We are more than good friends

This is how the story ends.^”

“^To bad that you couldn’t see

That man that boi could be

There is more than meets the eye

I see the soul that is inside.^”

Sakura looked at Syaoran the whole time making eye contact, “^He is just a boi

And I am just a girl

Can I make it more obvious?

We are in love haven’t you heard

Now we rock each other’s world.^”

She smirked at Syaoran as she song the last lines, “^I’m with the sk8er boi

I said see you later boi

I’ll be back stage after the show

I’ll be at the studio singing the song we wrote

About the girl you use to know.^”

Everyone started clapping as Sakura walked towards Syaoran, “He was a sk8er boi, she was a prep gurl. He was a punk she did cheerleading. She did not give up, she said see you later boi, I’ll be back stage after the show. We are in love haven’t you heard? Now we rock each other’s world.” Syaoran smiled, “I am glad that the you were the other girl in the song.” “Me too.” “He is a sk8er boi, she is a prep gurl.” “Let’s skip to the part where it say we are in love haven’t you heard. Now we rock each other’s world,” He said kissing her passionately. ^I’m with the sk8er boi I said see you later boi I’ll be back stage after the show I’ll be at the studio singing the song we wrote About the girl you use to know^

The End
