
Sakura’s POV

I walked down the hallway slowly, dreading math class; I knew there would be a test, another test that I would fail. Needless to say my day was not starting out good.

I lost my homework, I left my lunch at home, I skinned my knee and I made a fool of my self in front of Syaoran by tripping in his arms.

But, when Tomoyo ran to me pushing me towards the bathroom it got worse, really worse!

“Sakura, is it that time of month.”


“Do you have the P word?”

I looked down at my light purple skirt, “AHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

There was a huge red stain, “Did any one see?????”

“No, I saved you just in time. Here use my sweater, and here got put this on.”

“You’re a life saver, Tomoyo.”

“I know! Now, hurry we have a test to take.”

I quickly went in the bathroom and changed and ran with Tomoyo to our classroom.

~It’s ok Sakura, no one knows. No, one saw. ~

I heard some people laughing, and I automatically thought they knew and were laughing at me. The rest of the class I couldn’t help thinking about the laughter.

I looked over my shoulder every second and the teacher thought I was cheating, so she made me leave the room to finish my test.

~Could things get any worse??~

“Hey, Sakura what you doing out here?”

I turned around and came face to face with two deep amber eyes, “I.. I umm I, see the um teacher he thought I was cheating, because I um looked over my shoulder and um well he sent me out here to finish. What are you out here for?”

“Saying a smart remark to a teacher.”

“Oh. Well, I guess um I need to um finish this test.”

He smiled, “Good luck, Sakura.”

I was so thankful he left; I didn’t want him to find out. Any one but him!

I finished my test and gave it to the teacher, who made me stand outside the door for the rest of the class. I kept pulling the sweater down, making sure it didn’t go through.

~Please let the bell ring! Please!!! ~

Finally it did and I ran to PE quickly to change into my gym clothes, but then I was stopped, “Ms. Kinomoto, I see your early. Skipping class?”

“No, Ma’am I was…”

“Skipping is not aloud young lady, you will sit out for PE.”

~NOOOOO!!!! I needed to change out of these clothes!!! ~ I wanted to scream at her so bad!!

“But, you will still play in those clothes, can’t have you just messing a class. You will do laps.”


“No buts young lady, run around the soccer field.”

~No!!! Not where the guys are playing soccer!!!! Please no!!!!!! I’m doomed!!!! What did I do to deserve this!!! ~

“Go now, start running.”

My eyes pleaded her, but she was strict, “This is the most horrible day of my life!!!!”

I started running laps trying to keep the sweater on, but it kept sliding down. ~Please don’t let any one see! Please!! I’m begging on my knees!!!! ~

“Sakura, what are you doing?” Syaoran asked running beside me.

“Running laps the whole period.” ~Oh no, not that word!!! ~


“The teacher thought I was skipping, because I came early. Why are you running with me?”

“I was trying to skip,” He said chuckling.

~Could any thing get worse?? My crush is running next to me, while I’m trying to keep the sweater from falling and reviling everything I don’t want him to see! ~

We ran together and I nervously looked behind my back every second, and I tripped making me fall flat on my face.

Needless to say the whole class saw and started running to help me and the thing I didn’t know was. THE SWEATER CAME OFF!

Syaoran quickly picked me up in his arms so no one could see and said he would take me to the nurse and ran off.

“Um Syaoran what are you doing?”

“Just taking you to the nurse.”

“But, I don’t need to go. I’m fine, just a little trip that’s…. AHHH!!!!”

I realized the sweater was gone, left on the field and that’s why Syaoran carried me. I started crying hysterically, “I hate this day!! This is the worst day of my life!!!”

I jumped down from his arms and ran towards the cherry tree sobbing my embarrassment away. ~My crush saw and everything!! I didn’t think it could get any worse, but it did!!! ~

I kept crying until I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Syaoran and started crying again.

I was humiliated in front of my long time crush! And then I looked at his sweater and started to cry again, it had red spots on it.

He pulled my to him and hugged me, “Sakura, it’s ok.”

“No, it’s not!! How can you say that it is ok when one, I tripped in front of everyone and two I got your sweater is stained not to mention my own clothes strained and you say ‘everything is ok?’

He laughed. “What are you laughing at??” I said angrily.

“I remembered that time in math class when I had to go to the board and you pulled me down into the seat saying you would to the problem.”

I laughed, “Yeah I remember and you tried to get up again and I pushed you down saying, ‘your standing in attention.’

He laughed, “You saved me from the most humiliating moment of my life, could you picture the teacher’s eyes if I went to the board?”

“Yeah,” I said laughing. (Ok, you know what I mean by ‘standing in attention? Well um if you don’t get it then umm ask a boy about it.)

“You saved me that day, now it is time to return the favor.”

He took off his sweater that was stained reviling his muscular bare chest and wrapped it around my wait tightly.

“There, that’s better.”

“But, Syaoran what are you going to do with out a shirt for the rest of the day?” (ok, he was not wearing a shirt under his sweater.)

He shrugged, “No big deal.”

I hugged him tightly, “Thank you so much, Syaoran. I will pay you back one day I promise.”

“No need. It’s no big deal, I was just returning the favor,” He said winking at me.

I kissed him on the cheek and ran towards my class, “Thank you so much, Syaoran!”

“No, thank you, Sakura,” He said touching his cheek.

The last bell rang, “yes, the end of the day!” I said grabbing my things and running out the door towards my house but of course I ran into none other than Syaoran.

He picked me up slowly, “Thanks Syaoran, for everything today.”

“Hey, no problem.”

“I hope you didn’t get into trouble.”

“Just detention, no big deal.”

“What?! I’m so sorry, Syaoran!!”

“Sakura, don’t stress over it; it really is no big deal.”

“Yes, it is!! I have to repay you back, Syaoran!”

“No, you don’t.”

“I know since I can’t help you with school work umm I will help you with painting your apartment.”

“How did you know that…”

I covered his mouth, “Good guess. Wellgottogobye!” I said running away.

~That was close! Don’t want him to know I was spying! ~

I smiled when I got home, even if it was the most horrible day of my whole life. It turned out good in the end.

I quickly did up the laundry and washed my clothing and Syaoran’s sweater making sure the stains were out.

And when it was done I jumped on the bed holding the sweater close to me, “It truly was the perfect ending to the most horrible day of my life!”

^”Hey, no big deal. I was just returning the favor.” ^

~Thank you so much Syaoran, I think I feel even more in love with you. ~

~I guess every body has their embarrassing moments, At That Time Of Month. ~

The End!!!
