
Manny and Emma were laughing and talking on the way to there lockers. At was lunch at Degrassi C.S and all the 7's,8's and 9's had the same luch time.Did you hear Mr.Simpson in class today? You probably didn't since you were to busy thinking about Craig." Emma said."Yes I heard him , we have a book report to do , that is do next friday!"Manny replied as she closed her locker.She was in no mood to be lectured. After she and Emma were done puting there things in there locker they both walked off to where there BF's(boyfriends) were.

They passed Paige's locker and could feel there icy stares. They just brushed it off and headed to there boyfriends lockers. When they got there, Manny and Craig started to talk and whisper. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug. "So tonight dinner and a movie?" he asked.

Manny nodded her head in agreement. , and Sean shook his head. "Love birds." he mumbled as he closed his locker. He and Emma gotten back together at her moms wedding(Spike and Sanke) and they have been very touchey,kissey,lovey dovey kinda stuff every since.

So he love Emma, and she loved him back so he took her aside and started kissing her. She never went as far as her mom did, but she kinda wanted to, she wanted to know.No one knew that, her mom, Caitlin, Sean, not even Manny! She was scared that if she told, something might happen. But she didn't know what would happen(if she told someone that she wanted to "do it"). They would be mad at her, they wouldn't talk to her, they would hate her.
