"Oh, my God, look at that great picture of Micky!"

"He's nothing compared to Davy also swoon-worthy"

"Shut up, Majandra, Davy's an idiot. It's all about the Mike."

"Giggle giggle giggle Petey!.giggle giggle giggle"

It was 10:42 a.m. and the four Monkees-obsessed friends dodged the looming presence of their history teacher, Mr. Schnool, as they ignored the assignment to research slavery and instead studied everything that they already knew about their favorite band.

Cordelia Hotchkiss, a tall, blue-eyed tenth grader with honey colored hair and a sprinkling of freckles, was perusing the official Micky Dolenz website for more info on the curly-haired drummer. She knew that if she were ever to meet Micky she'd hate him because of his insane behavior, but it was fun to watch him on the show and dammit if he wasn't good-looking! Majandra Poland was seated next to her, squeaking about Davy Jones, her favorite Monkee. Majandra was a petite, raven-haired pixie of a girl with large brown eyes. She longed for the tiniest of the Monkees to hold her in his small arms, even though now-in 2002-he was nearly sixty.

Honey Vilhelm, the resident Mike-lover, was a tall, slight girl with copper-colored, gold-flecked hair and hazel eyes the size of dinner plates. She was swooning over Mike's Texas-accented ways and had been looking for a boy with a similar voice and a green wool hat for as long as she could remember.

And then there was Zelda tall, well-accessorized and giggly, Zelda had long chestnut colored hair, rosy cheeks and eyes the color of chocolate. She was a big fan of the only blonde Monkee, Peter Tork, whose occasionally vague disposition set her heart a-flutter with peace and love.

The girls knew that their obsession had come nearly forty years too late, but in their hearts they couldn't give up hope.

Suddenly (EXCLAMATION POINT!), a squeak followed by a bout of high-pitched giggles made the friends instinctively turn to Zelda.

"Oh, my God!" Zelda was squealing, joyous tears rolling down her cheeks, "Guys, look! Magic!"

Majandra sighed as the other two girls ran to Zelda's side. "Zelda, everyone knows that the Monkees are magical ¦especially Davy."

"No, Majandra," Cordelia cried, her eyes lit with excitement, "Real magic!"

Indeed, Zelda's computer was providing a link that read: MAGIC! Go back in time and meet your favorite celebrities!

"James Dean!" Honey yelped.

"Cary Grant!" proclaimed Cordelia.

"Giggle!" yelled Zelda, who actually meant Michael J. Fox.

"Sean Connery!" Majandra shrieked, prompting a grimace from the other three. She cast her eyes to the computer screen and pointed, speechless. It now read "No, you fools, the Monkees." The girls nodded in comprehension. Zelda calmed her giggling enough to click on the link, which brought them to an extensive list of time travel methods. Cordelia, who was the responsible one, copied the list down in its entirety and the girls made plans to meet at Honey's house after school to try out these methods.

It was mere moments within the making of this decision that it became increasingly clear that the girls could not and more importantly would not wait until three o'clock, and the decision was revised so that the girls would cut class immediately and run to Honey's house. Pleasant though this plan was, it also involved getting past Mr. Schnool, which would be no easy feat. Mr. Schnool was a short, repulsively ugly troll of a man who wanted badly to be friends with the Monkee-lovers but could as he constantly failed them. The girls waited until a diversion was created by a confused young student who Mr. Schnool detested, and it was then that they gagged Zelda so her giggling would be muffled and stealthily ran out the door. Unfortunately, it did not take long for Mr. Schnool to notice. (Dun dun dun!)

By the time the girls reached Honey's house, they were beside themselves with triumph, and joyously, Cordelia produced the list of time travelling methods, which included a time machine, walking through a mural, walking through a mirror, and blinking (unfortunately, back at school, in the thrill of this discovery, they failed to notice the Magic Website's disclaimer, that read "Or you could just use the portal in the middle of your school's football field at 12:30 in the afternoon" 'Tis a shame, 'tisn't it?)

First, they built the time machine. According to the website, the machine had to be an arch shape made out of 400 used soup cans and love beads. Honey had the love beads-they were a birthday gift from Zelda, who was convinced that that was what Peter would have given-but she only had 40 soup cans. Zelda, who was giggly but bright, proposed that they use soda cans instead, and-seeing that Mr. Vilhelm was a soda can executive of the highest rank-the girls found 360 more cans without much difficult. They built the machine in record time.

"Okay," said Cordelia, "Now we must all hold onto the arch and sing a Monkees song."

"DAYDREAM BELIEVER!" cried Majandra.

"YOUR AUNTIE GRIZELDA!" Zelda giggled.

"PAPA GENE'S BLUES!" yelled Honey.

"RANDY SCOUSE GIT!" Cordelia screamed, and the other girls dared not cross her, especially when she was in a Micky state of mind.

"She's a wonderful lady and she's mine all mine!" sang the girls as they held tight to the arch. They were shocked to suddenly see sparks fly and surround the machine, but out of the blue, the neon lights fizzed out and died, and the structure fell to the ground.

"I told you we shouldn't have used aluminum!" Majandra snapped, and the others groaned in reluctant agreement.

"It wasn't that! It was the noticeable lack of the flux capacitor, which-as we all know-is the definitive anti-thesis to the space time continuum!" said Zelda solemnly. She giggled at her friends' blank faces. "I watched Back To The Future last night." Despite protests, Majandra insisted that they attempt walking through a mural, and when the others told her that there was no mural nearby, Majandra whipped out a black marker and drew life-sized caricatures of the Monkees on the basement wall.

"You bitch, that's my wall!" Honey cried.

"It'll work, "Majandra promised, "Seriously."

Linking arms, the girls sang 'Daydream Believer' and ran towards the wall, smacking their heads and falling over, little birds tweeting above them.

"Well," Majandra said sadly upon regaining consciousness, "It worked in Mary Poppins."

"Never trust Dick Van Dyke," Cordelia said ominously.

The girls resolved to attempt walking through a mirror, and according to the instructions they had to spin in circles for a full minute before running into the mirror. Screaming the lyrics to 'Your Auntie Grizelda' at the top of their lungs, they did so until they were sick with dizziness. Running with the speed of a jungle cougar, they hit the mirror at full force and broke it, retaining bad luck for seven years.

"This isn't working," Zelda giggled sadly, which is rather hard to do when you think about it, "We might as well just give up."

"No!" Cordelia cried, "We can never give up, not until we ARE in 1965, meeting the Monkees! We still have to try blinking!"

So, as it was Honey's turn to choose the song, the girls sang "Papa Gene's Blues" and on the count of three, they blinked in unison. When they opened their eyes, they saw Honey's basement, precisely how they had left it.

"This is pathetic," sighed Majandra.

"Wait!" yelled Cordelia, "Find a newspaper! We could be in Honey's basement circa 1965!"

Honey ran to a table near the door and found a newspaper. Her face lit up. "Yeah!" she said happily, "My basement…circa 2002."

Their faces fell. Cordelia sighed. She had inexplicably been the one who had wanted to go back in time the most, and now her hopes had been crushed in a current of Monkees woes.

"Well, guys," said Cordelia sadly, "It's nearly twelve-thirty. We might as well attempt to sneak back in time for lunch."

The other girls agreed, and they started their journey back to school. Disappointed but still unwilling to receive a detention, they cut through the football field. Mr. Schnool, who happened to be looking out the window, spotted the four dashing figures as they ran. He darted out the door, hoping to catch them in time to give them detention.

"What time is it?" Honey called to Majandra as they jogged nearer and nearer to the center of the field.

"12:30!" Majandra yelled back.

Meanwhile, Mr. Schnool had just then reached the football field and was trying desperately to catch up. "Slow down!" he shouted, quickly muttering, "Curse these short legs of mine!"

"Guys!" Zelda giggled, "We should take the side entran-" but her words were cut off as she passed the center line through the field.

"What the-" muttered Majandra as she noticed her giggly friend's very sudden disappearance, but within moments, she too had passed the line, and like Keyser Soze (POOF!) had disappeared.

"Guys?" murmured a very frightened Honey, "Uh where are you?" But soon that question could have been asked of Honey herself, as she passed the line and vanished.

"This isn't funny!" Cordelia yelled, not wanting to be the only one sneaking back into school, but before long she passed the center line and felt suddenly as though she was drowning in a pool of colors. Coughing and sputtering, she swam to the surface and stared into the faces of her other three bewildered friends who were treading water in an ocean.

"What happened?" asked Cordelia nervously.

"I don't know," whispered Honey, "I was running, and suddenly I was here."

"I think we're older," Majandra concluded upon looking at her friends aged faces, "Especially you, Honey."

Honey looked down at her chest, which happened to be covered by a lovely red dress. She gasped. "It grew!" she shrieked.

"So did mine!" Majandra suddenly added.

"That's impossible!" replied Cordelia.

What would have been a contemptuous glance from Majandra was interrupted by a sudden eruption of giggling that was outpouring from Zelda. An occurrence like this was not at all unusual, and thus it was initially ignored. But soon, the giggling got louder and became almost violent in its gleefulness.

"What is it, girl?" Honey cried, "Did Timmy fall down the well again?"

Zelda did not reply, but instead continued to giggle and pointed to a spot that was behind her friend's turned heads. They whirled around, only to see what was unmistakably the Monkees' beach bungalow towering above them. They whirled back around to Zelda, who was still hysterical to almost dangerous proportions.

"But but a but a" Cordelia stammered, "Why are we here?"

"Actually," said a familiar Texan voice, "I was wondering the same thing. What are y'all doin' here?"

