
The four friends looked up in unison at a very befuddled looking Michael Nesmith-the guitar player with the shockingly wonderful Texas accent and amazingly adorable green wool hat. Perhaps it was this combination or perhaps something else altogether, but Zelda started to giggle madly, Cordelia began to squeak, Majandra mumbled some incoherent thought, and Honey emitted a shrill yelp-at which point all four friends began to sink back down into the ocean.

When they resurfaced, they still saw Mike's face and one more encountered a very real danger of sinking again. Luckily all (even Zelda, which was quite an accomplishment, considering) were able to stop that from happening.

"Jeez, are y'all alright? I got worried when I heard the screamin' and splashin' and I thought" But the girls would never know just what Mike thought because at that moment Honey had stepped out of the water and the red dress (which turned out to be an outdated-albeit chic-swimsuit) was clinging to her in a most alluring way.

For some reason, Mike remembered the song the boys had all written that very afternoon. Of course, the song running through Mike's head was "I'm A Believer". His eyes became glassy as he finally realized the meaning of the lyrics "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer, not a trace of doubt in my mind. I'm in love"

The girls-all of whom had exited the water by now-became concerned at Mike's disoriented expression.

"Mike. Mike? Mike!" Honey called, worried sick about her favorite Monkee.

"Yeah, oh, wow. I mean, hi. I mean-wait! How'd you know my name was Mike?"

"I didn't say Mike," Honey replied sweetly, "I said are you alright." You see, Honey, like her three friends, was incredibly intelligent as well as beautiful and had quickly realized that here the Monkees were a group of fifth-rate (sorry, third-rate) musicians and not the international heartthrobs of the girl's dimension.

"They aren't famous in the Monkee-verse," Honey whispered to the others, stating what I have conveniently just stated.

"Well, duh…" Zelda replied with a giggle, speaking for all of them and proving that all the girls were just as intelligent as Honey."

"Anyways," Mike continued, "What are y'all doin' here?"

"Well, see, we were on this three hour tour," Cordelia murmured.

"A three hour tour," the other three chimed in, prompting a withering glance from Cordelia. "Yeah, anyway, this three hour tour we were on. The ship sank. Yeah. So, we're the only four survivors." The others stared at her, awed by her brilliance.

"Oh, jeez, y'all must be real beat up over that," Mike said, removing his trademark green hat out of respect.

"Well, not really," Honey replied calmly-which was remarkable considering the girlish glee she felt in her heart, "We didn't know anyone else on the trip."

"Oh," Mike managed to reply, thinking that this mystery girl was the strongest, most beautiful, most yeah, yeah, you get the picture.

"So," Cordelia wheedled, "Know anywhere around her where we could stay?" Of course, her preference would be to stay with the Prefab Four, but to say this outright would be a faux pas of the greatest kind.

"Well, as a matter of fact," Mike began, but just at that moment the short and bouncy David Jones came out of the bungalow wearing nothing but a very short set of swimming trunks.

"Hi Mike, who are these" Davy trailed off as he caught sight of Majandra. This is where the song 'I'm A Believer' made its second (but not its last) appearance in this story, this time playing rapidly in Davy's head. "I love the outdoors," he breathed, staring at Majandra.

Unfortunately, Majandra chose this moment to lapse out of the silent state she had uncustomarily been in since landing in the Monkee-verse.

"Do you guys smack pote?" The other three turned to her with as much horror as they could muster once they realized what she was asking and how much she had messed up whilst trying to ask it.

"Why would you ask them that?" Zelda shrieked quietly, for once no giggle bubbling forth. Luckily, Davy was not as quick on the uptake as the girls, or else he just didn't know Majandra as well as her friends (Although it's probably the second answer, let's just pretend Davy's stupid). "I don't know what pote is, darling, but I'll smack anything you want!" he said slyly. At this moment Majandra turned a deep shade of purple, and the others-minus Davy-fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Jesus, get a room," Honey muttered nearly inaudibly.

"Amen to that," Mike whispered, edging closer. He turned to the rest of the group. "That there's Davy," he said, "And about that place to stay"

"You can stay with us, here!" Davy interrupted quickly.

"Aw, that's sweet," Majandra cooed, "But how can you make the room?"

"Aw, shucks, that's no problem," Mike chimed in, tearing his gaze from Honey reluctantly, "Davy sometimes brings home up to six gals at a time!"

"Ha, ha," said Davy forcedly, whispering, "Thanks a bunch, Mike."

"No problem, good buddy. Doggone it! You gals must be plum freezin' in them thangs!" The latter was directed at the girls, who were turning blue due to the fact that it was late evening in California and all the girls' energy had gone into containing their excitement at meeting their favorite band, leaving no energy left for warmth. And by the way, that last sentence is as close to sounding like a crazy old southern man as Mike will ever get.

"No, we're fine," Honey said quickly, not wishing to lose her close proximity to Mike.

"No, you're not, your teeth are chattering. Here, take this." Mike said, placing his denim jacket over her shoulders and prompting a collective muffled "aaw" from Cordelia, Zelda, and Majandra. Davy, not to be outdone, the only available item-his towel-over Majandra's shoulders.

"Well, this is just super," Cordelia grumbled.

"Tell me about it," Zelda added.

"Well, come on into the house then, y'all," Mike said, obviously much more sensitive than the odious Davy, "It's much warmer in there."

Both Cordelia and Zelda flashed identically grateful smiles in Mike's direction while Honey beamed as she realized that Mike was everything she'd hoped he'd be. Majandra didn't join in this happy gathering, however, as she was too busy thinking about Davy and hoping that she could take the place of six girls.

Mike led the way through the French doors, with Honey close behind. Zelda and Cordelia walked in together hurriedly, as they were cold without any shoulder coverings placed by wonderful rock stars. Majandra was next with Davy bringing up the rear. Majandra had a sneaking suspicion that he was looking at her butt (he was, in fact) but far from upsetting her, the thought gave her great joy.

"Well, this is the livin' room. Sorry 'bout the mess. It was Micky's turn to clean up, and he's a little laxadosical 'bout stuff like that."

"Micky!" Cordelia squeaked in happiness. Mike took this comment in a different way. "Oh, sorry, y'all. I forgot to mention the other fellas that share the pad. There are two of 'em, Micky and Peter. Of course, they'll have to okay this whole 'stayin' bit, but I don't think they'll mind."

"They'd better not!" This last comment came from Davy, who hadn't taken his eyes off Majandra since he had first seen her.

"Yeah, so like I was sayin'. They live here too. Does that clear things up uh um wow. This is incredibly inconsiderate and unlike me, but I never got your names."

"I'm Honey," said Honey, exceptionally in love with Mike at that moment.

"I'm Mike," said Mike with a dazed smile, as though he was meeting Honey for the first time. "I know," said Honey dreamily, and Cordelia interrupted their love fest long enough to get things straight.

"Well, at least we can clear that up now," she said, very happy for Honey but not particularly wanting to watch her and Mike gaze into each other's eyes for God only knows how long, "I'm Cordelia; the giggly one is Zelda; and the one Davy's ogling is Majandra." This last comment prompted a glare from Majandra and caused Davy to turn beet red. Mike burst out laughing.

"I like you, Cordelia," he exclaimed, but he looked quickly at Honey and said softer, "I like all y'all."

This enormously cute and wonderful moment was spoiled by, who else, Davy.

"Look, it's Petah!"

It was true. Peter Tork, the blonde but actually kind of red-headed, piano/guitar/banjo player was at the very moment returning from booking a gig.

"Mike, Mike, we got it!" Peter exclaimed in breathless boyish excitement. "We got the…oh, hi." Peter suddenly turned an adorable shade of pink and looked down at the floor. "Petah's a bit shy," Davy explained.

"Hi, Peter," Zelda giggled sweetly.

Peter glanced up shyly, but the sight of Zelda's wonderful crazy tie-dye swimsuit and brilliant mega-watt smile made his mouth turn up into a matching smile. "I'm in love," echoed a song in Peter's brain, "I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried."

"Well, this is just wonderful," muttered Cordelia under her breath, "Everybody but Micky." "Did you say something, Cordelia?" Mike asked.

"Oh, no."

"OK, Pete, just what did we get?" asked the Texan of Peter.

Peter continued to gaze into Zelda's eyes.

"Pete uh, Pete. Pete? Hey, BUDDY!"


"What did we get?!?"

"Get? Oh, the gig."

"The gig!"

"Yeah!" The sense of excitement about his news had faded for Peter until just then. Mike, Peter, and Davy began to jump up and down, squealing in very much the same way the girls would have done had they met their favorite band, the Monkees. Wait a minute.

Before the four friends could fully grasp why they weren't jumping up and down Peter hugged Zelda in a burst of joy. Needing no further encouragement, Davy whirled Majandra around in a circle, amazed that a girl was finally short enough for him to do that to. Caught up in the moment, serious Mike even turned to Honey and gave her a quick squeeze before realizing what he was doing and stepping away quickly albeit reluctantly.

Just as Cordelia was thinking about what a letdown this whole time travel thing was turning out to be, she was knocked over.

"Umph! What the hell! Who the oh. Oh, wow." Cordelia realized that what had just knocked her down was none other than Micky Dolenz, complete with curly afro and adorable shoes. Micky was now sitting on top of her, his eyes glazed much the same way Mike's had been moments before on the beach. And-you guessed it-the oft-played lyrics of "I'm A Believer" rang in their entirety through Micky's head. Or, at least, it would have been played in its entirety had Mike and Peter not pulled Micky off of the gorgeous creature he had been gazing at.

"Why'd you do that?" he hissed.

"You were squishing her," Mike answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh," Micky mumbled sullenly.

"But we got the gig!" Peter exclaimed joyfully.

This prompted more bouncing from the guys, and the girls felt they had to be able to let out their joy, too, so they bounced along in their own circle.

After the bouncing, introductions were made, and it didn't take long for the question to be asked. "Hey, if you guys are musicians, why don't you play for us?" cooed Honey sweetly and slyly. Cordelia shot her an admiring look. She had just been about to ask the same thing.

Peter, Micky, and Davy looked to Mike, sure that if anyone were to disagree, it would be their green-hatted leader.

"You got it, shotgun!" Mike cried in reply. Micky looked at Davy, who shook his head confusedly. Peter looked at Mike like he had grown another head.

"What, don't y'all wanna perform for the ladies?"

"Oh, yeah."


"Sounds great."

"Well, let's go then!"

Within minutes they had set up the instruments, at which point Mike looked uneasily at the girls. "Well, gee. Y'all are still in yer swimsuits. You oughta change."

"NO!" screamed the girls in unison.

"Uh, meaning, we'll change later," Honey clarified.

"Well, okay," said Mike reluctantly, "If you're sure."

"Sure are!" Honey replied cheerily.

So the four musicians picked up their instruments (that is, besides Micky, who would have found in very difficult to pick up a drumset) and began to play a wonderful line-up indeed. They started out with "I'm A Believer" out of love for the girls, then of course followed it with "Last Train To Clarksville", moving on to "All of Your Toys," then "For Pete's Sake," and then a spiffing rendition of "What Am I Doing Hangin' Round."

The whole thing was going swimmingly, and Zelda, Majandra, Honey, and Cordelia were having the time of their lives until the opening chords of "Goin' Down" were heard. "Sock it to me," Micky crooned.

Kathump. All heads swiveled to Cordelia, who was passed out on the floor.

