
"Knock, knock." There was a small tap on the bedroom door. Davy sighed,

"Come in Petah."

The door opened a crack and the shaggy haired blonde bassist poked his head inside. "Do you have a minute?" Peter asked.

"I suppose so," Davy said warily.

"It's about Majandra," Peter blurted in his adorably blunt way.

"Oh for Chrissakes!" Davy screamed as he fell backwards onto the bed.

Peter took a deep breath and blurted into his tale of woe,

"She's really upset and if you just told her how you felt because I know she's different to you than the rest of them and I can tell that and it's just not fair for you to do that to her or even to yourself for that matter and why don't you just tell her."

"Now in English," Davy quipped.

Peter gave him a confused look.

"I thought that was English," he murmured barely audibly.

"Oh Petah! I was just being facetious," Davy sighed.

"Oh," Peter said bashfully, "but it's true-what I said. She really does like you. And the way she's been acting lately...it really worries me."

"What does she do?" asked Davy, intrigued despite himself.

"Well," said Peter slowly, "she's mentioned to me several times recently about how most of the songs you sing or write have girls names in them-and all of the girls' names are different-which is true, Davy."

"Alright, I know! Go on," Davy snapped irritably.

"The other thing is that she's much quieter lately and when I do hear her she's usually humming 'Cuddly Toy'," continued Peter.

"Maybe she just likes the song Petah! Ever think of that?"

Peter gave the short tambourine player a long look.

"Listen, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Fine," Davy huffed, "I'll give talking to her a try."

Peter's face lit up,

"Gee thanks, Davy. That'll make Zel-er, Majandra really happy!"

Then he left Davy alone in the room with only his own thoughts.

Majandra was swimming in the ocean--a hobby she had taken up excessively after the surf contest fiasco (it was a little creepy really)--and letting her salty tears mingle with the water.

"You're not the kind of girl to tell your mother the kind of company you keep. I never told you I could love no other; you must be dreaming in your sleep," she sang in a quiet yet melodious soprano. But any further singing was hushed instantly by a cry of,

"Mermaid off the portbow,"

Majandra wheeled around to see Davy in a small boat--maracas in one hand and tambourine in the other.

"Majandra, dahling; I have something to tell you!" Davy screamed.

Majandra felt the tears well up as she began to swim away.

"No wait!" Davy yelped as he began to rock the boat back and forth violently, "Please listen! Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" With that Davy flew out of the rowboat and landed with a splash in the water.

Davy crawled forward onto the sand, gasping for breath, and looked into six fuzzy faces. "Oh my God! Don't worry fellas; I'll go back in and get her! Majandra, hold on! I'm coming!" With that Davy leapt for the water with the remarkable speed of a certain co-authoress as a lightening bolt in the smash hit, The King and I.

Majandra stepped in front of the spastic short singer (how 'bout that for alliteration).

"Uh Davy," she stated, "I dragged you out."

"Oh. Right then," he replied awkwardly, "Well, none of that matters now! All that matters is that you listen to this. Boys."

Two maracas were placed in Davy's right hand and the tambourine was placed in his left. The obvious absurdity of the situation missed him completely as he launched directly into "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You" with an air of dignity.

Davy made a full scale production of this, even going so far as to wipe Majandra's cheek gently when he sang the line, "So wipe the tears from your eyes,"

By the time the song was done Majandra's eyes were glassy with tears of joy and the six others had identical faces of utter bewilderment pasted on.

"Well," Mike coughed

"Oh brother," Micky winced

"Wow," Peter mumbled

"Hee, hee," Zelda giggled nervously

"Um," Honey muttered

"Oh Davy," Majandra breathed/squealed just as Cordelia screamed,

"Wait just a freakin' second; Majandra isn't even a little bit wrong--it's all Davy!!"

Before Davy or Majandra could send withering looks in Cordelia's direction, Mike jumped in, saying "Well now, Cordelia is absolutely right! What the hell kinda way is that to apologize, Davy?"

Micky and Honey exchanged frightened glances as they now feared for their loved ones' lives. Micky leapt up and quickly grabbed Cordelia, threw her over his shoulder, and ran down the beach. The others watched her kick and scream until they faded from view.

Honey's approach was much smoother. She walked up to Mike, whispered something in his ear, slipped her arm in his, and followed Micky and Cordelia down the beach.

Peter and Zelda turned back from watching the odd parade down the shore-only to see Majandra and Davy sucking serious face. Zelda began to giggle nervously, and Peter turned pink and looked down at the ground.

"How do they breathe?" he muttered quietly.

Davy looked up.

"A little privacy, please?" he huffed.

"No problem," Zelda giggled as she led a shy Peter away from the very public display of affection.

Davy and Majandra didn't even wait for the last two to fade from view before they wen back to their hardcore snogging.

"Uh. Ooph. Ouch! MICKY!" Cordelia screamed as she bounced around on Micky'' back. Suddenly, the ride of her life ended, and Micky flipped her back onto her feet.

"Sorry, Cordy," he told her, "But Davy and Majandra were going to kill you! Really, I was just rescuing you."

Whatever effect Micky hoped this would have was not in Cordelia's response.

"I don't need rescuing, thank you. And don't call me Cordy," she said shortly.

"Aw, shoot, Cordy," Micky muttered, "Why is it you never even try to be the damsel in distress." "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Cordelia yelped.

Luckily, the approach of Honey and Mike saved Micky from the very severe ass-kicking he would have otherwise gotten.

"Well, I have a feeling Majandra and Davy are okay now," Honey said.

"I sure hope not!" Cordelia asserted. Honey and Micky looked at her curiously. "What?" she cried, "He treated her like dirt! Why should she take him back?"

Mike nodded in agreement.

"Aw, come on, Cordelia, "Honey smoothed, "It's what she wants."

"Sometimes people make mistakes, Cordy," Micky stated flatly, "Maybe you should think about giving them another try."

Cordelia whirled around. "Most boys don't even deserve one chance," she hissed. Turning to Mike, she softened. "There are some notable exceptions, though."

Now, Cordelia meant this purely in a platonic way-she and Mike had a lot in common. This was not the way Honey and Micky took the remark, however. Honey tensed up visibly while Micky threw his head up.

"You're a bitch, Cordy," Micky shot before taking off down the beach once more. "Fuck you, Dolenz!" Cordelia cried, looking to Mike and Honey for comfort, "What did I do?" "Nothin', darlin'," Mike soothed, "He's just excitable."

Honey let out a sob. "He's right, Cordelia, you are a bitch. And you," she cried, pointing at Mike, "You're no better!" She then ran down the beach.

Mike and Cordelia looked at each other.

"What's bitin' them?" Mike asked.

Cordelia's eyes filled with tears. "Why did she call me that? Why do they hate me?" she whimpered before dissolving into tears.

"Aaw, it's all right, darlin'," Mike said gently taking Cordelia in his arms, "It's all gonna be all right."

Cordelia collapsed on his chest, crying so hard it hurt.

