
Micky and Peter had been walking down an alley way late, late at night when a man in a long black trench coat and fedora jumped out in front of them , and shot a bright red laser beam in front of them, then ran, Micky was able to jump out of the way. But unfortunately Peter got the full blast He tried to cover his eyes with his arm but the force of the blast was too much, it knocked him backwards and knocked him out, Micky watched in horror as a bright yellow light surrounded Peter, it was so bright he had to cover his own eyes. After the black that was night returned Micky uncovered his eyes and looked over to where he saw Peter fall, but the person lying there wasn’t Peter at all…no, in fact it wasn’t even the same sex as Peter, there was a woman, lying in Jeans and a Nehru shirt right where Peter had been. She was wearing the same type shirt Peter had been wearing, same print too but…how?

Micky walked over to the unconscious woman, knelt down, and nudged her shoulder… “…Excuse me” “Please wake up…” right then the woman’s eyes opened and her head jolted off her arm which she had been lying on.

“Micky…” she cried... “Where are you…Micky?”

“I’m right here…how do you know my name?”

“Micky…I’m Peter…”

Micky gasped, this lady was not Peter…she couldn’t be…

“Micky where are you?”

“I’m right here…” he waved his hand in front of her face, she didn’t even blink…no- he thought…

“Micky, why is my voice so high…”

“You’re not yourself Pete, you’re a-you’re a woman…”

“What!” he screeched, “…how…” he (I mean she) asked as she started to cry, Mickys heart broke…he had seen Peter cry before, he usually just told him to stop whining and take it like a man…but he couldn’t say that now, cause Peter wasn’t Peter he was this woman… “I don’t know Pete…I think it was that person who blasted you with the laser…”

“…Oh…” she cried even more,

“…there, there…” he sympathetically said, rubbing his err…her back…without warning Peter reached out and embraced Micky in a big hug…Micky didn’t know how to react at first but then he instinctively wrapped his arms around her…he had a hard time realizing that the weird body against him was actually that of his friend…with a lot of differences like, the 2 different pressures he felt against his chest, those were part of her new anatomy, her breasts…Micky had to move uncomfortably around to get comfortable…Peter dug him(herself) into Mickys chest…

“Micky…” she cried,

“…yes…” he whispered

“…I’m blind…”
Micky pulled back in surprise, “Oh Peter…” he wrapped his arms around her tighter as her tears soaked through his shirt…

He let her cry for a little longer, then pulled her away and looked into her eyes, her light brown, unresponsive (they weren’t looking at him and she wasn’t blinking) eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed,

“We can’t call you Peter anymore Pete…” She smiled, she still had the trade mark dimples, but now they were mixed with feminine beauty making them more desirable,

“I never thought about that…”

“You’ve never had too…”

Micky studied her face, “Lets see, you still have your blonde hair, brown eyes, your name is Peter…how does…um…Petra sound?”

“…I like it…” she smiled,

“Good…come on…” he said, helping her up… “…let’s get you home…I’m sure…Um…Davy and Mike…will love to see you…”

“Oh Micky…what do you think they’ll say they’ll hate me…I’m a woman now…”

“No they won’t…” “.. You’re still Peter…why would it change…”

Micky watched as she stood to her full height…which was at least 5 inches shorter then Peter was just a couple minutes ago… he slightly giggled as Peter linked her arm in Mickys,

“What, what’s so funny?”

“Pete, you’re so short…”

He looked up to Micky, Micky looked down Peter’s worried unresponsive, tear filled brown eyes looked up to him,

“…you mean I lost height too…”

“…yep, sorry Hun…”

“Micky, what did you just say…”

“Sorry,” Micky covered his mouth…

“…its ok just doesn’t ever say it again…”

“I won’t I promise…anyway…you’d be pretty weird as a 5’11” woman…”

“Ya your right…” Peter explained laying her head on Micky shoulder as they walked, “…I’m just so tired…” Micky couldn’t shake the odd feeling of calmness he was feeling but he did still feel quiet weird as he thought this was his best friend here, not a date…just then Petra’s body fell limp against Micky, he moved to his left as if this was just a joke, Petra body fell forward, Micky caught her before she fell to the ground…”awe man,” he groaned as he picked her up and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, she was actually quiet light…a scary light…he looked down at her sleeping form in his arms, he watched in horror as her skin turned a deadly white in a matter of minutes…

“PETE!” he yelled, as he shook her a little bit, nothing… he tried again, shook her harder… “PETER…” nothing…tried again harder… “PETRA!” nothing…he looked up scared, as he started to run as fast as his legs could carry him to the pad…

