
The wedding date was set for June 21st 1970, the day came quickly…too quickly according to Micky…Reagan was now a 6 month old with a need for speed, she could roll or drag her self along the floor quicker then Mike, Davy, Micky or even Petra could catch her, every day she started to get more and more like Micky…like, even now her deadly blonde hair was becoming strawberry almost dirty blonde and curly…and her eyes…well they just keep getting deeper and deeper…sometimes you would swear they were black.

Petra had been getting violently sick every morning for the past 3 months, but she had been getting up early enough so no one knew…she went to the doctors earlier that week and found out she was again pregnant…but she wasn’t sure if she should tell Micky, after all he was getting so nervous about the wedding he began to twitch and stutter every 5 minutes, she was sure news of another child would just put him over the edge…she was also worried about the baby itself, like, where would it live…Reagan had lived inside her for along time too but she was a special case, a case Petra did not intend on sharing…would it get enough nourishment? Those were the types of questions that flew around in her head…

She had slipped into a long white spaghetti strap dress in her designated room, and was now slipping into her stockings and high heels (yes, she had practiced wearing dresses and walking in high heels…for the sake of the wedding…after the wedding she was going to burn them both…) She stood in front of the 3 way mirror when she was done to check out how everything fell…when she turned to her side she realized she was showing a little bit but not much, it did make her smile though as she put a protective hand over the little bump in her abdomen

“To think…” she said, “…A year ago, this couldn’t have been possible…now this and you…”

“Petra, you look-“ Mike had just walked in when he saw her looking down at her stomach with a big mile across her face and her hand across her stomach, Petra immediately dropped her hand to her side a soon as she realized Mike had seen,

“Pete, your not…”

She sulked as she shook her head… “Yes, I am…3 months…” ready for a lecture…

“Awe Pete, that’s great…but come on everyone’s waiting for you…”

She looked up in shock, “Ok Mike…MIKE!” she yelled as she realized something… “…don’t tell Micky…”

He smiled “…sure babe…” as he closed the door,

She then turned back around to check herself out in the mirror one more time,, she thought about how Peters family had actually come…even when Micky, Mike and Davy told her-um-his parents Peter wouldn’t be there…that Peter had turned into a woman and that she sort of got pregnant because of Micky and her had a relationship…they weren’t going to tell then the real story…no way. Well to everyone’s surprise their parents loved the idea of Petra being Peter…Peters mother loved it for the plain and simple fact that she actually had a grandchild now, probably more to come J…she knew Peter could never make even a commitment that big, the only thing he every loved like Micky love her new daughter was Music…Mr. Tork loved it because now his son, by the ways of changing into a woman had actually settled down…no more Hippie rules stuff-he hoped.

Everything seem surreal as Petra walked down the isle, watching the stunned eyes of Micky, Mike and Davy, watching her mom and his moms eyes water…watching Reagan play with (*ahem, chew on, ahem*) Mickys sisters hair piece…this was all just a really good, fantastic dream, this wasn’t real, it wasn’t happening…as soon as she got to the alter she gave her bouquet of daisy’s to her youngest sister and then latched hands with Micky, he was looking fine in his black suit with a black dress shirt and black tie… (I gotta warn myself…do not drool just a story), as soon as they nodded to the priest that they were ready he began, all Petra heard was Mickys wonderful singing fill her head, it stopped when she needed to say something then would start again, where it left off.

As soon as he said “you may kiss the bride,” Petra felt a weird sort of sharp pain in her stomach, she immediately wrapped her arm around her abdomen…this alerted every one, there it was again, she looked up to Micky with fear in her eyes, he latched on to her hand, “You ok Pete…” she whimpered as she shook her head, that’s when Mike stepped in, “…is it the baby Pete?” that alarmed Micky, “…baby…whose baby…you’re pregnant?” “…it was supposed to be a surprise…” she whined, “…Mike…call an ambulance, quick!” Micky ordered as he watched the people disperse to their cars, he watched as Emma handed Reagan over to Davy so she could follow her parents… e carefully let Petra lye on the ground as he went down with her , he started to rub her hair softly, “…Micky, I’m scared, this is even more scary then when I went blind…” “…I know Pete don’t worry, everything will be fine…” he assured even though he wasn’t sure of his own words….he was luck Petra never noticed Mickys hands were shaking.

Mike, Micky, Davy and the whole bunch of people form their families had taken over the waiting room, Davy sat and rocked Reagan back and fourth as Mike talked with Petra’s mother to try and comfort her, Micky had been pacing back and fourth…numerous times…everybody was still wearing their best clothes so it was a pretty fancy waiting room. That’s when Micky was called outside to where a doctor was standing with a chart,

“Are you Mr. Dolenz?” he questioned in all seriousness,

“Yes and I want to see my wife, where is she? How is she…?”

“She is but the child isn’t…”

Micky looked at him shocked,

“I’m sorry Mr. Dolenz but your wife had a miscarriage…”

His jaw dropped, “Can I see her?”

“Yes…she’s right there…”pointing to a room with its door open, Micky ran to it and went in. Micky ran to it and went in. He stepped quietly into the room, Petra was sitting up in her bed, knees drawn up, and her shoulders were on her knees holding her head. Micky could see tear stains on her blanket and on her cheeks, her hearing had completely gone back to normal yet so she heard him walk in, she turned her head to face Micky…eyes watery and red rimmed,

“Micky I don’t want to be a woman anymore…” she cried,

“You don’t mean that…”

“Yes I do, I don’t think I could handle this again…”

“Who said this will happen again…?”

“I did…I’m sure if I was guy I wouldn’t be such a mess…” she started to sob, “Why did this have to happen…I would of lead a great life if I was still Peter…I wouldn’t have to go through this…I feel alone…I wanted this so much…”

Micky ran to her side and enveloped her in a hug, “Now, now…I know you did…I got excited when Mike said baby…I wanted it more then anything in the world…”

“…so, you’re mad at me now…I’m sorry Micky…”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about…” “…now see if you weren’t a woman I couldn’t comfort or love you, you wouldn’t have Reagan at all and you could not have been my wife…”

“Your right…maybe I’m just acting stupid…”

“No your not, you’ve suffer a great loss, you’re doing what any woman would do…”

“I wanted it so much…” she admitted crying into Mickys shoulder, then Micky did something he hadn’t done since Regan was born, he cried…he rested his head on Petra’s head, as they both cried together…it was the only form of release Micky could think of right now, with all the pressures weighing down on him since the past 6 months…it was only a matter of time.

Petra was released from the hospital a few days later, Mike, Davy and Micky did what ever they could to help her cope with her thoughts…she sob laughed as she walked in the door holding Reagan, “…this is the second time I’m walking in that door without a new baby…” Micky, Mike and Davy looked at each other, worry plastered across their faces…until Micky spoke up… “…now come on, you have Regan, she’s 6 months, that’s practically new…” she smiled, as she looked down into Reagan’s big brown hopeful eyes, and saw her big chubby red cheeks… “…and she’s teething…here sweetie, go to daddy…” she cooed handing Reagan over to Micky, Micky took her and rose her over his head, starting playing drop zone with her…his big goofy grin matched his daughters toothless one, Reagan giggled like crazy… Mike and Davy watched in pure delight as to how much fun Micky and Reagan seemed to be having, “Careful Micky, she’s only 6 months old…” “I will…” he assured her as he and Reagan took off to the living room. Davy and Petra smiled at each other as they both walked to the living room… Mike smiled as he noticed the pile of mail at the front door, he went through the turns, you know, bill, bill, bill, advertisement, bill…but there was something different along with the usual, one envelope had the stamp “Sony Music©” in the corner. Mikes eyes lit up as he started to laugh hysterically and run through to the living room “Guys…” he smiled, waving the envelope in front of him…
