
It was like, 10:00 am the next morning before life could be heard in the pad…Mike was the first one up…then Micky, oddly enough…then Davy…and then…a blood curdling scream was heard from the downstairs bedroom…They raced down there as fast as they could, there was Petra sitting in bed fright across her face…

”I’m blind, I’m still blind I was hoping that was a horrible dream…” she cried, all 3 men ran to her side, still getting over the shock themselves,

“We’re sorry babe…”

“…ya but its true…you are still a woman…”

“…and blind…” Davy added, getting cold glares from Mike and Micky…

“Does it mean that I’m still pregnant too…?”

“…I would think…”

“Oh…” she cried whimpering into her hands,

Their hearts broke, they had never seen any woman cry as much as this…probably because they had never lived with a woman…besides everyone’s sisters she was the first one…

“Awe comes on Peter…it’ll be fun…”

“…ya, a Monkee baby…”

Petra smiled, and sniffed… “What about the mood swings…?”

“…we’ll get through it…remember we have practice…that’s what Mickys for…”Micky gave Mike a questioned look, Mike smiled, and then Micky did as he realized what Mike meant.

“…ah…the only thing that is going to bother me is the cravings for food…”

Petra laughed, “…that reminds me…do you think you could make me a sandwich with butter, jam, peanut butter, and cheese on it…” Davy, Mike, and Micky all snarled in disgusted….

“I know you think its disgusting, but that’s what I feel like…” they all smiled at each other then climbed off the bed,

“I’ll get the PB,”

“I’ll get the Jelly…”

“So I guess that leaves me with the butter and cheese…” Mike declared…

“Thank you guys…” she said nestling back into bed

“You’re welcome…” the three said in unison as they climbed the stairs.

Micky came walking down the stairs with the sandwich and orange juice, “Ok…we got-“ He announced, then he looked at her sleeping form and quieted down, he walked down the last few stairs, smile plastered across his face…set the tray down on the night stand, knelt down laid his head on his hand and looked into Petra’s slim, peaceful face…everything on her face was perfect…flawless, her eyes slightly fluttering because she was in a dream sequence, before he knew it he found he was running his fingers along Petra’s nose and face, around her mouth and eyes…he was moving a stray piece of hair away from her face when he jerked his hand away…this is your friend, PETER!-he scolded himself, he quickly got to his feet and ran up the stairs…

