
She was getting into writing mode Peter noticed of the newest addition to the Pad’s residences. Her name was Lucky Nesmith, Mike’s kid sister, she was about 20 years old and was quite lovely. She was about 5” with waist length ebony hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

The only problem was that Mike had a strict rule about friends of his dating her. The last time it happened, the guy broke her heart, and he beat the guy up pretty bad. So Peter kept his love for her a secret. He watched Lucky get out her box of Corn Flakes, and make a face when she saw that it like every other box in the house was almost empty. She pored it out in her bowl with some orange juice instead of milk and got a coke to wash it down.

He decided that today was the day that he would tell her his feelings about her. Lucky was an amazing writer and she actually had a couple of her books published. Peter had always heard about her through Mike and most of what he had said was true.

She had just started writing when he came up behind her and started reading what she had written.

Dear Peter

I know how Mike is about me dating his friends. That’s because he doesn’t want me to get hurt. I really like you, and I know Mike, and unless he thinks your really trust worthy he won’t let me be alone in a room with you. I hope you’ll still want to be at least friends. I would like to be more if you would.

Love from the bottom of my heart

Lucky Ann Nesmith

Well, when he said, “Lucky I love you!” she nearly jumped out of her skin. When she got up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to give him a kiss, he knew that they were really in love.

The kiss was broken when Mike came in from surfing with the other guys and saw them. He went strait to Peter, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and punched him in the face. He didn’t stop there, he was set to protect his sister at all cost and he didn’t care that he was hurting his best friend.

By that point Lucky’s yelling had gotten Micky and Davy to come in and see what was going on. As soon as they saw Mike, beating up Peter, who was trying to escape the blows that the strong Texan was giving him, they took a strong hold on him so Peter could escape without further bruises.

While Micky and Davy held Mike back, Lucky went to tend to Peter’s wounds.

All Mike could say was, “Get the Hell out of my house!” and with that he stormed upstairs so he didn’t have to look at the man who used to be his friend.

Micky and Davy demanded to know what was going on between them.

Lucky explained, “We are in love and Mike is dead against me dating any of his friends, so when he walked in on me and Peter kissing, he freaked and reacted. I think it would be better though if Peter found somewhere else to stay for a bit.

Micky’s friend, Nick, had a room he could stay in for as long as he needed. That day they packed him up and moved him to Nick’s place.

After they had gotten Peter settled in, they went back to the pad. They found Mike standing in the middle of the living room with Lucky’s things packed in her suitcases.

“What the hell are you doing with my things Robert Michael Nesmith?” she screamed at him.

“Don’t you ever call me that ever again in your life young lady.” he yelled back.

“You still haven’t answered my question Michael, what are you doing with my stuff?” she shot back.

“Your goin back to Texas young lady.” he said with a serious tone.

She just looked at him like he was nuts, and waited for him to explain. She knew where this was going because it happened before, one of his good friends falls for her and her for him so Mike being the protective older brother he is goes and scares off the potential love of her life eventually doing something to them so that they never come near to her again.

“You don’t know Peter like I do, and I know his kind, and I don’t want you to associate with them.” he explained calming down a bit with the hope that she would forget Peter and move on with her life.

“Well then I guess this is good bye.” she said calmly picking up her things knowing that it drove Mike crazy when she was mad one moment and cool the next.

He was confused, but he caught on that she was trying to trick him into something. “What does that mean young lady?” he asked totally confused.

“Your just like him Michael,” she said just as calmly as before, “but your tempers worse!” she yelled in his face. “I’m gonna stay with Peter, at least he tries to understand me!” she screamed as she walked out the door slamming it shut behind her.

A few minuets after she left, Mike started into a mad rage. He was throwing everything he could get his hands on. Micky and Davy ran out to avoid being hit with whatever heavy object he decided to throw at his two moving targets.

After a bit, Mike got on his motorcycle, took his gun out of the compartment, and went out to fix Peter for good.

Lucky had dropped her stuff off at Nick’s house, and was now getting some bare essentials for him in return for letting her stay there. She suddenly felt an overwhelming urge that some one was in trouble. The last time she felt like that was when Mike “got rid” of the last friend who liked her. She walked through the isles a little faster hopeing to get to Peter in time.

When Mike got to the house, he hid the gun in the pocket of his fringed leather jacket, he then walked up to the door and knocked. Nick opened the door and let him into the front entry hall.

“Hi Nick is Pete in?” he asked with absolutely no hint of what he was planning to do.

“I was just on my way out,” explained Nick, “but I think that he’s upstairs meditating or something, you can go up if ya like. I’ll catch you later.” he finished as he went out the door and drove off.

Mike walked up the stairs and found the room that his ex-friend was in. He walked in, pointed the gun at his friend, and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Peter about where the heart would be. Mike then hurried out the door and spead off.

Lucky’s panic started to rise as the feeling of doom engulfed her. She didn’t know why , but she continued on home as quickly as possible.

Davy and Micky had run into Nick while they were eating lunch at McDonalds. He took them over to see Peter, but when they got there, they knew something was wrong. They heard moaning upstairs, so they ran up as fast as they could only to find Peter on the floor in his room lying in a pool of blood. Nick quickly found a phone and called 911.

When Lucky got home she found Davy and Nick pacing.

She asked “what’s wrong?”

“Peter is in the hospital,” Davy said, “someone shot him while we were all out.”

“They don’t think that he’s gonna make it.” Nick said.

Lucky ran out the door and went to the pad. She threw open the door and found her brother sitting on the couch watching t.v. She walked infront of him and punched him hard in the face.

“You bastard! Where’s the gun? I’ll kill you like you killed them.” she screamed while crying and hitting him repeatedly.

“At least I’m taking care of you.” he said coolly.

“I can take care of myself. Oh and I guess I’ll see you in the next life.” she screamed at him through her tears.

“What does that mean.” Mike yelled at last.

“Just what I said.” and with that she ran out the door slamming it behind her.

Lucky went into Peter’s hospital room and put a note on the bed. She looked down at Peter and started to cry. He was hooked up to life support, bandaged, and bruised. She leaned over and kissed him on a patch of skin on his cheek that wasn’t covered by a bandage and walked out the door and up eight flights of stairs. She then prepared herself to jump.

Nick, Davy, and Micky were pulling into the parking lot with a complaining Mike asking for what seemed the hundredth time since they dragged him from the pad,

“Do I really have ta go see him?”

They answered him every time “Yes!”

They were walking toward the building when they saw someone jump off the roof and hit the pavement. When they got close enough to see who it was Nick just stared, Davy and Micky started to cry, and Mike finally realized what her last words to him had meant.

The people at the hospital said that she had died on impact and hadn’t suffered much. They sadly went to see Peter and found the note she had left. Nick read Lucky’s last words to them out loud.

Dear friends and family

When you get this I’ll be gone. If Peter and I can’t be together in this life, then I guess we’ll have to be together in the next. I hope all who read this understand.

Micky you made me laugh and were always there for me. You don’t know how much that you meant to me.

Davy, what can I say, you were the sweetest to me. The time you danced with me when no one else would was one of the most special times in my life. I hope that you don’t ever change.

You both were like brothers to me. Even more then Mike ever was.

Mike, I hope your happy! You’ve not only killed your best friend, but you also had a hand in killin your little sister as well. Oh and Robert Michael Nesmith I hope to high heaven that you rot in hell!

Well see you all later!

Love always

Lucky Ann Nesmith

After he was done Mike broke down and cried. He knew that she was right, so they talked to the doctors when Peter’s parents got there and as a group decided that he was better off dead instead of the state he was in now and in all probability forever.

It was two days after Lucky and Peter’s funeral and Mike was still up in his room. Micky, Davy and Nick were sitting downstairs talking when suddenly they heard a gun shot from upstairs. They all ran up already knowing what they’d find.

Mike was sprawled on the floor with a bullet in his head. They found a note he had written to them.

Dear Guys

I couldn’t live with the pain of known that I killed my best friend and my lil sis, so I made my own punishment. As my last bit of advice to yall, if someone you love falls for someone you don’t like, don’t do something that you’ll regret later. Just let it go. If it’s real great, be happy for them. If it’s not, then be there for them and help them through it. Well that’s all I gotta say to yall. See ya later.

Michael Nesmith
