
Mike let his fingers strum each string of his guitar gently and softly creating a beautiful tune in soft pianissimo. He moved his head along with the beat while tapping his foot to keep a good rhythm. As he started from the beginning, playing it through again, he hummed the new melody he had written.

"Booooo." Micky cupped his hands over his mouth and drawled, "Boooo."

Mike frowned, his fingers instantly ceasing at their positions. "Funny, Mick. Real funny."

"You seemed a bit confident, I thought I'd help you out by leveling it down a little." Micky joked. Mike lifted his guitar from his lap, placing it against the nearest wall. He stood up, stretching out his sore limbs.

"You want to practice some tonight?" Mike asked.

"Depends when Davy gets back. He left about...oh, I'd say forty-five minutes ago."

"Where'd he go?"

"Some new chick, I think her name's Cherise. Or something like that. But, hey we can practice. Peter'll be back soon, and I'm sure Davy wouldn't mind."

"Well, I was kind of hoping to try Davy's voice on this song I've been working on."

Micky started laughing. "Since when have you thought Davy's voice would be right for any of your songs?" Mike gave him a look of sarcasm and proceeded off the bandstand and into the living room.

"What about Peter, where's he gotten to?"

"He's at the store. We're kinda low on stuff. Namely food." Micky explained.

Mike was about to retort the reason they were low on namely food, but Davy burst through the door, with a sour look on his face.

"I'm swearing off girls, forever!" he yelled.

Mike shook his head, chuckling and went off to do other things. Micky merely smiled at Mike's response and inquired to his friend, "What happened, babe?"

"Things were going really good, right, I like her and I think she likes me. And I was thinking about asking her for another date, maybe ya know, spicing things up a little bit. So I ask her and she tells me no."

"Heaven forbid!" Mike teased from the kitchen.

"I'm not finished, sheesh!" Davy replied. "OK, so then you see I ask her why she doesn't want to see me again and she tells me this, and I quote. 'Davy, all the girls like you. They think you're charming and sweet, but let's face it. You are a one date man. No one wants to date you twice.' Can you believe she said that?"

"You actually believe her?" Mike asked. Davy glanced towards Mike and back at Micky and nodded. "You've seen plenty of girls more than once. That is just one girl's opinion."

"No, but she had backup." Davy explained.

"Backup?" Micky questioned.

"Yeah, I disagreed with her and naturally she stood up and asked everybody if she should see me again and they all said no."

"Ah, but you see what happened? They said no because they all want you too." Micky observed. "Don't worry about it, you always bounce back."

"I know, and I've got a date tomorrow with this girl, but it just sorta hurt when she said that." Micky shrugged and stood up to find something to eat in their bare kitchen. "It's almost like they all think the world will explode when Davy Jones finally has a real girlfriend," Davy went on as he walked towards his bedroom.

"It probably will," Mike muttered out of Davy's earshot. Micky overheard and giggled.

It was then that the door opened and Peter stepped in with a couple of grocery bags in his arms. Micky noticed this and ran to him, grabbing one of the bags.

"Thanks, Mick." Peter smiled, even though Micky's gesture was only to help himself. He set the other bag down, and took off his jacket. Mike came over to help put things away, only to find Micky putting them away in his stomach.

"You know, if you would let some things pass to the cabinets and the fridge, we might have some food last at least a week." Mike scolded.

"So I'm supppose to just put everything away without eating it? I'm hungry." Micky whined.

"OK, but if you eat it all at once, you'll be even hungrier while we wait to get a gig and get some money." Micky reluctantly handed Mike the opened box of crackers and trudged off to ease his starving stomach.
