
When Lucy’s lunch break came she slowly trudged to the platform, not really sure what to expect. Mike’s message had told her to bring nothing, except her coat, so she had no food but was starting to feel rather hungry. She was glad to have her coat because it was quite chilly and although the snow was starting to melt away, some remained in the shadows where the sun couldn’t quite get to it. Soon it would be spring, Lucy’s favourite time of year. She loved it when the leaves started to appear on the trees again and flowers started pushing their way from the ground, and also she loved the sound of birds singing, winter depressed her slightly. It was cold and dead leaves lay on the ground. She loved spring the most because it felt to her like the earth was being reborn. She looked up at the platform but couldn’t see anything, Mike had obviously placed things far away from the edge so she couldn’t get a sneak peak as she approached the tree. She started to climb up and whe n she reached the platform almost fell down again! Mike was sitting near the trunk of the tree. A blanket had been laid out with a large picnic set out on it and a single rose in a vase. Lucy gasped, which caught Mike’s attention, he turned and saw her.

“Hi” He said, smiling brightly.

“What’s all this?” Lucy asked, unable to take her eyes off all the wonderful things in front if her.

“Lunch” Mike told her “Come and sit down” He said and patted the vacant spot on the blanket next to him. Lucy clambered onto the platform.

“This is amazing, thank you Mike,” She said as she crossed to him and sat down. Mike handed her a sandwich “Thank you, did you do all this by yourself?” She asked taking a bite from the sandwich.

“Not the shoppin’ part, I had a little help with that but the bringin’ the food here and climbin’ the tree part, that was all me. Davy helped prepare the food but I didn’t bring him here because I know you want to keep this place a secret”.

“I do thank you, I’ll have to thank Davy later, I’ve been saying thank you a lot haven’t I!” She said looking at Mike, who was looking at her, noticing how beautiful she looked today.

They sat and talked in between mouthfuls and as it drew closer and closer to the end of Lucy’s break Mike knew he would have to say what he wanted to say now, or he’d never get the chance, so he cleared his throat and nervously adjusted his hat.

“Lucy?” He said.

“Yes” She replied turning and facing him.

“I’ve got somethin’ to tell you. I don’t know if you know already but I’m goin’ back home tomorrow,” He said. Lucy frowned and looked down at her plate.

“Yes I know, I knew when you came because I had to confirm your booking but it slipped my mind until Micky reminded my this morning”.

“I know it will prove difficult but I’d really like to continue to see you” Mike said, Lucy looked back at him but Mike was looking down at the ground “I guess what I’m tryin’ to say is… would you consider bein’ my girlfriend?” He asked, still not daring to look at her, in case she turned him down, instead he fiddled with a lose thread on the blanket. Lucy couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked when he was nervous.

“I would love to be your girlfriend Mike, nothing would make me happier” She told him. Mike looked up at her, his face breaking out into a wide grin.

“That is wonderful thank you so much”.

“No, thank you”.

“It will be difficult, living so far away from each other,” Mike said.

“I know but we will work something out” Lucy told him “I’m sorry Mike but I really should get back to work”.

“Oh yeah, of course I forgot about that, I’d love it if you joined me and the guys for dinner in the dinin’ room tonight”.

“I would like that too, I’ll be there” She replied. They looked at each other for a moment then Mike leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips, then they melted into a passionate embrace. When they broke apart the kept their eyes closed for a moment “I really should go” Lucy whispered, not wanted to leave at all but wanting to stay in that moment of time for the rest of her life.

“Ok” Mike said, kissing her again.

“I could see if I could get the rest of the afternoon off?” She suggested and they kissed again.

“Yes I like that, do that” Mike told her.

“Right, wait here I’ll see what I can do, if I’m not back in half an hour then I can’t get off but if I am back then I can” Lucy said, almost confusing herself.

“Well hurry then” Mike said and kissed her again.

“I’ll try” she replied as she stood up and walked over to the edge of the platform and as she started to climb down she blew Mike a kiss. She reached the bottom and as she raced back to the resort her heart was beating a mile a minute. She hadn’t been this excited about anything and to be Mike’s girlfriend made her the happiest she had ever been. She was just trying to keep out of her mind that tomorrow would be the last time she’d see him for probably a long time. Mike watched as Lucy disappeared out of the clearing and hoped she would to able to get the time off. He didn’t know when he’d see her again after today and he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. With Lucy, his girlfriend, Lucy his girlfriend. He tried that out in his head a few times and words had never sounded so perfect to him. He smiled and leaned back and propped himself against the trunk of the tree.

He had been sitting for fifteen minutes when something on the ground caught his eye. He looked down and, although she couldn’t see him he could see her, Lucy was racing towards the tree. His heart did summersaults and if Micky was around he would’ve teased Mike about the goofy grin he got on his face, but Mike couldn’t help it, he was just so pleased to see her. She disappeared under the platform and Mike turned his head to the hole in the platform and watched for her to appear, which of course she did in a few seconds. She smiled at him and walked over and sat beside him. They didn’t say anything to each other. Mike put his arm around her and she rested her head against his shoulder and he rested his cheek against the side of her head. They spent the whole afternoon together, staying on the platform for a while then explored some of the mountains before finally heading back in to town, where Mike threw away the remains of the picnic.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Lucy went home to shower and change. She and Mike arranged to meet in the dining room at seven. Mike went back to his cabin to get ready and decided not to let his friends in on his secret just yet. He would wait until he and Lucy were together so they could both tell them. When he entered the cabin Micky and Peter were having a sword fight with Micky’s drumsticks.

“Take that you scurvy scum!” Micky yelled. Peter stopped.

“Scurvy what?” He asked lowering his drumstick. Micky shrugged.

“I dunno, I heard in a movie once” He said and attacked, causing Peter to run around the living room and screeching to a stop in front of Mike.

“Michael! You’re back where have you been I thought you’d only be gone for lunch” Peter said and was almost knocked over when Micky failed to stop in time and crashed in to the back of him.

“I know but somethin’ came up”.

“Like what?” Peter asked, happy he managed to stay on his feet but glared at Micky anyway. Micky just smiled.

“I’ll tell you later, where’s Davy?” Mike asked trying to direct the conversation down a different path.

“He’s on the phone in the kitchen. He met some chick in town today and he’s hoping to hook up with her” Micky told him.

“He does know we’re leaving tomorrow right?” Mike asked.

“Yeah” Micky said nodding his head. Mike shook his head.

“Same old Davy” He said “Listen I was thinkin’, as it’s our last night why don’t we have dinner in the dinin’ room tonight instead of here” Mike suggested, hoping the other two Monkees would agree so no to mess up his plans.

“Yeah sounds good to me” Micky said and nudged Peter “What about you Pete?”

“Yeah I don’t mind”.

“Groovy” Mike said.

“So how did your lunch date with Lucy go?” Micky asked.

“Fine” Mike replied and disappeared upstairs before Micky or Peter could comment. They looked at each other and shrugged, and then Micky jumped into attacking position raising his drumstick.

“On guard!” He yelled and lunged at Peter.

