When seven ‘0’ clock came, The Monkees were sitting in the dining room waiting to have dinner, three of them wondering why Mike had insisted on them sitting at a five seater table (although Micky was more concerned as to why Mike hadn’t allowed them to eat anything yet!). The curiosity was getting the better of them and all Mike would do was grin at them knowingly.

“It’s scaring me a little” Peter whispered to Davy.

“What is Pete?”

“Mike doing all that smiling. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him grin so much, I don’t like it” Peter admitted.

“He’s probably up to something,” Davy said “I reckon he knows something we don’t,” He added.

“Like what?” Peter asked him.

“I dunno but we’ll probably find out sooner or later” He replied. Indeed they did find out sooner. Micky was whingeing to Mike when Mike saw Lucy come in.

“Aw come on Mike I’m hungry! Why can’t we eat now?” Micky pleaded.

“Just be patient it won’t be long now” Mike said, he saw Lucy and waved at her to indicate where they were sitting. She saw them and came over. Mike stood up as she approached and when she reached him they wrapped their arms around each other.

“Hello you” Lucy said.

“Hello” Mike replied and they melted into a passionate embrace, causing the other three Monkee’s mouths to drop to the floor. When they finally broke apart Lucy saw the stunned Monkees staring at her and Mike, she smiled a little.

“Hello fellas” She said. Mike pulled out a chair for her and she sat down.

“Er…ok, do you guys have something to tell us?” Micky asked, forgetting his hunger for the moment, as curiosity and the wanting of answers filled his body instead.

“No not really, I can’t think of anythin’” Mike said, “Can you Luce?” He asked. Lucy thought about it then said.

“Nope, not a thing” She replied.

“So Mike, you just go around kissing girls for the fun of it do you?” Davy asked.

“Why not? You do” Mike replied.

“That’s because he’s Davy. That’s what Davy does but you’re not Davy you’re Michael!” Peter said. Lucy was trying not to giggle.

“I think you better put them out of their misery babe” She whispered to Mike.

“Yeah I suppose I should” He whispered back then turned to his friends “Ok guys I’ll tell you what’s going on. I had a very specific reason for wantin’ to meet Lucy at lunchtime today. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she very kindly accepted” Mike told them. Lucy grinned and Mike kissed her.

“Really! Wow that’s great guys” Peter said, grinning his biggest dimpled grin at them.

“Yeah that is really wonderful I’m so pleased for you” Micky said, grinning almost as widely as Peter.

“I agree, it’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Welcome to the mad house Lucy” Davy told her.

“Thank you Davy, I’m so happy that you guys are happy,” Lucy said.

“Of course we are, you guys are gonna make a great couple, I know you are” Peter told them.

“What are you going to do after tomorrow then?” Davy asked.

“We dunno yet it’s still somethin’ we need to figure out” Mike told them.

“Well you’re not that far away from each other really, it’s only a three hour drive it shouldn’t be a problem,” Micky said confidently.

“Yeah I’m sure we’ll work somethin’ out, won’t we Luce” Mike said.

“Yeah I’m sure we will” She replied and smiled.

“Great. So please, can we eat now?” Micky begged. Lucy had some news to share with Mike but she didn’t want to tell him in front of the others so she made a mental note to take Mike for a walk after dinner.

The five of them sat and chatted and had dinner. Peter told Lucy all about his Christmas and all the wonderful gifts he got. The whole time Mike and Lucy held hands under the table. Mike didn’t want to let her go. Ever since he met Lucy something inside him had changed, she seemed to calm him some how, just by being in the same room as him. He was dreading tomorrow like it was his last day on earth, he hated the fact that he would have to go for days without seeing her but at the same time he was trying not to think about that right now because he was with her right now, she was sitting beside him and at that point everything in his life was perfect.

When Dinner was over Lucy took Mike for that walk and they ended up at the platform. They were lying on the platform. Lucy was lying on her stomach, resting her head on Mike’s shoulder with an arm draped across his stomach. Mike had his arm wrapped around her, he was staring at the night sky, thanking his lucky stars to have Lucy in his life. They had been laying in silence for about fifteen minutes just enjoying being together when Lucy decided that now was the right time to share her news with him. She lifted the top half of her body and rested on her elbows.

“I’ve got something to tell you,” She said, stroking some of Mike’s hair away from his face.

“You have?” He asked, a small feeling of panic starting to bubble in his stomach.

“Yes I have and I’m really excited about it and I hope you will be too,” She told him.

“Ok” Mike replied cautiously.

“I’ve been transferred to another hotel,” Lucy said.

“Oh…that’s…um…that’s great” Mike said, pasting a false smile on his face and hoping he sounded a lot happier then he felt. In reality he was a little shocked. If Lucy was being transferred then there was no way they’d ever be able to see each other again “Another hotel resort?” He asked, a little forlornly.

“No, a hotel in a small town by the sea” She told him with a grin.

“Oh” Mike replied, this time unable to hide the disappointment in his voice.

“You’re such an idiot,” Lucy said laughing, and slapping him lightly on the arm “It’s Malibu Beach” She added. Mike looked at her, not quite sure he’d heard correctly.

“Sorry, where?” He asked

“Malibu Beach” She repeated.

“You’re kiddin’!” Mike said, his eyes shining with delight

“No I’m not it’s the truth. When I went home this afternoon I couldn’t stop thinking about you, about us. I talked to my dad, he made some phone calls, called in some favours and I got a job. I start the end of next week,” Lucy explained. Mike was grinning at her, he was so happy.

“That’s so great! I can’t believe it! Wow that’s the best news I’ve heard in my entire life” Mike told her then he realised something “Wait, what about your job here, your life is here, you dad is here.”

“I know but I had a long talk with my dad. I told him how much I care about you and how excited I am about us and I want us to work out and I don’t think will if we live so far apart” She explained.

“Yeah I guess you’re right, thank you Lucy I can’t believe what a big step you’re taking just to be with me. Usually I’d try and talk you out of it but this time I’m not goin’ to, I’m goin’ to be totally selfish and well, not talk you out of it” Mike said.

“Good because it wouldn’t work, I’m going and that’s final” She said with a grin “I’ve got a good feeling about us Mike and I know I’m making the right decision” She added. Mike pulled her down and they kissed. Finally things were going right for Mike, he had a great job, the best friends any one could ask for and now a wonderful girlfriend who would risk anything so they could be together, he had never felt so happy in his life.

