Mike and Lucy stayed on the platform until around midnight then they finally dragged themselves home. Mike walked Lucy to her home and she told him she would come and say goodbye in the morning, they kissed goodnight and Mike watched to make sure she got in ok then headed back to his cabin. He came in the door, this time turning on all the lights to make sure the other Monkees were not waiting in the darkness to interrogate him like before, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found the lounge was empty. He locked the door and went over to the kitchen, pushed open the door and almost yelped in shock when Micky appeared on the other side of it.

“Will you stop doin’ that!” Mike yelled.

“Sorry, I only wanted some juice” Micky replied, almost as shocked as Mike because he hadn’t expected the Texan to be standing there either.

“You haven’t got Pete and Davy hidin’ in the fridge, have you?” Mike asked raising an eyebrow.

“No it’s just me this time I promise” Micky told him “So have you and Lucy managed to sort out the long distance problem?” He asked, not expecting to get an answer because Mike was usually so reluctant to give out details of her personal life, so the drummer was surprised that Mike answered.

“She’s movin’ to Malibu Beach,” Mike told him. He couldn’t help it he had to tell someone because if he told someone else, and heard it out loud, that would mean it was true. Micky’s mouth dropped open.

“You’re kidding!” He said, echoing the same words Mike used when he found out.

“No she’s startin’ a new job at a hotel at the end of next week”.

“Wow, this girl must really like you…the bizarre woman!” Micky said earning a playful slap from Mike.

“Well I’m off to bed we’ve got a busy day tomorrow and I’m pretty tired” Mike said, forgetting the reason why he had wanted to go in the kitchen in the first place.

“Yeah me too” Micky agreed. So they both went to bed and each of them slipped in a peaceful dream filled sleep.

When Micky awoke, he unwillingly pulled himself out of bed and went downstairs. He stopped at the bottom when he noticed all the Christmas decorations had been removed. He looked around and the room seemed so bare and empty to him now, even the stencils he’d done on the windows had been wiped off. He sighed with disappointment and walked into the kitchen. Davy and Mike were seated at the table and Peter was standing by the kettle, waiting for it to boil.

“Morning Mick” He said when he saw the drummer enter the room.

“What have you done to the lounge?” Micky asked “All the decorations have gone”.

“We had to take them down Mick, we can’t leave them up, we’re goin’ home today remember” Mike told him.

“Yeah I guess you’re right” Micky said quietly, dropping into a chair.

“I was disappointed too Mick but there’s still the decorations up at the pad, so it’ll still be Christmas when we get home,” Peter told him.

“Oh yeah, I forgot thanks Pete” He said, the usual Micky grin returning to his face “Hay Mike, have you told Pete and Davy about Lucy yet?” Micky asked as he reached over to grab a piece of toast and was surprised to find it was still warm.

“No not yet” Mike said glaring at Micky “But I’ll have to now won’t I!”

“What’s happened? You haven’t broken up already have you?” Davy asked and Mike rolled his eyes.

“No Davy we haven’t broken up. Lucy is movin’ to Malibu Beach at the end of next week” Mike told him.

“She is? Really?” Peter asked and Mike nodded “Wow that’s brilliant, when was that decided?”

“Yesterday afternoon. She got a job at one of the hotels, I’m not sure which one. I didn’t think to ask”.

“That’s fantastic news Mike I’m really happy for you” Davy told him.

“Thanks Davy. Now come on guys let’s eat breakfast then we’ll get started on loadin’ up the Monkeemobile, is everythin’ packed?” Mike asked.

“I’m all done” Peter replied.

“Yep me too” Davy added. Micky had suddenly found his piece of toast very interesting and was staring at it.

“Mick?” Mike asked. Micky was avoiding eye contact with Mike “Micky are you done packin’?”

“Almost, I’ve just got some more stuff to put in my suitcase” Micky said.

“How much is ‘more stuff’?” Mike asked.

“Um…all of it” Micky replied, smiling guiltily.

“Oh Micky!”

“It won’t take long Mike I promise” Micky told him.

“Well go and do it now, we’ve only got this place until noon and I dunno about you but I really don’t want someone to come and throw us out”. So Micky disappeared upstairs to pack and get dressed, it took him a while because he was still half asleep but finally he bounded down stairs packed suitcase in hand, which he handed to Peter to take outside and load in the Monkeemobile then Micky began disassembling his drums, Davy came to give him a hand. Mike was standing outside by the door. One eye on Davy and Micky in case they needed a hand and the other eye on the path that lead up to the cabins, for any sign of Lucy.

“That’s everything in the Monkeemobile now Mike, except Micky’s drums” Peter reported as he came over to the Texan.

“Ok good, we can start packin’ the pieces of drum Micky and Davy had disassembled” Mike told him. He and Peter went and collected some drum pieces and took them out to the Monkeemobile, just in time to see Lucy appear at the bottom of the path.

“Hi” She called when she saw them and she waved.

“Hi Lucy” Peter called back. Mike jogged down the path to meet her half way.

“Hi” He said and kissed her.

“Hi, are you all packed?” Lucy asked.

“Almost, we’re just finishin’ up loadin’ Micky’s drums then we’ll be set” Mike told her. They walked up the path where Peter was still loading odd pieces of drum into the Monkeemobile and Davy and Micky appeared from the cabin carrying the final pieces.

“Hi Lucy” Davy called.

“Hi Davy” She replied.

“Hi Lucy, I understand you’ll be joining us in Malibu Beach soon” Micky said to her as she and Mike reached the cabin.

“Yeah I will I’m really excited about it” She said.

“That’s great, It’ll be good to have you around” Micky told her, as he gave his drum pieces to Peter.

“Thank you Micky” Lucy replied.

“Ok that’s it we’re all done” Peter announced, slamming down the boot of the Monkeemobile.

“Looks like we’re off then” Mike said to Lucy.

“Yeah so it does, I’ll see you next week then” She said.

“Oh I almost forgot, I realised last night that I hadn’t told you my address or phone number for home, so here it is” He told her handing her a piece of paper from his trouser pocket “Call me when you arrive next week” Mike said.

“Ok I will, I’ll give you my number for here so you can call when you get home so I know you’ve arrived safely” She took out a pen and paper from her bag, wrote her number on it and handed it to Mike.

“I will” Mike said looking at the paper for a moment, then looking back at Lucy “Well I guess I should get goin’” He told her.

“Ok, have a safe trip” Lucy said. The only trouble was, Lucy didn’t want him to leave she wanted him to stay there with her and never leave but she knew he had too.

“Come on Michael” Peter yelled. The other three Monkees had been sitting patiently, or as patient as was normal for the Monkees, in the Monkeemobile but now they were anxious to get home. Mike turned and looked at them then back at Lucy.

“I really do have to go now”.

“Ok” Lucy said causing Mike to chuckle.

“You like that word don’t you?” He said.

“I’m sorry, I don’t really know what else to say. I don’t want you to go,” She admitted.

“I don’t want to go either” Mike confessed.

“Then stay”.

“I wish I could but I can’t” Mike said wrapping his arms around her “I’ve got a gig to play tomorrow and we really need the money”.

“I know,” She said, “Go on then go, go now because if you don’t then I’ll never let you leave” She told him.

“I’ll see you soon” Mike told her. He kissed her “I’ll call you as soon as I get home” He said.

“Yeah you make sure you do,” She told him and they kissed again. Mike reluctantly pulled himself away from her but never let go of her hand until the very last moment, jumped in the front seat of the Monkeemobile and started the engine.

“Bye Lucy” Peter called and waved.

“Bye Pete take care” She said, waving back.

“See you soon Lucy” Micky and Davy yelled in unison.

“Bye guys, be good” She yelled back.

“See you next week” Mike called as the Monkeemobile set off down the road. Lucy waved until they were out of sight but stood watching the empty road for a while longer *“A few days, that’s all it is”* She told herself *“Just a few more days and you’ll be back in his arms, forever”* She added as she walked slowly down the path, missing Mike like crazy already.

Micky watched as the mountain resort of Mount Little Rock disappeared from view, the he turned around and sat properly in his seat.

“Wow, that was an amazing Christmas huh guys!” He exclaimed.

“Yeah, it sure was” Mike said smiling to himself. As he drove back to Malibu beach his thoughts were filled with Lucy. He couldn’t believe she was willing to move 150 miles away from home just to be with him. He had so much respect for her and could feel himself falling in love with her already. He couldn’t wait for Lucy to move to Malibu Beach so they could start on spending the rest of their lives together.
