As the four Monkees headed to the dining room, Micky trotted a little ahead of the other three. He was already daydreaming of all the wonderful things he was going to eat. Peter, Mike and Davy walked quietly, each of them enjoying the walk and surroundings, not wanting to spoil it with unnecessary small talk. Mike felt a little excited about seeing Lucy, he knew she would be there because she had told him when they bumped in to each other the previous morning. When the three of them arrived at the hall Micky was already there, inspecting the line of food on the table, Davy saw someone he knew and jogged over to greet them. Therefore, Peter and Mike went to find where they’d be sitting. Mike’s heart did summersaults when Peter pointed out that they were on the same table as Lucy.

“Maybe it was intentional” Peter suggested “I mean she is assistant manager so maybe she got a choice of where to sit” He told the Texan. Mike couldn’t answer, he wanted to but the words got stuck somewhere between his larynx and his lips so he changed the subject.

“I’m gonna go drag Micky away from the food before he drools over it all” He said and ran off before another word could be said. Peter looked around wondering what he should do. He didn’t have to wonder very long because Davy soon came jogging back over.

“Thought you’d like some company” He said and Peter smiled.

“Thanks Davy” He said, “Have you seen who’s on our table?” He added, pointing at Lucy’s name on the place card.

“Thais is going to be very interesting” Davy replied with a sly grin, he was looking forward to this a lot more now. Mike soon returned dragging Micky behind him and the four Monkees sat down and talked with other people on his table. Lucy arrived just before dinner was served. She was wearing a simple long black evening dress with black sandals. Her hair, which was usually tied back in a ponytail, hung loose around her shoulders. She wondered around various tables greeting people and making small talk. Micky saw her first and nudged Mike who turned and looked at him and he pointed. Mike turned his head in the direction Micky was pointing and his mouth dropped to the floor. A few moments later Lucy came over.

“Hi guys,” She said to the Monkees as she sat down.

“Hi Lucy, you look gorgeous” Micky told her.

“Thank you Micky” She replied “Hello Mike” She said looking at the Texan, whose words had got stuck again and could only managed a small squeak.

“I’ll translate” Davy told her “Mike just said ‘My goodness I have never seen such a vision of beauty in all my life’” He said, which caused both Mike and Lucy to blush a brilliant shade of red.

“Thank you Michael” Lucy replied. Mike stared at the table, not daring to look her in the eye just yet “Did you have a good Christmas morning Peter?” She asked. Mike had explained to her what Christmas morning meant to Peter when they had met yesterday.

“Yes I did thank you Lucy, I had a wonderful morning”.

“Did Santa bring you everything you asked for?”

“Oh yes and a lot more, and you?”

“Yes, a lot more” She replied, glancing sideways at Mike.

“Ooh ooh look, the food is coming!” Micky exclaimed excitedly jabbing Davy on the arm with one hand and pointing with the other. Lucy laughed a little. She already knew so much about these four people and she was beginning to think of them as friends, although when it came to Mike she was hoping for a lot more then friendship with him. The food arrived and Micky started on his straight away, Davy was enjoying watching Mike squirm, Peter was looking around and grinning at all the decorations and enjoying his food and Mike was feeling really stupid. He had no trouble talking to Lucy when it was just the two of them but when the other three Monkees were around he became a nervous wreck in front of her. Lucy was just as baffled by his behaviour and wondered if she had said or done anything to upset him. She spent a lot of the night talking to Micky, Peter and Davy getting to know them better, while Mike tended to look everywhere except at her. At one point she got so frustrated t hat she excused herself and went to the bathroom. Davy watched her go then turned to Mike.

“Uh-oh you’ve really done it now!” He said to him.

“What did I do? I haven’t done anything!” Mike replied in his defence.

“Exactly!” Was the only reply he got from Davy. Mike got up from the table and went and hovered by the ladies bathrooms waiting for Lucy to come out. He got a few funny looks from woman that were going in and out but finally Lucy emerged and was a little surprised to see him.

“Mike! What are you doing?” She asked.

“Waiting for you” He told her “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you this evening, I didn’t mean to it’s just a little hard for me when those three are around. I feel as though they’re analysing everything I say and do when it comes to you and it makes me nervous” He admitted, the words filtering from his mouth before he had chance to think about what he was saying.

“It’s ok I understand that and I’m sorry too I guess I was just being a little over sensitive, but I’ll except your apology if you’ll except mine” She told him.

“Of course I do”.

“I’m glad, so are you still ok for tomorrow?”

“Yes I am I’m really looking forward to it”.

“Me too” Lucy said and smiled. They walked back to the table, hand in hand. Davy noticed that and almost choked on a piece of turkey. Lucy swapped seats with another lady so she could sit next to Mike and the rest of the evening went a lot smoother for the both of them. Mike was saddened when the evening came to an end. He was having a really good time. He much preferred this kind of party to attend and had even danced at one point, because he didn’t mind this kind of dancing. The music was soft and simple the kind you could just sway to with a partner and when Lucy had asked him to dance he didn’t need much persuasion at all. He walked with her to the dance floor and pulled her close and the two of them swayed together to the music

“Uh-oh!” Micky announced as he watched them

“What?” Peter and Davy asked in unison

“Papa Nez is in love” He replied with a big goofy grin on his face. Peter smiled too

“Good” He said, turning his attention back to Mike and Lucy.

When Mike got home he went straight to bed. Tomorrow couldn’t come quick enough for his liking. He couldn’t wait to see Lucy again, even though he had only left her less then half an hour ago. He was finding hard to sleep because he was so excited *”That’s a first”* he sniggered mentally *Mike Nesmith losing sleep over a girl! You must really like this woman* he told himself

“I do” He replied to himself out loud.

“Huh what?” Micky asked. The drummer had just entered the room as Mike uttered those words

“Nothing Mick, don’t worry about it, go to bed. I was just talking to myself”

“Ok, although u must tell you I’m a little worried”

“About what?”

“You, not only do you dance, with a girl, in front of other people” He said, ticking them off on his fingers “but now you’re talking to yourself”

“Yeah funny” Mike replied dryly “Just go to bed and be quiet will ya, I’m tryin’ to sleep here,” he added, hoping Micky would hear the teasing tone of his voice and evidently he did.

“Sorry daddy” Micky replied and Mike smiled slightly.

Now he knew what it was like to be Peter on Christmas Eve, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t sleep. The anticipation was too much for him and if he couldn’t even make it through the night then he dreaded to think how he’s make it through the day. The sooner it was the next evening, the better in his book.

