Mike had been sitting waiting for Lucy for forty-five minutes and he had just decided to leave when he saw her rush in the door. She saw him and came over.

"Oh thank goodness you're still here" She said and kissed him on the cheek.

"I almost wasn't" Mike told her.

"I'm so sorry, I had to deal with the family staying in cabin 3B and they wouldn't leave my office. I finally got rid of them and then I had to go home and get changed. I'm sorry and I understand if you wanna leave".

"No of course I don't it's not your fault you've still have a job to do" Mike replied. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down "What do you want to eat I'll go get it for you" Mike offered.

"Thank you, a cheese burger and fries would be great and a soda" So Mike went and got their food and came back and set the tray on the table.

"You look amazing" Mike said which caused Lucy to blush. She hadn't gone over the top, just a simple blouse and trousers with light make-up and again her hair was loose.

"Thank you again," She said.

"At least I managed to say it this time," Mike said with a grin.

"I must be less of a knock out today then I was yesterday," She said returning the grin.

"Not at all, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen".

"Are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?" "No I'm just telling you the truth," Mike told her. Lucy blushed again.

"Thank you yet again Michael" She smiled. The two of them happily sat and talked and got to know each other and they soon got on to the subject of career choices.

"What made you want to work in the hotel industry?" Mike asked Lucy.

"My Dad mostly, I've hung around this place all my life and it just seemed like a natural choice and plus I love meeting people and this job involves a lot of that, although this is only my day job" Lucy told him.

"What, do you become Superwoman after dark or somethin'?" Mike asked and Lucy laughed.

"I wish! It would make my day job a lot easier, no I'm a writer, or at least I'm trying to be" She explained.

"Really? That's interesting how often do you write?"

"As often as possible. It's my true passion, I mean don't get me wrong I love this place but it's just what keeps a roof over my head and food in the fridge".

"So have you had anything published?"

"Not yet but I'm hoping to get some publishers to look at my work after the holidays. My brother's an editor and he's looked over my stuff, he seems pretty confident about it but I don't know if that's just because he's my brother and he has to love everything I do" Lucy said with a grin.

"Well if you ever need a second opinion I'd gladly look over it for you, I mean I'm no editor but I know what I like and I'm honest too, just ask the guys they'll tell you".

"Thank you Mike I'd like that. So tell me about The Monkees, how long have you been together?"

"A little over two years now".

"How did you all come together anyway? Davy's English you're from Texas how did you all end up in Malibu Beach?"

"To be perfectly honest none of us really know. It was just somewhere we all happened to be at the same time. Peter was only passin' through he's been everywhere, he's from Washington DC originally but he' s lived in Connecticut and New York, then he went to LA and was on his way some place else when he stopped off in Malibu beach. Davy came over to America to star in a Broadway musical that didn't pan out. I'm not really sure how Micky ended up in Malibu Beach, hell I never know what goes on with Micky he's kind of a loose cannon".

"So I've seen, so what about you? What made you leave Texas?"

"I wanted to be a famous songwriter but I couldn't find any one to sing my songs so I figured I'd have to sing them myself. I left Texas headed for the big city but I never made it, I ran out of money in Malibu beach so I was stuck there but then I met the guys and everythin' just fell into place".

"Wow what a great story" Lucy said genuinely impressed.

"Maybe you could turn it into your first bestseller!" Mike suggested.

"Hay that's not a bad idea, maybe I will some day" She replied with a grin. Mike remembered something and said.

"One thing I wanted to say to you, I wanted to thank you for playing along with Peter yesterday. A lot of people find it hard to except that a full grown man still believes in Santa but it means a lot to him so thank you".

"Don't mention it. I'm beginning to get to know you guys very well and I know how important Christmas is to Peter. He's got the kindest heart and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it, to any of you" Lucy told him. By now they had finished their food and Lucy looked down at her plate then back at Mike "You wanna get out of here? Find some place a little less formal?" She asked.

"Yeah I'd like that. Where did you have in mind?"

"Follow me, I wanna show you something" She said and got up Mike did the same and they left. Lucy took Mike into the mountains and they came to a small woodland area.

"Wow this place is amazing!" Mike said as Lucy led him towards a clearing in the middle.

"My brother and I used to come here all the time when we were kids, mostly to escape our mother" Lucy told him.

"Escape your mother? Why's that?" Mike asked a little confused.

"She wasn't the best mother in the world she was very self involved, she divorced my dad a few years ago and moved to New York. I haven't seen her since she got her new face".

"Sorry? Her what?"

"She married a plastic surgeon and for her birthday last year he gave her a new face" Mike couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh I see, maybe someone should write about you're life" He told her.

"It would make a very interesting novel wouldn't it. Anyway let's not talk about that, are you any good at climbing trees?" Lucy asked and Mike stared at her.

"I don't really know it's not somethin' I've done since I was a kid" He replied a little confused as to why she would ask such a thing. "Why?"

"Look up" Lucy said pointing to the tree they were standing next to. So Mike looked and about a quarter of a way up the tree was a wooden platform "My brother build it years ago. It's an amazing view, you can see the whole resort from up there" She explained.

"Come on then let's go" Mike told her and started to climbing. Lucy giggled and followed him. When she reached the platform Mike was standing on it staring out at the view. Lucy walked over to him.

"See told ya it was amazing" She whispered slipping her arm through his. Lucy was right you could see the whole resort from there and also a view of the mountains in every direction they looked in.

"It's astonishing" Mike told her, taking in the whole view that stretched before him.

"If you look over there you can see the ocean. Of course you'll need a really powerful telescope but it is there I promise" She said with a grin and Mike chuckled. The both cleared away the snow and sat on the edge of the platform and swung their legs over. It was a bit wet where it had been covered in snow but it didn't bother them. They talked some more and at one point Mike let out a laugh.

"Look down there" He told Lucy.

"What am I looking at?" she asked.

"See down there by the dinin' room" He said pointing, "There's Peter, Micky and Davy. I think they're tryin' to spy on us," He told her. Lucy looked down and sure enough could just make out the three Monkees peering in the windows of the dining room and after a few minutes they saw Micky shake his head and the three Monkees trudged off.

"I think they've given up then," Lucy said with a grin.

"I'm gonna kill them in the mornin'" Mike said, unable to keep the amusement from his voice. They sat for a few more hours then Lucy looked at her watch. "Wow, it's getting late huh, I guess we should be getting back," She said. Mike looked at her.

"Yeah I guess we should" He replied but neither one of them moved "In about half and hour?" He asked. Lucy smiled and nodded. When they finally decided to go, somewhat reluctantly, Mike walked Lucy back to her place. She lived in a cabin her father had given to her so she could move out of home but still be near work.

"Well this is me," She said pointing to the small wooden building "I would ask you in for coffee but the place is a mess and I'd die if another human being saw it, I'm a neat freak you see" She admitted. Mike smiled.

"It's ok I understand I live with a neat freak so I know how neurotic you guys can be about untidiness" he told her in a teasing tone.

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered by that" She replied returning his smile.

"A little of both I think".

"Ok, well I had a great time tonight Mike thank you".

"You're welcome I had a great time as well. I hope we can do it again sometime?" Mike asked.

"Absolutely, I'd like that very much" She told him.

"Great" He replied. Mike was trying to decide whether or not to kiss her. There were a lot of rules when it came to dating and one of them was a gentleman never kissed a lady on a first date, but the fact that he really wanted to kiss her wasn't helping matters. Lucy was silently hoping that he would kiss her but the two of them just stood on the doorstep looking at each other.

"I better get to bed I've got an early start in the morning" Lucy said finally, after deciding the kiss was never going to happen.

"Oh ok sure, see you tomorrow" Mike replied and mentally kicked himself for being so stupid.

"Good night Mike".

"Night Lucy" They looked at each other for a second longer then Lucy turned on her heels and headed up the path to her front door, opened it then went in. She smiled at Mike as she disappeared behind the closed door *"You idiot!"* Mike scolded to himself *"Why didn't you kiss her!"* He added then kicked the gatepost a couple of times in pure frustration then headed back to his own cabin. When he arrived he carefully slipped the key in the lock, turned it and quietly opened the door. The room was dark and silent and he stepped in closing the door behind him and relocking it, took off his jacket and hung it up then crossed to the stairs.

"Where have you been?" Came Micky's voice through the darkness. Mike jumped round in complete shock. He couldn't see the drummer but he turned to the direction his voice had come from.

"Jeez Mick don't *do* that! You trying to give me a heart attack!"

"Sorry" Micky replied he switched on a lamp that barely illuminated him. Mike squinted and saw the drummer sitting in the chair in the corner "Where have you been? It's real late" Micky told him. Mike blinked.

"Sorry Dad!" he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm "I didn't realise I had a curfew".

"We were worried about you" Micky said.

"We?" Mike repeated. Another light flicked on to reveal Davy and Peter sitting on the sofa "Oh merciful heavens!" Mike said quietly.

"Where have you been Michael?" Peter asked solemnly. Mike was just about to start defending himself when something clicked in his brain and he looked at them.

"Oh yeah very clever guys, using the `we were worried about you' speech to get me to tell you all about my date. Well sorry but it's not gonna work this time" Mike told them. Micky grinned.

"Aw man! I thought we had him this time," He said to Peter and Davy.

"I blame Peter. It's all his fault" Davy said.

"Me! How is it my fault?" Peter demanded. Mike shook his head.

"Good night fellas" He said and climbed the stairs and left Davy, Peter and Micky to argue amongst themselves.

