Mike hadn’t been in bed very long when he heard Micky open the door and creep in. Mike pretended to be asleep to avoid further interrogation.

“Mike? Are you awake?” Micky asked but Mike didn’t answer “Well if you are then I just want to apologise for my behaviour before you went out this evening. I was out of line and I’m sorry. If you’re not awake, well then I’m talking to myself so I’ll shut up now” The drummer said. Mike smiled slightly and turned over.

“I’m awake Mick. Thank you for apologisin’ I appreciate it. I apologise for snappin’ at you, there was no need for that so I’m sorry too”.

“That’s ok” Micky told him, he walked over to his bed and started looking for his pyjamas. Mike thought about something and said.

“Hay Mick, can I ask your advice on somethin’?”

“Sure babe, what’s up?” Micky replied giving up his search and sitting on the end of his bed.

“Well it’s a little embarrassin’ but do you kiss a girl on the first date?” Mike asked. Micky thought about this then said.

“Depends on the girl and how well the date went I suppose” Micky replied.

“Oh” Mike said as he sat up.

“Why did you...” Micky began to say but suddenly the pieces fell together in his brain “...oh I see” He finished, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to talking about girl problems with Mike, well only his own but never Mike’s, but decided to go ahead anyway “Do you want to talk about it?”

“There’s not much to tell really. I wanted to kiss Lucy but I didn’t”.

“Why not?”

“I don’t really know. I was goin’ to but then my moms words started to ring in my ears and I got nervous. ‘A gentleman never kisses a lady on a first date’ she used to tell me that all the time”.

“You’re hardly a gentleman Mike” Micky pointed out, as he pulled off his shoes and threw them in the corner.

“Yeah thanks Mick!” Mike replied, slightly irritated by Micky’s comment.

“Look, it’s never bothered you before so why now? Why this girl?” Micky asked. Mike sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Because this girl is different, she’s special. With all the other girls I’ve gone out with it’s like I’ve, I dunno, it’s like I’ve just been goin’ through the motions you know, but with Lucy I want everythin’ to go well I want it to be perfect and I’m worried I’m gonna mess it up!”

“Don’t tell me the great Michael Nesmith is scared of a girl!” Micky said in mock surprise. Mike shook his head.

“Look, if you can’t take this seriously then just go to bed!” Mike said again irritated by Micky’s comment.

“I’m sorry I was just teasing you I am taking it seriously I promise” Micky told him “To be perfectly honest I don’t see the problem. It’s just a kiss. If you wanna kiss her then kiss her, no big deal. It would be different if it was sex but it isn’t. I say just go for it” Micky told him.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. I’m just over thinkin’ everythin’ I suppose. Like I said, I really like Lucy and I don’t want to mess this thing up before it even gets started you know?”

“Yeah I know babe, but trust me I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about, something tells me this is going to turn out just great” Micky told him as he got up from his bed and started in search of his pyjamas again.

“Thanks Mick. I hope you’re right” Mike replied “Oh by the way, they’re in the bathroom,”

“What are?” Micky asked.

“You’re pyjamas, you left them in the bathroom this mornin’”.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks Mike” Micky said and he left the room and headed for the bathroom.

The next morning all four Monkees were seated around the kitchen table having breakfast when Mike remembered something from the previous evening. He looked at each of his band mates.

“So, what did you guys get up to while I was out last night?” He asked, casting each of them a suspicious glance.

“Oh not much really” Davy said, “Just sat around and watched television. Peter wrote some music for some of your new lyrics” He added.

“You did Pete?” Mike asked. Peter nodded.

“Yeah I’ve not finished all of them yet though just two of three” Peter told him.

“Groovy, we’ll go through them later” Mike said. Then Mike realised he had wondered of the topic so he changed the subject back “So you weren’t snoopin’ around the dinin’ room tryin’ to peak on Lucy and myself then?” He asked.

“Sorry Mike we were just...hang on a minute, how did you know that?” Micky asked, returning Mike’s suspicious glance.

“Oh...I...er...I...er...never mind. I’ll let you off this time”.

“You were spying on us spying on you!” Peter said.

“I wasn’t spyin’ exactly, I just happened to see you from where I was sittin’” Mike told them.

“And where was that?” Davy asked prodding Mike with his spoon.

“Nowhere” Mike replied quickly “Anyway I’m not the one in the wrong here, you guys are but lets just all forget about it now ok!” He added.

“Yeah ok” They agreed. They didn’t say anything to each other for a moment. Peter pushed his cereal around his bowl trying to think of something to say because he hated it being quiet at breakfast time, then he thought of something.

“So, have you all started packing yet?” He asked them.

“Packin’?” Mike repeated.

“Yeah we’re leaving tomorrow remember” Peter told him. Mike stared at him.

“Oh man! I totally forgot” He sat back in his chair, his thoughts filling with Lucy. He would never see her again after tomorrow and that thought filled him with more fear then he had ever felt in his life! There was no way he could go without ever seeing her again it would crush him! He sat and thought about it for a few moments then had an idea. “Guys, I need to pop into town to get a few things, Davy will you come with me I could use an extra pair of hands” Mike asked him.

“Yeah of course Mike” Davy said.

“And you two” He said to Peter and Micky “Can you guys do me a favour?” He asked. Micky and Peter looked at each other then back at Mike.

“Yeah sure Mike” Micky replied for the both of them.
