Lucy was in the reception going over some paper work, she looked up when she heard the door open and smiled when she saw it was Peter and Micky

“Hi Lucy” Micky said as he came over and leaned his elbows on the desk.

“Hi Micky, hi peter”

“Hello Lucy” Peter said, waving slightly.

“What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” She asked

“We come baring a message from Mike” Peter told her

“You do?”

“Uh-huh, it’s a little cryptic but Mike assured us you’d know what it means” Micky explained

“Ok shoot”

“Right, he said to meet him at the platform for your lunch break and to not bring anything except yourself” Micky recited

“And a coat” Peter added

“Oh yeah, and a coat” Micky repeated

“Thank you fellas tell him I’ll be there,” Lucy told them

“So you understand what it means?” Peter asked and Lucy nodded

“Yeah I do”

“Well then can you tell us? Because we’re dying to find out,” Micky pleaded

“Sorry, I could tell ya but then I’d have to kill ya!” She said with a wink, which made Micky grin.

“I still think it has something to do with a train,” Peter said to Micky

“A train? Why a train?” Lucy asked him

“Don’t ask!” Micky said but Peter ignored him

“A train stops at a train station and passengers wait for the train at a platform so I think you and Mike are going to have lunch on a train” Peter said proudly

“I told you not to ask didn’t I” Micky whispered and Lucy laughed

“Sorry Peter nice try but it’s an hours drive to the nearest train station, it would take the whole of my lunch break just to get there” She told Peter

“Oh” Peter said, a little forlornly.

“So you like this Mike guy then do ya?” Micky asked Lucy.

“Yeah Dad!” She said her voice dripping with sarcasm, and then turning completely serious she added, “I really do,”

“That’s great!” Peter said, getting excited and starting to jump up and down

“It is?” Lucy asked as she watched him jump.

“Yeah it really is,” He told her

“So, exactly how much do you like him?” Micky asked, grabbing Peter by the shoulders to stop him jumping about

“I don’t really know yet. It’s still in that getting to know you stage, but I’m really excited about it” Lucy answered

“What are you going to do after tomorrow?” Micky asked. Lucy’s features filled with confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“We’re going back to Malibu Beach tomorrow I...I thought you knew that” Micky said, starting to panic

“I guess I forgot” Lucy said, rested her head in her hands. Peter nudged Micky and gave him a ‘Way to go!’ look. Micky shrugged

“Well it’s only a three hour drive” Micky said trying to sound optimistic “I’m sure you’ll be able to work something out” He said, hoping he sounded a lot more confident on that then he felt.

“Yeah I suppose so. Well I really should get back to work. Thank you for delivering the message, tell Mike I’ll see him later and I hope you see you two and Davy before you leave”

“Of course you will Lucy” Peter told her with a big dimpled grin “we’ll see you later” he added and he and Micky left, when they got outside Peter slapped Micky on the arm

“Ow! What was that for!” Micky asked rubbing his arm.

“What did you go and do that for!” Peter asked


“Tell Lucy we were leaving tomorrow, why did you tell her!”

“I didn’t mean to! I just assumed she’d know, she is the assistant manager after all, it’s not my fault” Micky defended. Peter looked at him for a moment.

“Yeah ok, I suppose it wasn’t really you’re fault. I’m sorry I slapped you”

“I should think so too!” Micky told him, as he inspected his arm for any sign of bruising.

“Let’s just go and tell Mike Lucy will meet him,” Peter said, dragging Micky down the street.

Back inside Lucy had slumped back against her chair. It had completely slipped her mind that the Monkees would be leaving, not just tomorrow, but at all. She had gotten so used to having them around that she was dreading them leaving, she had no idea what to do about Mike. On the other hand she was really looking forward to seeing him that afternoon, things had been left a little awkward the last time they went out and she really wanted to set things right again. She liked Mike, she knew that, she liked him a lot and she certainly wanted to get to know him better but he *was* leaving tomorrow and there was absolutely nothing she could do about that.

