
Chapter 2- Maybe something will happen...

Peter walked slowly into work that day, wearing sun glasses to cover his bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, "Hey Peter..." Kayli Sharp smiled, bouncing up to him. Kayli had been a girl he had be friended not long after moving west, they both worked atr the same diner and most of the time would get the same days off. So during those days off they would just hang around with each other and joke about things. One particular day when Peter felt unsually sad and missed Jayna and Ryen terribly Kayli came over and saw him in this state, and being like the good friend she was/is she asked him whats wrong and if she could help do anything for him, he smiled and said no, then he decided since she had stayed and offered to help him, that maybe he could tell him why he was like this...so he did...even told her about the dreams he had started to have. To his surprise she was just as scared as he was. From then on they were close friends, everytime one of them had a problem they knew wh o to go to.

When Peter got picked to be a Monkee, and found out that they needed a costume designer, he knew who to sugguest, cause he knew Kayli had been looking for a job, and that she was a very good clothes designer, he was shocked when she told him that she made her own clothes...thanks to him, she quickly got the job. "...you look like hell..."

"I look like hell Kayli, I feel like it too..."

"Why?" "I had the dream last night"

"Oh Peter...you shouldn't have come to work..." Kayli told him, she was the only one in the world that knew about his dream. She's the only one he could really trust.

"I know, but I have to keep my mind busy..." She nodded in understanding,

"But couldn't you have read a book, or watched T.V. instead?" Kayli asked.

"No Kay, don't worry I'll be fine...really..." he pressed, Kayli gave him an uneasy look, he just ignored it, "Were filming the scene where Davy leaves right...?" he asked, trying his best to put on a smile. Kayli nodded, as she went to get his clo thes for the show.Kayli came back and handed the outfit to Peter, "Thanks" he smiled, walking to his dressing room.

When he closed the door to his dressing, he laid the shirt and pants on the chair, and collasped down in another chair beside it, it had been almost 3 years since he had last seen Ryen and it was really starting to tear away at him. He knew he had missed probably the most important 3 years of her life, her first word, first steps...all gone...and he would never get them back. He sat straight and wiped away the tears that had gotten lose. "I'm going to get her" he stated firmly, getting up from his chair and racing out the door. Forget all about the clothes. He raced past Kayli and past all the stage hands and almost to the door to the parking lot when Kayli caught up to him. "Where you going Peter?" she rushed, Peter looked down at her and firmly stated, again, "I'm gonna go get her..." Kayli's eyes lit up, she knew exactly what he meant.

"Peter, I'm so glad...let me come..." the last 3 words caught Peter off guard, he had to look down at her and do a double take. "Please?" she begged, best puppy dog eyes, "...there's gonna be nothing goin' on here while your gone, and I'll probably be so bored, I'll do something you'll regret...please" Peter let out a small laugh, as he thought.

"Ok!" he rushed, smiling as both of them ran out to their cars.

They both took off towards Peters house, they would get Kayli's stuff after he got his. But as Peter got in the door, the phone started to ring. He left Kayli at the door, to let herself in. Then ran and got the phone,


"Hi, is Mr. Peter Tork there please...?" a male voice asked,


"Hi, um...Mr. Tork...my names Adam Hans...I work at Toronto General...in Toronto Ontario...Canada..."

"Canada, wow your phone bills gonna be huge...but...ok...why are you calling me...?"

"I'm phoning because about 2 hours ago, Teresa, Quincy Williams and Ryen Williams-Tork, they had a car accident"

"Ryen!" he yelled, scaring Kayli half out of her mind. "...oh my lord, how is she? Is she hurt?...please doctor, talk..."

"Yes, Ryens fine...a few cuts and bruises, but all around fine..."

Peter let out a big sigh of relief,this was the first time he had heard anything about her in 3 years...not the best way to see how she was doing, but atleast he had found her...he just had to go to Toronto...Ontario...Canada...

"But...I'm afraid Mr and Mrs. Williams didn't make it..." Peter imediate thought was Ryen, where was she gonna go...

"...we have Ryen for now...you were her only surviving relative," adrenaline and excitement growing-Peter thought happily

"...so I'm sorry, but you'll have to come get her..." YES!- Peter almost screamed into the phone

"D-don't worry about that...just-just keep her happy, till I get there..." Peter grinned,

"Ok, and I'm sorry for your lost..." Oh don't worry-its not-Peter almost screamed into the phone happily again. But he stopped him self just fast enough to say thank you and slam the reciever down.

Kayli saw how happy he was, so she jumped to conclusions, "You found her...?"

"Yes, yes I did...my beautiful Ryen is in Toronto, Canada...I'm going to get her...no questions ask" Peter smiled jumping over to her, Kayli laughed at how happy he was, she had never seen him so happy, but he had every right to be...She didn't stop laughing until she felt Peters lips against hers. When Peter stopped, her lips still longed for the kiss, so did every part of her body but she quickly opened her eyes and shut her mouth. "Oh Fuck...I'm sorry Kayli, I shouldn't have done that..." Peter apologized, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. ",...I was caught up in the moment"

Kayli did her best to laugh, "...s-s-so did I" she smiled, "...well, go, get ready and we'll leave..." she pressed, trying her best to make light of the situation. Peter didn't see her struggling with her conscience and emotions, so he just thought she had forgotten it and took off up the stairs to pack for their venture to Canada. When Kayli saw he was gone up the stairs. She quickly collasped in a chair and put her head in her hands, if she couldn't handle him now, how would she handle him on a trip to Canada...she shouldn't have let him kiss her, but damn...she had to admit that did feel so right...
