
As soon as the knock came on the door she knew it’d be him, she didn’t know how she knew, she just knew. She looked across at Peter who was looking back at her.

“Do you want me to?” He asked pointing at the door. Marie Dolenz and Peter Tork had been best friends for as long as she could remember, Peter was the one who introduced her to her husband, his former band mate Micky Dolenz. When Marie left her husband she didn’t have to think twice about where to go, she went to Peter’s.

“No it’s ok Pete, I’ll get it,” She said getting up and crossing to the door. She took a deep breath and opened it. She was right it was him. Peter quietly stood up and slipped out the screen door so they could be alone.

“Hi” Micky said. She stared at him for a moment not really sure what to say back. She felt as though she should be angry but she wasn’t. She didn’t feel anything anymore, not for him anyway “Can I come in?” He asked after deciding she wasn’t going to reply.

“Yeah sorry” She said and stepped aside to let him in. He was a little stunned that she’d given in so easily. He had been expecting a fight.

“Thank you” He said and walked in “Peter not in?” He asked. Marie was a little surprised to see Peter not sitting in the chair he was seated in only a minute before.

“I guess he went out” She replied. Micky turned and faced her.

“You look tired”.

“That’s because I am, I haven’t been sleeping very well”.

“I know that feeling” Micky said, mainly to himself.

“Is there a reason you’re here?” Marie asked him. Micky stared at her.

“Yes of course there is, I want to talk”.

“I said all I needed to say to you last week”.

“So why did you let me in?” He asked, unable to keep the confusion from his features.

“I don’t know really,” She admitted.

“Well if you don’t want to talk then at least listen,” Micky said. Marie closed the front door.

“Fine” She said, going and sitting on the sofa “But make it quick” She added. Micky sighed.

“Ok. Look, I really want to make this up to you I want to save our marriage. I love you Marie I made a mistake and…”

“No you didn’t” Marie told him.


“It wasn’t a mistake, mistakes are things that only happen once, you went behind my back with that woman for eight months, it wasn’t a mistake” She said. She sounded extremely calm which unnerved Micky, considering the way she had acted when he saw her last. He sat down next to her.

“I’m sorry. It’s the only thing I can say to you” He reached over and put his hand on hers but she pulled her hand away. She stood up and walked away from him.

“I forgive you,” She told him. Micky stared at her, not sure he heard right.

“Pardon?” He asked, seeing a slight glimmer of hope in saving his marriage.

“I said I forgive you. I’ve been feeling trapped in that marriage for the past couple of years and I forgive you because I don’t care anymore. Your affair did me a favour it gave me an excuse to get out. I don’t care about any of this Mick, you and us. As far as I’m concerned we’re over. I don’t want to hear your explanations because I don’t care”.

“What are you talking about?”

“Being away from you gave me time to think and I talked a lot of things out with Peter and I realised I don’t want us to get back together. I want fresh start,” She explained. Micky was starting to feel angry again.

“Peter! Yeah I should’ve guessed. So, what? Are you guys dating now!”

“Don’t be so pathetic Micky! Peter is my friend that’s all I’ve know him a lot longer then I’ve known you” She turned and faced him “Jeez I’m so bored of your jealously act, didn’t you realise it was pushing me away. Your affair wasn’t the only thing that ended this marriage, that was just the tip of the iceberg”.

“Why are you being so heartless? This isn’t like you at all” Micky told her, unable to believe the things she was saying to him.

“I’m not being heartless I’m being truthful. For the first time in a long time I’m listening to my own feelings for a change instead of worrying about what other people think”.

“Didn’t you love me at all?” Micky asked.

“Yes of course I did and in a small way I still do, I always will but it was starting to get to the point were I was beginning to hate you and that’s the last thing I want” Marie explained. Micky was staring at her again, not sure what to think or feel. Her words hurt him so much and he didn’t know how to respond.

“I can’t believe what you’re saying. I knew things were bad between us but I never wanted you to hate me,” He told her. Marie could feel the tears filling up in her eyes and there was no way she wanted him to see her cry.

“I think you should go now” She said as she crossed to the front door and opened it “I’ve already contacted a divorce lawyer I suggest you do the same,” She said. Micky couldn’t move for a moment. The conversation hadn’t gone how he would’ve liked, infact it had spiralled out of control but finally he stood up and walked to the door.

“How can you be so calm about this?” He asked, standing in front of her “Ten years together and you don’t even so much as frown” He added. Marie looked at him.

“You didn’t see me ten days ago” She replied.

Micky looked at her for a second then shook his head, not knowing how to respond, he left. Marie closed the door and now she was alone, broke down in tears.
