Later that day James returned with Natalie. Peter was in his study going over some business when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” Peter called. The door opened slightly and James peered in.

“Sorry to disturb you Peter” He said, not really sure how to act. Peter was almost a complete stranger to him but he felt as though he could talk to him about anything.

“Not at all James, please come in take a seat” Peter told him, indicating one of the chairs in front of him large mahogany desk. James couldn’t help but feel like a schoolboy who had been summoned to the headmaster’s office, even though he was there voluntarily. James entered and it was then Peter realised Natalie was with him and he smiled slightly. The friendship those two had reminded him of Micky and Rachel so much “Hello Natalie, how are you today?” Peter asked. A warm smile covered his face as he looked at them both.

“I’m great thanks uncle Peter, you?” Natalie asked.

“Yes I’m fine thank you. Did your father leave for his honeymoon yet?”

“No, not until tomorrow” Natalie informed him. James and Natalie sat down. James had noticed a change in Peter, before when they were chatting in the lounge or kitchen Peter had been very relaxed and informal, but sitting in his study James noticed he became more professional and business like.

“So what can I do for you kids?” Peter asked, leaning back in his leather chair.

“I just wondered if my mother had woken up yet, if you’d had a chance to talk to her?” James asked nervously.

“Yes James she woke up a few hours ago, you can stop worrying she’s fine, she’s just got one hell of a headache” Peter told him.

“Oh that’s a relief,” James said, relaxing slightly.

“Did she give any indication as to why she left halfway through the wedding yesterday?” Natalie asked. Peter knew this question was coming but he wasn’t sure how to answer it so, against his better judgement, he lied.

“No I’m afraid she didn’t. She was pretty anxious to get back to sleep although she does want to talk to you James, she has something important to discuss with you” Peter told him, which worried James again.

“She does? Any idea what about?” He asked. Peter smiled again.

“Yes, but go and talk to her, Natalie and I will get lunch started. I assume you’ll be staying Nats?” Peter asked.

“Only if you don’t mind uncle Peter” Natalie said.

“No of course not, come on let’s go and see what we can find in the fridge,” Peter said as he stood up, motioned Natalie to do the same then allowed her to lead the way out the door. He turned back to James, who was still sitting in his chair “Well what are you waiting for?” Peter said and motioned James out the door.

James walked upstairs and knocked on his mother’s door, hoping she was already awake because he would feel guilty about waking her up.

“Come in” Came Rachel’s voice. James opened the door. “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” Rachel asked when she saw her son in the doorway.

“I’m fine, how do you feel?”

“Tired, embarrassed, stupid” Rachel replied.

“You don’t need to feel embarrassed Mum, everyone drinks too much once in a while” James told her.

“Oh yeah and when did you drink to much?” Rachel asked eyeing her son suspiciously.

“Oh…um…I…um…never mind. Any way Peter says you want to talk to me” James said desperately trying to change the subject, which made Rachel laugh.

“Yes I do, come and sit down” She said patting her bed, so James came over and sat down “I’ve had a chat with Peter and he’s offered to let us stay with him for a while” Rachel explained.

“He has? How long is a while?”

“About a month to start with”.

“To start with!” James repeated and Rachel nodded.

“Uh-huh, so what do you think? Could you stay here that long?”

“Are you kidding! I could stay here forever I love it Mum and I like Peter too I would love to stay” James told her and Rachel grinned.

“That’s great, of course it does mean you’d have to miss some university”.

“That’s ok I can catch up”.

“So we’re staying then?”

“Yep we’re staying” James said “Nats is downstairs she’s been worried about you” He added.

“She doesn’t need to worry I’m fine. I’ll come down later, I’m getting bored of looking at these walls I need a change of scenery” Rachel said.

“Mum, I love you” James said. Rachel smiled.

“Thank you sweetheart, I love you too” She replied.

It was getting late into the evening and Rachel had migrated downstairs and was in the living room with Peter. James and Natalie had gone out yet again and Peter and Rachel were going over their plans for the coming month.

“I made arrangements for your luggage to be picked up it should be here in the next couple of days” Peter was telling her.

“Oh good. I called work, they’re allowing me the time off, I told them it was a family emergency and I think they bought it. So everything’s cool back home”.

“Excellent so now you don’t have to worry about anything just sit back and relax” Peter told her, patting her knee. Rachel smiled weakly. If only that were true but there was something that was worrying her and no matter how hard she tried not to think about it, the thought of Micky and what she had given up was always on her mind.

