Peter and Rachel were still sitting in the lounge an hour later when the front door opened and a familiar English voice with a blend of American called out.

“Hello? Pete are you here!” Peter smiled.

“In here Davy” Peter replied. Davy appeared at the lounge door.

“There she is, my favourite girl,” He said. Rachel was grinning from ear to ear she stood up and walked over to Davy.

“Hello Davy, how are you?” She asked.

“Better now you’re back where you belong” Davy replied and the two of them embraced in a hug “I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk yesterday.”

“Me too, but you were best man so you had a lot to do” Rachel told him. Davy pulled out of the hug a little to look at her.

“Wow you’re even more beautiful then I remember,” He said and Rachel chuckled.

“Same old Davy” She said and Davy grinned.

“Well I’m a charmer, what can I tell ya” He said and Rachel laughed, “Anyway how are you? Are you ok? You gave us quite a scare yesterday.”

“Yeah I’m fine, just went a little mad with the alcohol is all, oh my god Jenny! I totally forgot! She was in the bathroom when I…well when I…I.”

“It’s ok Rach she’s fine, Micky told her what happened to you, she called earlier to see if you were ok” Peter informed her.

“Oh that’s good, I’ll have to call her back later” Rachel replied then motioned Davy to sit down, which he did. He sat in the armchair opposite the sofa where Rachel went and rejoined Peter.

“Can I get you a coffee Davy?” Peter asked.

“No thanks Pete I had a couple round Micky’s, if I have anymore I’ll be as high as a kite.”

“You never could handle your caffeine could you” Peter said with a small laugh.

“You’ve been round Micky’s?” Rachel asked.

“Yeah, he called and asked me to go round otherwise I would’ve been here sooner” Davy replied.

“How is he?” Rachel asked.

“He’s good, worried about you but other then that, good. He’s excited about tomorrow he can’t wait to whisk Denise away on honeymoon so they can spent some quality time together as husband and wife” Davy told them.

“Oh” Rachel replied, hoping Davy didn’t hear how disappointed she sounded. Peter put a reassuring hand on her knee to offer her comfort. Davy looked at them questionably.

“Am I missing something here?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No nothing” Rachel said quickly “So how’s Lindsay?” She asked trying desperately to change the subject.

“She lives in New York with her personal trainer. She ran off with him seven years ago” Davy told her.

“Oh Davy I’m so sorry” Rachel said genuinely shocked. Davy and Lindsay had always seemed so happy and in love.

“Don’t be, I’m not,” Davy told her “The marriage was over a long time before that, we just didn’t want to admit it. It’s really no problem she’s happy and so am I, we’re still very good friends and plus my kids opted to stay with me, that was all that I worried about, losing my kids you know, but luckily I didn’t.”

“Good I’m pleased for you” Rachel said “How are you’re kids anyway?”

“They’re great. Kaye got married eighteen months ago and is expecting my first grandchild in five months” Davy said beaming with pride “Isabelle started medical school in September and Jacob is in his second year of high school, he wants to follow in his old man’s footsteps when he graduates, he’s the front man in a band” Davy told her. Rachel could tell that Davy was extremely proud of each one of his children.

“That’s wonderful, congratulations on becoming a grandfather, are you the first Monkee grandfather?” Rachel asked.

“No, Mike and Mel’s oldest son has two kids” Peter told her.

“Really? Wow I’ve got a lot of new people to meet haven’t I” Rachel said.

“Anyway let’s get back to the subject of Micky” Davy said and Rachel flinched, she was sure she had sidestepped that subject “Come on I wanna know what’s going on between the two of you, have you fallen out or something? Davy asked and Rachel managed a small laugh.

“Oh god no, of course not. Just the opposite actually” She said. Davy stared at her for a moment trying to work out what she meant by that.

“The opposite?” He questioned, looking at Peter for any clues “*What’s the opposite of falling out?*” He asked himself mentally “*Falling in I suppose, but falling in what?*” He mused about this until suddenly it hit him and he gasped. “Oh my god! You guys are in love aren’t you!” He said.

“Well of course Micky’s in love, he got married yesterday didn’t he!” Peter said, hoping to get Davy off the trail but Davy shook his head.

“No no no. That’s not what I meant” He looked at Rachel “You’re in love with Micky aren’t you?” He asked. Rachel looked at Peter but Peter just shrugged. So Rachel nodded.

“Yes Davy I am” She told him.

“And Micky’s in love with you?” Davy asked, although he didn’t know why he was asking because he already knew the answer. Rachel burst into tears and nodded again.

“Oh sweetheart” Peter said pulling her into a hug and shooting Davy a ‘look what you’ve done now!’ glare.

“I’m sorry Rach, I didn’t mean to…well um I mean…I…I’m sorry” Davy said, moving from his chair and sitting next to Rachel and rubbed her back for extra comfort.

“You know yesterday at the wedding when Rachel left, and Micky went after her?” Peter asked and Davy nodded.

“That’s when they told each other?” Davy asked.

“Yeah” Peter replied.

“Oh Rach” Davy said, feeling so much sympathy for her. He knew Micky and been in love with Rachel for a long time but he had no idea she felt the same way. At the same time he couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. Rachel and Micky had been very good friends of his for a very long time and nothing would make him happier then to see them together but Micky was married now and he seemed very happy. He hated to see Rachel so upset and he wished he could do something about it. Suddenly he had an idea and he jumped up “Come on guys, let’s go” He said.

“Go where?” Peter asked.

“I’m taking you out for dinner my treat, Rach go get changed.”

“Davy no I really don’t feel…”Rachel tried to say but Davy cut in.

“Tough, come on I’m not gonna take no for an answer” He told her.

“What about James?”

“Leave him a note” Davy said.

“Yeah come on Rachel, Davy’s tight he never offers to pay for anything, let alone dinner,” Peter told her.

“Watch it Tork or you’ll be paying for your own meal” Davy said then looked at Rachel “You coming or not?” he asked and Rachel smiled.

“Yeah I’m coming, thank you Davy. I’ll just go put on something a little more going-out-to-dinner if I’ve got anything!” She said and stood up and went upstairs. Davy looked at Peter.

“You think she’s gonna be ok?” He asked and Peter shrugged.

“I’m not sure, I hope so we’ll just have to wait and see I suppose.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right, well go on go get changed as well I’m not being seen out in public with you looking like that” Davy teased. Peter went to get changed while Davy called the restaurant to make a reservation then called Mike and Melanie to ask them to join them for dinner, and they accepted.

Peter drove them to the restaurant Davy had chosen. Mike and Melanie arranged to meet them there. The five of them sat down to dinner, Melanie and Rachel sat together so they could catch up. Rachel had such a great time. It was so great to be in the company of all her old friends, well almost all her old friends, and she actually forgot how miserable she was, until she got home that is. Peter had invited everyone back to his place for a drink and when they arrived there was a message waiting on his answer machine. He clicked it to play and recognised the voice immediately, it was Micky.

“Hi guys it’s me, man I hate these machines. Um I came by to see you earlier but I guess you’d gone out, I really do hate these machines. Um well I’m off on honeymoon tomorrow I’ll be gone for two weeks so I’ll see you when I get back. I hope you’ll still be around Rach, see you soon” Then the line went dead. Peter looked at Rachel, who was staring at the machine. Melanie looked at Mike questionably.

“I’ll tell you later” Mike whispered to his wife.

“So, who wants a drink?” Peter asked, trying to move things along. Rachel smiled and tried her best to look happy but it was a little difficult for her to keep her thoughts off Micky. She wondered what he was doing right then and if he was thinking about her too. She hated the decision that she had made but it was done now and there was nothing she could do about it and she had to get on with her life, which was proving difficult, Just twenty four hours after the wedding she was having trouble moving on. She looked at all her friends around her and was grateful for their company right now.
