
“Hi sweetheart” Peter said and the two embraced in a long hug. Peter hardly looked any different to Rachel. His long sandy hair had been replaced with short spiky hair and he had a small goatee beard, but apart from that he looked the same.

“I’ve missed you so much, how have you been?”

“I’ve missed you more, I’ve been ok thank you life’s been kind to me how about you?”

“Can’t complain I suppose” Rachel replied and they finally let go of each other but kept hold of each other’s hands “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Nats called and asked for a lift to the airport and when I heard who she was picking up I couldn’t say no could I” Peter replied.

“You look so good, you’ve gotten a lot more handsome over the years, I always said you were the cutest Monkee” Rachel told him and Peter’s faced broke out into a big dimpled grin.

“Why thank you ma’am”.

“Man I’ve missed that smile”.

“It’s been too long Rach, why did we ever lose contact?” Peter asked.

“I have no idea, I ask myself the same question every day,” Rachel told him. “Last I heard, you were about to get married”.

“I did, I was married for four years but unfortunately it didn’t last”.

“Oh I’m sorry” Rachel said. Peter shrugged.

“C’est la vie” he said, “I’ve got two wonderful kids though. Carrie is twenty-six and Nick is twenty-nine, they live not far away from me and we’re very close, I love them very much”.

“That’s great Pete I can’t wait to meet them. So you never married again?”

“Na, I had a girlfriend for a while but we broke up a couple of years ago, I’m ok about it. I’ve got my kids and my music that’s all that’s important to me”.

James was hovering around behind his mother, he had never met Peter before so he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Natalie on the other hand he knew as his annoying sister, although they were not related by blood, and Natalie was over ten years older then James, they were very close and spoke almost every day and wrote letters to each other.

“Hay pea brain,” Natalie said to James while Rachel was talking to Peter.

“Hi big nose” He replied. They were both grinning from ear to ear about being able to see each other in the flesh for the first time in years. They hugged.

“Operation Dolenz-Lockhart is in full swing,” Natalie whispered to her adopted little brother.

“I still don’t think this is a good idea Nats, your dad is getting married tomorrow there is no way he’s gonna dump Denise. Trust me, I’ve seen her pictures, she’s a hotty” James said.

“Ew Jimmy that’s gross!”

“Well it’s true she is, from what you’ve told me it sounds like your dad really loves her and I’m sorry Nats but this is not going to work”.

“He does love Denise but he loves Rachel more, trust me on this, when my dad sees her tomorrow he’ll realise what a mistake he’s making”.

“Well I hope you’re right because if we get caught I’m totally blaming everything on you” James told her.

“Oh how mature! You don’t have to worry, it will work I know it” Natalie said firmly.

Rachel introduced James to Peter then said hello to Natalie. Peter had ordered that Rachel and James were to stay with him for their trip and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I can’t wait to see Micky’s face tomorrow he’s gonna be so happy to see you” Peter told Rachel as they drove to his place. Rachel was up front with Peter, Natalie and James were in the back squabbling as usual.

“You don’t think he’ll be mad at me do you? I mean I feel as though I’m gate crashing” Rachel told Peter.

“Are you kidding! Of course he won’t be mad he’s gonna be so psyched to see you, anyway if you’re that worried about it then come as my date my invitation says Peter Tork and guest and I haven’t found any one to go with yet so you’d be doing me a favour” Peter reassured her.

“You not taking Carrie?”

“No, she and her brother have gone to visit their mother in Chicago, I’d really like it if you came with me Rach” Peter said and a big grin covered Rachel’s face.

“I’d love to be your date Peter thank you,” She thought about something and then looked at Peter “so...is Mike gonna be there tomorrow?” She asked and a small smile tugged at Peter’s lips.

“He’s been invited but whether he’ll show or not is another story” Peter glanced at her sideways then said “You still hate him don’t you”.

“I never hated him Pete I just disliked him, the same as he disliked me. There was a personality clash that’s all I don’t know how Melanie could put up with him”

“Well she obviously doesn’t have a problem with him she is his wife after all” He replied. Rachel wasn’t sure what to say after that so she let the conversation drop. The silence made her aware of the arguing that was going on in the backseat.

“Jeez do those two ever stop fighting!” She said a little amused.

“They’re a proper brother and sister that’s for sure,” Peter said with a small giggle “So come on then tell me how you feel about tomorrow?” He said.

“I’m nervous. What if he doesn’t recognise me, what if he does recognise me but ignores me or worse has me thrown out!” she replied, the panic clear in his voice.

“Rach honey, you worry too much I promise he will recognise you, he carries a picture of you around in his wallet”.

“He does? Really! That’s weird! Remind me to show you something when we arrive at your place” She told him.

