
Rachel saw him too, her breath caught in her chest as they made eye contact for the first time in fifteen years. She felt her legs turn to jelly and had no idea what to do but apparently Peter had made the decision for her and started to lead her down the aisle towards Micky. Rachel wanted to scream at Peter to stop, she wasn’t ready for this, not yet, she needed more time, if only she had more time. It was too late now, they reached Micky and Peter released Rachel’s arms and walked round to Davy and pulled the stunned looking Englishman away so Rachel and Micky could be alone.

Rachel and Micky stared at each other, not sure what to say at first until Rachel finally found her voice again.

“Hello Micky” She said.

“Hello Rachel” He replied. They were silent again and Rachel couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. Natalie was watching anxiously from the front of the church. She wished they would do something, anything, instead of standing and staring at each other. James was standing next to her.

“See told ya this wouldn’t work!” He said.

“Sshh!” She hissed.

Micky couldn’t believe she was standing in front of him, the woman he credited with saving his life and before he knew what he was doing he reached forward and embraced her in a long hug.

“I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve missed you so much Rach, you have no idea!” He told her.

“Oh I think I can imagine, if it’s anywhere near how much I’ve missed you” She replied gripping him tightly, almost afraid to let him go.

“I’ve almost called you so many times I don’t know why I didn’t. I’m so glad you’re here”.

“Well I haven’t missed one of your weddings yet have I!”

“This makes everything perfect. All my favourite girls under one roof, my daughter, my sister and you”.

“And Denise, don’t forget her” Rachel added. They finally let go of each other but Micky couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“I didn’t forget,” He said with a small smile “You do know Jenny is coming, don’t you?”

“Yeah I know, Nats told me. She’s grown into such a beautiful young woman Micky you must be very proud”.

“I am,” He said with a big grin.

“So will Kathryn be coming today?” Rachel asked. The grin disappeared from Micky’s face.

“No but let’s not talk about her” He said quickly “ I have to apologise to you Rach. I’m so sorry about Robert I tried to make it to the funeral but I was touring over seas and I couldn’t get back in time”.

“Don’t worry about it, it was thirteen years ago I know you were busy. I don’t hold it against you” Rachel told him. Micky shook his head and his features turned deadly serious.

“No I should’ve been there, there was no excuse for me not to be there. You’ve been there for me through some of the toughest times in my life and I should’ve been there for you”.

“Like I said, it’s ok. You were busy” Rachel turned around and spotted James “Sweetheart come here” She called to her son. James wondered over nervously and Rachel put her arm around him.

“Micky this is my son James, James this is my best friend in the whole world, Micky Dolenz”.

“Hello Micky. It’s nice to meet you” James said holding out his hand. Micky took it and shook it.

“You too James. You know the last time I saw you, you were throwing up over Mike Nesmith” Micky said with a small chuckle and James cringed.

“Nats promised me no one would remember that!” He said.

“Well it’s a pretty hard thing to forget, not that I’d want too. I’ll never forget the look on his face, it was brilliant”.

“Not for me it wasn’t” James replied, turning a lovely shade of pink and then Natalie came running over to them.

“Hay Jimmy come see this,” She said as she pulled James away from Micky and Rachel.

“I think that’s my daughters tactful way of letting James know she wants us to be alone,” Micky said with a grin.

“You don’t mind that I’m here do you? I mean I wasn’t invited and I…” But Rachel couldn’t finish because Micky stopped her.

“Are you kidding! Of course I don’t mind. It would’ve been so odd if you weren’t here you’ve been by my side at the most important times in my life there’s no way I’d want to go through this without you”.

“Thank you Micky” She replied and they hugged again.

Davy was still staring at Rachel open mouthed. He had to pinch himself just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“Is that really Rachel Lockhart standing over there?” He asked Peter.

“Yes Davy it really is Rachel Lockhart” Peter told him, unable to hold in the chuckle that escaped his lips.

“I can’t believe it. She looks so good, do you still have a crush on her?” Davy asked and Peter rolled his eyes.

“No I don’t still have a crush on her. I barely know her anymore. Do you know that Nats thinks Micky is in love with her?” Peter asked.

“That’s because he is” Davy said, matter-of-factly.

“What! How do you know that?” Peter asked, unable to hide the shock from his voice.

“He told me”.


“The night before he married Kathryn. Micky, Mike and myself had gone out and Micky confessed that he’d rather be marrying Rachel but since she was already married he had to settle for second best”.

“He did not say that!”

“He did. He loved Kathryn but not half as much as he loves Rachel”.

“I don’t believe it! Why didn’t he tell her?”

“Probably the same reason you didn’t tell her thirty-five years ago, he was scared she wouldn’t feel the same way I guess and he’d end up making a fool of himself”.

“Are you telling me the truth?” Peter asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes I am I swear on Mike Nesmith, infact you can ask him too, he’ll tell ya”

“Yeah if he shows up that is!” Peter said.

