
Rachel and Jennifer looked at each other for a moment, both woman a little nervous Jennifer more so.

“Hello Rachel” she said. She wasn’t sure what to say next, she was sure Rachel would still be mad at her so she was a little surprised when Rachel reached forward and embraced her in a hug.

“How have you been?” Rachel asked.

“I’ve been ok, and you?” She replied.

“Yeah I guess” Rachel said.

“Rach I’m so sorry for everything can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can there’s nothing to forgive, we were both stubborn and stupid. We were both to blame”.

“No, it was me I was stupid I gave up on a great friendship because I couldn’t accept I was wrong,” Jennifer told her.

“It’s ok Jenny I understand. You were going through a rough period and you were angry and that’s ok”.

“I should’ve listened to you, if I had maybe I could’ve saved my marriage”.

“There’s not a lot we can do about that now, I’ll admit is still angers me a little but I’ve learnt a lesson today and that is, if you don’t seize the moment you will come to regret it later. We’ve lost twenty seven years of friendship Jenny, lets not lose anymore ok?” Rachel said.

“Yes I agree, I’ve missed you Rach, you were always my best friend”.

“I missed you too” They broke apart “Come on let’s go and get a drink, I don’t know about you but I need one”.

“Yeah me too” Jennifer replied, she slipped her arm through Rachel’s and the two woman headed for the bar.

Later that night after a few too many glasses of wine, Jennifer and Rachel were rather giggly.

“I’ll be back in a minute Rach, I need to visit the ladies room” Jennifer said as she tried to get up and then stumbled, rather then walked, to the bathroom. Micky noticed Rachel sitting alone and wondered over to her.

“Hi, having a good time?” He asked.

“Yes thank you I’m having the time of my life” Rachel replied. “Where’s your lovely bride?”

“I dunno, mingling I suppose”.

“Oh good that’s what you should be doing”.

“I am...are you drunk!” Micky exclaimed.

“No! I’m offended Micky. You know me better then that, I never drink!” Rachel replied, almost falling off her chair. Micky managed to catch her.

“Yeah right! So er I see you made up with Jenny then”.

“Micky, I don’t want to be rude but I really don’t want to talk to you right now ok” Rachel said, trying to stand.

“Well I really think we need too,” Micky told her.

“No thank you” Rachel replied.

“No thank you!” Micky repeated, a little stunned.

“I have nothing to say to you right now, you should be with your bride it is your wedding day after all” She said, managing to stand and stumbled away. She didn’t get very far, she suddenly felt extremely light headed. “Micky” She called before she fell to the ground. Micky rushed over to her and dropped down next to her.

“Rach! Rachel!” He yelled. He didn’t know what to do at first. Mike had been standing close by and had heard Rachel call Micky, and then when he heard the panicked way Micky called her name he turned around and saw she had collapsed to the ground. He rushed over.

“What happened?” He asked Micky.

“I...I dunno she just fell” Micky said. Mike checked her breathing and pulse.

“Its ok Mick she’s just passed out. We need to get her home”.

“Right ok let’s do that” Micky said, carefully sitting Rachel up.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Mike asked him. Micky looked at him like he was a crazy person.

“Taking Rachel home, you just said to”.

“I didn’t mean you! It’s your weddin’ Mick you can’t leave you have to stay here,” Mike told him. Micky stared at him.

“Yeah...right of course, sorry” He said.

“Go find Peter and James, we’ll take her” Mike said.

“I want to stay”.

“Please Micky just go and find them, I need to stay with Rachel just in case”.

“In case what!” Micky asked starting to panic more.

“Just go!” Mike yelled, so Micky stood up and rushed off in search of Peter and James. By this time a small crowd had gathered around Rachel so it wasn’t difficult to find Peter and James because they were already headed over towards the crowd, wondering what was going on.

“Hi Mick, what’s happening over there?” Peter said pointing at the crowd.

“It’s Rachel” Micky said.

“What! What happened? Is she ok?” James asked.

“She’s passed out, she’s had a lot to drink and she collapsed, Mike’s with her he says she’s gonna be fine but we need to get her home Pete”.

“Right sure” Peter said. The three of them went over to the crowd and pushed there way through.

“Oh good Pete, there you are come on we need to get Rachel home” Mike said when he saw them.

Micky watched as Peter, Mike and James carefully carried Rachel outside and placed her in the car. Mike said in the back with her and James sat up front with Peter. Denise came over to Micky.

“Hi honey, what was all that about?” She asked.

“Rachel passed out” Micky replied, not taking his eyes off the car as Peter turned it around and steered it down the road.

“Rachel? You mean that was the famous Rachel Lockhart?” She asked.

“Yep that was her”.

“Oh for a moment I thought something terrible had happened” Denise said as she turned and walked away. Micky stared at her unable to believe what she had just said.

Peter, Mike, James and Rachel arrived home. Peter carefully carried Rachel upstairs while James and Mike stayed downstairs.

“Is my mum going to be ok Mr Nesmith?” James asked, nervously wringing his hands.

“Please call me Mike. Yeah she’ll be fine I think she just needs to sleep it off, she’ll have a bit of a headache in the mornin’ but apart from that she’ll be ok you’ve got nothin’ to worry about”

“How can you be so sure? You’re not a doctor”

“No but I am a father, the same thing has happened to my kids. I’m not proud of it but they were typical rebellious teenagers so I know how to handle it” Mike explained. Peter came in to the living room.

“How is she?” James asked

“She’s asleep, she woke up briefly but she’s gone back to sleep, we’ll see how she is in the morning” Peter told them.

