
The young man placed the guitar strap over his shoulder and set the instrument down into his lap. He fingered the strings carefully with deep concentration on his face. His head moved to and fro at the deep melody that soon consumed it. He stopped a few seconds in to adjust the pitch and get it in tune.

"I could watch him for hours." The store clerk joked, gaining a small laugh from Mike. "What was it you needed help with?"

"I was hoping you could set me up with a cheap recording system?" Mike asked.

"Cheap? You must be kidding, boy. Good recording system runs way over cheap." The clerk replied.

"No, you see I've been attempting to make a demo tape and everytime I do it's poor quality. I've been trying to pick up something."

"You could rent a recording studio for a hundred dollars. Give you enough time to record one song."

"One song for hundred dollars? I don't think so." Mike declined.

"Well, then I can't help you." The young man who had been playing the guitar soon joined them, handing the newly tuned instrument back to the clerk. "Thanks, Pete."

"Anytime Nick." The young man flashed a smile and turned to leave.

"I'm sure you could convince him to collaborate with that song of yours." The man called Nick jutted into Mike's thoughts.

"What?" Mike questioned.

"Peter plays all kinds of instruments. Ask him to help you with that song and then you can split the cost of the recording in half." Mike paused to stare at him. "Go, catch him!"

Mike instantly raced out the door and caught up the young man who had only made it a few feet down the sidewalk. "Excuse me, uh...my name's Mike."

"Hello." Peter greeted cautiously.

"I was back in the music shop." Mike pointed back towards the store. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming over to my place and helping me out with some stuff. Music-wise, that is." Mike explained, very quickly.

"Oh." he replied.

"I don't want you to think I'm crazy or nothing, I've just been trying to record stuff and it hasn't been working. I figured I needed some help."

"All right. If it's just for a few hours. I'm Peter, by the way." Mike accepted his extended hand and the two of them started back to Mike's "pad".

Peter leaned over the guitar in his lap and made a few changes on the sheet music in front of him. "What do you think of that instead?"

Mike reached for him, taking it in front of him. He worked the tune out in his head and then played it with his own guitar, immediatly smiling at the new sound.

"I like it." Mike nodded, playing it over a couple of times. As soon as it was implanted in his head, he set his guitar to the side and stood up. "You wanna grab some lunch? Take a break?"

"Sure, but after that I should probably be getting home. I've got some other stuff I have to do today."

"Oh, yeah sure. I didn't mean to take up so much of your time. I've just never worked with anyone else before. It's a lot funner than I thought it'd be."

"Well, we can get together again tomorrow. I've got some things in progress we can work on, at home. You can bring your stuff over." Mike nodded in agreement and they set off to eat lunch.
