"Micky!" Mike turned sharply and glared at Micky, who sat perched behind his drum set. "Quit doin' that!"

"Look, I'm not going to do this at all if you keep yelling at me." Micky threatened. Mike was about to blow up again, but Peter placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Just cool it, Mike. Let's take it from the top." he consoled.

"Taking it from the top ain't gonna do nothing. Micky's still going to speed it up." Mike pointed out angrily.

"Hey, I just think it should go faster. Our audience will dig it-" Micky began, but Mike only stared at him harder.

"Our audience? There is no our audience. We're not a band."

"If we're not in a band then what are we doing?" Micky inqured.

"Just forget it." Mike sighed. "Hey, Davy?"

For the first time during their conversation, Davy brought his head up from the book he was reading.

"C'mere a second." Davy obliged to Mike's request and met him up on the bandstand. "You think you can keep time for us? So Micky doesn't speed up the tempo."

"I guess I could." Davy shrugged.

"Pete, hand me that tambourine." Peter reached for Micky's tambourine and handed it to Mike. "Just hit it against your hand for every beat." Mike demonstrated the tempo and Davy nodded his head gently each time the cymbols shook with the force of Mike's hand. "You think you can handle that?"

"I think so." Davy said with obvious sarcasm. He took the tambourine from Mike, rolling his eyes as he sat down.

Peter counted off, Davy coming in with the rattling sound of the tambourine. Micky had many urges to speed up the song, but accepted the fact that it was Mike's song and he couldn't covince him. Although, he was sure if he got Peter behind him as well...he'd work on that later. Once the song ended, Mike sighed in relief.

"All right, Micky. You think you can do that without the tambourine now?" Mike spun to face Micky, a stern look on his face.

"That sounded cool, I think we should keep the tambourine part in there. It gives it something." Micky suggested.

"My song doesn't have a tambourine in it." Mike explained.

"So put it in there." Micky replied, knowingly. Mike counted to ten in his head, keeping his eyes shut tightly. He suddenly felt the now familiar feeling of Peter putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Let's talk outside." Peter suggested. Mike nodded and the two of them stepped outside before Peter began speaking. "Mike, I know you're dead set on recording this song by yourself, but the more people you include in this, the more people that are going to want to take part in it. Micky's not going to let you have it your way."

"So what am I suppose to do?"

"Well, you can kick us all out and do it yourself or let us work on it together. I mean, look at this, now that Micky's suggested it Davy's all excited about it." Peter gestured through the window where Micky and Davy were talking. Micky then began to play out a rhythm on his drums, letting Davy come in with his own tambourine part. "Do you want disappoint them? Be a good friend, Mike."

Mike was on the verge of shouting that they weren't his friends, but he decided against it. "I thought you were against the whole band thing." Mike pointed out to Peter.

"Well, when I think about it, you guys don't seem like the type to abandon me. Not like Micky's bandmates did. Let's just live like it is and have fun. Why can't we just play here at home for a while? Just us, don't worry about a stupid audience."

From inside, Davy had joined Micky up on the bandstand and together they were going through the song Micky's way and tempo, and Davy was nodding, agreeing that it sounded better that way.

Mike and Peter re-entered and Mike announced he had an idea, "Let's speed it up a bit."

"Hey, now wait a minute!" Micky stood up. "Don't take credit for my idea."

"I'm not, I want to try it out. Get behind your drums and let's go." Davy stepped off the bandstand and went to sit on the couch to listen. "Davy, get up here and get the tambourine. Let's go." Mike repeated.

Davy raised an eyebrow but obeyed at Mike's demand. He got up and stood in the gap between Mike and Peter, waiting for Peter to get them started.

"Wait a sec," Mike interrupted. He leaned forward to look around Davy at Peter. "Does this mean you're staying?"

Peter smiled and proceeded in playing the introduction to the song.

A/N: OK, so I didn't go into detail about how they got the name the Monkees. I'm creative, but not that creative. But don't you love it when Peter has the words of wisdom?
