
Little Brother

"Pete, whats wrong" "...nothing, I just feel a little nausious..." "you don't look too well mate'" Peter smirked, "I don't feel so well either..." Thats when the whole world around him went pitch black, he didn't even feel himself hit the floor.

Ambulance sirens sliced through the night air, as the Monkeemobile followed nervously behind.

In the waiting room Micky and Davy sat in chairs close together, in their own little worlds, Mike was pacing back and fourth, bitting his nails and cursing under his breath, why didn't he catch this sooner, why didn't he listen when Peter complained about his head hurting, or his limbs aching or being extremely fatigued, bloody noses, severe pains in his stomach most nights...these were probably all signs of something...much worse then the flu they thought he had...and he hadn't caught it-damn, he was supposed to be th leader(know everything) of the group, what happened?

"Damn it," he exploded, "Why won't they tell us anything ?" "They probably will, once they know things themselves..." Davy told him, Mike had knocked him from his wonderland back to reality, "But's whats taking so god damned long, we've been here for 3 hours now...and nothing..." Mike asked, anger rising with every word.

Thats when the doctor that had admitted Peter came out to the boys, a grave expression on his face. This scared the guys, "Gentle men, my name is Dr. Andres...I'm the attending doctor working on your friend Peter..." "...well, is he ok? what's wrong with him? is he gonna be ok?" the guys fired off questions at the doctor. "We're sorry, but tests show your friend Peter contracted a rare form of cancer called non-hodgkins lyphoma..." They never caught anything after cancer, it couldn't be true...Peter-cancer, just didn't go...wasn't supposed to go either, Peter was the one that was supposed to out live all of them with his healthy lifestyle, how had this happened? All 3 sat down like a ton of bricks as the words the doctor told them sunk in.

"Does he know?" Mike asked, gathering up all his strength and courage to ask,

"...ya, we told him...then he told us he knew for a long time...just didn't want to worry anybody"

"what!" the 3 asked in stunned disbelief.

"...you can go in and see him now, one at a time, he's awake and waiting for company." the doctor stated,

"...which room,"


"...ok...who's gonna go first?" Mike asked tunring to the other 2,

"..you..." Davy and Micky pointed to Mike,

"..you sure?" Mike asked, a little surprised,

"..ya, go on..." Micky dismissed. Mike quietly nodded as he got up from his seat and began his trek down the hall. Michael walked carefully in the room, the movement caught Peters eye, he turned his head, when he saw it was Mike, he frowned and looked down at his covers. Mike just stood there, hand on his hip, like he was waiting for an explaination.

"...so I guess you know..." Peter whispered, swallowing hard after the sentence.

"Yep, yes...I do...so does Davy and Micky..." Mike answered, then there was an awkward silence where Mike thought about how he could ask his question nicely...damn he couldn't, "...why the hell didn't you tell anybody Pete, god damn it Peter...cancer..."

Peter swallowed hard again, "...I don't know-I just didn't want anybody to worry about me, we have enough things to worry about with out my troubles..." he whispered back as his answer.

"We're your friends, we're supposed to worry about you man! and with not telling us, you've probably just added to our worries, fuck Peter, we coulda got you help sooner..."

"...ya, help..." Peter snarled laughing, which stopped Mike cold. Peter looked up into Mikes face, "...what's the use I'm just gonna die anyway...you can't stop cancer!" he yelled at him bluntly,

Mike stepped back in surprise, he had never hard such negative words come from Peters mouth. As soon as he processed exactly what Peter had said, a strong flash of anger surged through him, till it got to the point were he leaped towards Peters bed, and grabbed him by the collar, "...don't you ever, ever say that again, you hear me!?!?!" he growled in to the stunned mans face, "...don't you ever say you're gonna die again, thats you just being stupid...don't you ever, EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!".

For the first time ever when Peter looked into Mikes eyes he could actually read his feelings, his eyes were filled with fear, anger and hurt... he was feeling scared now himself,

"You promise me damn it!" Mike persisted grabbing on to his collar even more, his eyes piercing into Peter with no mercy...

"Promise me!" Mike yelled shaking him a bit,

"...ok...I promise Michael I promise!" Peter yelled back, Mike loosen his grip on Peter a bit, just to check if he was lying. When he figured he wasn't he loosened his grip all the way and sighed loudly then turned away from Peter and put his head in his hands. Peter just sat there, stunned into silence by his friends anger.

The shaking of Mikes shoulders caught Peter off guard, he leaned forward and put his hand on Mikes back,

"Whats wrong?" he whispered to his clearly distressed friend, Mike whiped his head around to look at Peter, Peter was taken back when he saw tear streaks running down Mikes face,

"...your the closest thing I have ever had to a brother...I see you as my little brother...and without you there to cool me down, I wouldn't be sane..." "When you said you were just gonna die, I couldn't comprehend you not being here...I couldn't...I don't want you to die, I'm scare Pete, I'm so scared..." Mike cried,

Peter imediatley enfolded Mike in a big hug, lying Mikes head on his shoulder, just as Mikes dam broke, he started to sob uncontrollably, to make Mike feel better Peter rocked back and fourth saying soothing words.

When Mike realized what he was doing, he laughed and pushed away from Peter, then wiped his eyes, "look at me, I'm crying like a baby complaining I'm scared...when you the one I should be comforting..."

"It's ok to cry..." Peter assured him,

"...ok, what ever you say bud'" Mike smiled getting up, "...who do you wanna see now?"

"...I don't know, who ever" Peter yawned rolling on his side.

"I'm sure Dave and Mick can wait, just get some sleep bud'" Mike smirked, tears sparkling in his eyes,

"Ok, night Michael" Peter answered in a nearly unaudioable voice.

"...good night ol' buddy..." Mike smirked, closing the door.

Micky and Davy were up and beside Mike even before he was fully in the waiting room, "how is he?" Micky asked, "He's fine Micky, he looks fine and acts fine, only at the end there he got tired and fell asleep..."

"...oh..." they both sighed, "The doctor came out and told us they want to keep him for more tests..." Davy told Mike, "...ok guys, let's get back to the pad, I think I left the door open anyway..." Mike told them as the 3 started walking out the room, "Wait, boys!" they heard behind them, they turned around to see Dr. Andres running after them, when he caught up to them he started, "...I want to talk to you about a new kind of treatment for Peter..." That imediatly got the guys attention,

"...speak..." Mike allowed,

"...its an experimental treatment, called Chemotherapy...it's a high dose of ultraviolet rays shot right to the source of his cancer..."

"...does it cure it?" Mike asked, skeptical,

"...yes, hopefully afer a few trys at it, it should..."

"...how many trys?" Micky asked, as skeptical as Mike about this new treatment,

"...for his case, we'd probably give him a round of 8 treatments in a row...3 weeks inbetween treatments...then we'd wait and see if it goes into remission..."

"...will it hurt him?" Davy asked, researching all his options.

"...no, not the treatment it self, he'll be knocked out for that...but it may make him feel even worse..." Dr. Andres answered

"...by worse you mean..." Mike made him continue...

"...like, he'll feel sick, probably vomit a lot...he'll be even more tired then he is, all the time...Peter will lose his appetit and his hair as well...but it will all come back once it goes into remission..."

"The medicine will make him sicker then disease?" Davy asked, putting the pieces together...

"....virtually, yes...but thats the only way we figure Peter can live..."

Mike crossed his arms across his chest, and began bitting his nails, phasing out his surroundings, Micky and Davy looked at Mike to wait for his verdict,

"Did you talk to Pete?" he asked, putting his arms back down at his side, he was seriously thinking abou it, but wanted Peter thoughts before he said anything.

"...yes, he said, said he wanted to here what you guys thought before he said anything."

"...well, tell Pete, we think he should do it..." Mike told him, with that the 3 of them turned around and left, they would come back the next day and get him.

When they got home, each guy dispursed into a different part of the pad. Micky walked over to his drum set and sat down, Davy sat on the couch and began reading his book he had started before they left, and Mike went up the stairs to his room.

"It's hard to believe..." Micky said, mostly to himself, hitting his drum stick off his cymbal, "...today, earlier...we didn't even think anyone could get anything that was related to cancer, like we were invincible..."

"I know what you mean mate..." Davy sympathized walking over to Micky, Micky absent mindly laughed,

"The world was so simple...like, we were so blind and thoughtless..."

"We weren't blind or thoughless Mick, we just didn't know..." Davy comforted,

"...no Davy!" Micky pushed, "...we were blind and thoughtless...you heard the doctor...Peter had known for a long time...as his friends we should have picked that up...we were blind, thoughtless because we didn't even think to ask him why he thought he was so sick..."

"You can't keep beating yourself up like that..."

"Yes I can Davy...I have to...he's like my little brother, i should have been watching him more closely..." Micky hit his snare drum as hard as he could then stood up and walked to the couch, "...damn it, if he doesn't make it through, if he dies, I don't know what'll do..." he said in a fast angry ramble, he sighed, put his head in his hands, "...I'd miss him too much...damn it"

"You can't talk like that, Petah will make it through...he will Mick, he'll make it through, he'll go in to the new treatments and come out, cancer free...you just watch mate'" Davy soothed, sitting down beside Micky.

"I hope yur right Dave'" Micky sighed, he got the sudden urge to hug someone...he needed the strength, he leaned forward and took Davy in a hug. Davy didn't fight back, he was losing faith already and needed it just as much as Micky did.

The next day the 3 guys walked into the hospital and straight into room 414, where they saw Peter lying in his bed flipping thru the TV channels. They were surprised to find he wasn't dressed yet. "Come on Pete, you can come home today..." Mike told him, as if the thought may have slipped his mind, "Nope Michael, I can't, they want me to start the therapy right away...I get my first dosage today...thats why I can't go..." Mikes jaw dropped, "...wow..." Davy said for him, "yep..." Peter smiled, "...yur not scared?" Micky asked, "of course I'm a little scared, with out fear there would be no life to live..." "...so when does all this take place...?" Mike asked, "...at, about 1:00...", it was 12:00 now, Micky, Davy and Mikes heart started to race, they were getting nervous for Peter.

"Well, do you want some coffee or something?" Micky asked, stumbling over words,

"...yes, but I'm not allowed to have anything till after..." Peter answered calmly,

"...Pete, how can you be so calm..." Mike asked, the question had really nagged at him,

Peter laughed, "I'm glad I look calm, cause I don't feel calm my stomachs doing summersaults and my throats dry"

"Don't worry Petah, everythings fine..." Davy assured him,

Thats when a woman in a long blue jean skirt, peasant top, black framed glasses, bun and white over coat came walking in, her hair was auburn and the sun reflected off her dark blue eyes, to Peter it seemed the sun shine came from her smile, if not it sure did rival it.

"Hello, my names Dr. Burnston, I'll be doing your chemo treatments, you can call me C.J..."

"...C.J. short for something?" Mike asked, still sort of amazed to see a woman doctor.

"...ya its real long, Catrina Josephine...so I stick with C.J." "Can I call you Cat?" Peter asked, his brown eyes sparkling with innocence.

"Sure!" she smirked, man...is he cute, could have possibilities-she thought, "...a new nickname, I never thought 'bout that one before..." Peter grinned, Catrina inwardly moaned, I gotta get out of here, wait till he's unconscious, then tell him your fantasies-she thought.

"...ok, well I gotta go check on another patient, I'll be back to get you Peter in a half an hour..." she smirked as she left the room.

"Hmmm...she's cute..." Davy thought outloud,

"...now, now...Dave...she's Pete's doctor, leave 'er be..." Mike warned,

"...ya, anyway...Peter wants her first..." Micky smirked, looking at Peter witha sly expression, Peter gave Micky a "I don't know what your talking about" look. Then MIcky watched as a small smirked crept apon his lips.

C.J. came right after the clocked passed a half an hour, "...man, you don't waste no time eh?" Mike asked, pointing out her timing. C.J. smiled at him, "Ok Peter...time to go..." 3 doctors surrounded his bed, kicked the brakes off and started pushing his bed, with him in it, towards the door, "...ok, well, this is where we end," Mike smiled, trying to keep his brave face, "...we'll be right here when you get out..." Micky told him, "...ya, and when your waking up, we'll be here..." Davy added, "...man, we'll be here so much, you'll get sick of us..." Micky added, "...I could never get sick of you guys..." Peter told him before the guys and C.J. rolled him away. The 3 men stood in the hallway, like lost puppies, watching as the bed rolled away and around the corner.

Micky, Mike and Davy kept their promise, they were there when he got out and when he woke up...4 hours later. Peters eyes cracked open around 5-5:30, Mike, Micky and Davy were all around him, ready to see him open his eyes fully. He smirked when he saw their faces, like eager children. "...your still here" he croaked, "of course we are Pete, we said we would be here when you woke up..." Mike answered him, "How long have I been out?"

"About 4 or so hours..." Micky said,

"Ya 'n that C.J. chick has been comin' in many times to check on you...I think she likes you as well Pete'" Davy smirked,

"she has to come in Davy, thats her job..." Peter told him, thats when he sat forward and covered his mouth, "...I'm gonna be sick, I'm gonna be sick..." he annouced,

"Ok, ok...here Pete'" Mike told him passing him the garbage can beside the night table,

"Well...I was gonna ask you how you feel, but I think that answers my question...huh?" Micky smiled,

Peter smirked, wiping his mouth, "...yur right, I feel like hell..."

"C.J. said you would, she also said you'd have to stay here until your treatments are over..."

"But that means-the band...how will you live?" Peter asked, in disbelief,

"...ta hell with the band, we'll think of something...your all that matters right now Pete'" Mike told him

"...thanks guys..." he smiled, then yawned,

"I think he's trying to tell us something..." Micky annouced getting up,

"I'm sorry guys..."

"'sall right Peter, just becareful and get some sleep, we'll leave you alone..."

"...night guys..." he called shutting his eyes,

"Night Peter..." they all called, shutting the door.

It had been an unusally slow night at the hospital, and Catrina had been going non-stop, she needed a break. But where? ah...that cute cancer patient, she hoped he wouldn't mind if maybe she slipped into his room and maybe slept on the bed beside him until she was needed again. She queitly knocked on the door and called his name, when she got no answer, she quickly opened the door and closed again once she slipped in. She sighed as she sat down on the bed, took off her over coat, slipped off her sandles, took off her glasses set them on the night stand, and took the bun out her hair. She then lifted her legs up on to the bed laid down, rolled over and closed her eyes, facing Peter. Once Peter noticed there was no movement he slightly opened his eyes to see if his ears deceived him, to his relief they didn't, there she was. He smiled to himself then rolled over, she was going to make his stay more pleasant, that was fer sure.

He didn't know how early it was when a weird sensation in his stomach woke him up, he sat right up and grabbed the garbage can. Catrina walked in just as Peter was setting the bucket down, "...morning..." she laughed, "...hi" he said back, wiping his mouth, "wheres the guys?" "...oh its way to early for visiting hours, 8:00 is when we allow it, its only 6:00" Catrina explained. Peter nodded, "...how was your sleep?" she asked, "...I should ask you the same thing" he smirked, Catrina blushed, big time... "you saw me...I thought you were asleep," "No, I had an upset stomach all night, I didn't sleep much, I just had my eyes closed..." "...oh, why didn't you tell me...?" "...cause I didn't want to" he smiled, "...ya..." Catrina laughed. "this is gonna be a stupid question but, do you want anything to eat or drink, cause I'm heading out that way and..." "...no, no, I'm fine..." "Ok, well..." "...I just came in to tell you, I'm off now...Dr. Markus is taking over, he's a very go od doctor..." Peters face fell, boy meets girl, boy loses girl...-classic case-he thought "...awe don't worry, I'm working tomorrow same time, 6-6; anyway I may come visit...ya never know..." she smirked as she watched Peters face light up. "Bye Peter..." she smiled, leaving the room. "Bye Cat..." he called back, mentally preparing himself for a male doctor coming to check on him instead of Cat.

Mike, Davy and Micky were in Peters room before the clock even struck 8, thanks to Davys ability to persuade the oposite sex...he now had a date too...with a nurse...

"Hi guys," Peter smirked,

"Hey bud' have a good sleep,"

"...no, not really, I had a upset stomach all night..."

"-and I still feel like hell, maybe even worse...thanks for asking Micky" he smiled, Micky was bound to ask.

"ya, well..." he shyed away. Thats when Catrina walked in, "Hello guys...hey Peter..." she smiled, Peter laughed, the navy blue shirt she was wearing set off her eyes and Peters heart.

"you don't kid when you say visit, do ya?"

"Nope" she laughed, "...I'm not interupting anything am I?"

"Oh, no...no...we were just- Mike, bucket!" Peter yelled, Michael quickly passed him the can.

After he was done, he wiped his mouth and leaned back, "That's the 2nd time in 10 minutes..." Catrina became concerned, she went over and felt his head... "your burning up..." she announced, she tried pressing on his stomach, she moaned when nothing happened, "...what-what's wrong..." Mike asked, in a panic, "He should have responded to me pressing on his stomach..." "-if he didn't...what does that mean?" Davy asked, getting nervous, "...it means he's bleeding somewhere, internally..." Mickys eyes filled with panic as he looked over his friend, he noticed his eyes were drouping as his head was bobbing up and down. "...no, come on Peter...stay awake" Catrina ordered. "C.J. whats gonna happen?" Mike asked rambling on, "...we have to get him into M.R.I. to see where he's bleeding, then to the O.R. to stop it." Catrina told them, pulling the "help" cord beside his bed. 3 doctors and a nurse came running in, "We need to get him to the M.R.I. he's bleeding internally..." she pu shed, "But Dr. Burnston, your off..." one doctor pointed out, "I don't care Luke, just go...". "Luke" nodded and began pushing Peters bed out.

Catrina and the guys started to follow them, but were held back by the nurse, "I'm sorry Dr. Burnston, you're not authorized to perform this..." Catrina just nodded and stood with the other 3, in the door way, watching as the wheeled him to the M.R.I. room. Mike put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them, Micky wrapped his hand around her arm, Davy held her hand quickly and squeezed it. They were all now linked by a special bond, their concern and love for Peter. "come, let's go sit in the waiting room..." Catrina whispered, as the other 3 followed her.

Catrina, Micky, Mike and Davy all sat in the waiting room, hudled together in a little pack, Catrina had her head in her hands, rocking back and fourth with her eyes closed. "You C.J...." Mike started, Catrina looked up from her hands to Mike, "...you may have just saved Pete's life..." "...ya, or not...and its all my fault..." "...not its not luv, don't say that..." "...yes, it is Dave, I'm the one that recommened Chemo to Dr. Andres..." "...it was a good idea, now shut up and stop beating your self up..." Mike told her. The doctor known as Luke then came out, with blood on his over coat, Catrina had to look away...bad thoughts filled her head. "...ok, so...Mr. Tork...made it through the surgery, he was bleeding from an artery that carries blood to the kidney, he's in critical condition in I.C.U. We put him into a drug induced coma..." then he nodded and left, Catrina sighed loudly leaning back on the chair, she covered her face with her hands and started to cry she had be en holding so much emotion that she had to release it somehow. Micky, Mike and Davy imediatley ran to her, "Whats wrong luv?" Davy asked her,

"...I don't know Dave, I'm just so...over stressed...my old boyfriend wasn't as lucky as him, he was bleeding internally too...I didn't catch fast enough" "...don't beat your self up Catrina, he's safe...Peters safe...hold it-" Mike stopped, "...boyfriend...C.J." "...ok, yes, I love him...I slept in the same bedroom as him last night..." "...I knew it," Micky smirked.

Once Peter woke up, he was put back into his room, this time hooked up to a heart monitor, I.V., every type of medical "thinga-majig" you could think of. It was tough for everyone to see him like that, aside from being a little sick the day before he was fine, now he had an oxygen tube up his nose, and I.V. in his hand. He looked like he had been run over by a semi, but he had a big smile on his face when he saw the 4 come into his room.

"Hi guys..." he smirked,

"...hi Peter...see we didn't leave ya yet...listen, Catrina has something she wants to tell you..." Mike told him, pushing C.J. forward, Catrina looked back at Mike and cast daggers at him, then turned back to Peter and got nervous,

"Um...hey Peter..."

"Hi Cat," he smiled, "...don't be nervous..."

She laughed, wrinkling her hands, "...well, I...um, hope you get better, bye!" she told him, racing to the door, but Mike and Micky stood infront of her, she looked up into their smirking faces and growled then turned around... "Ok, well, that wasn't all I wanted to say..."

"whew...good," Peter joked,

"Well, what I wanted to say was that...well, damn, ok...Peter Tork, I have a crush on you...no, it's more then that...I think I love you" she looked up from the floor into Peters eyes, to wait and see if he burst out laughing, like she thought he would, but nope...

"...In all honestly Cat..." Peter started, here it comes-she thought,

"I know I love you..." Cats jaw involuntarily dropped,

"I've known since the first time you came in here...you beautiful, gorgeous...smart and intelligent..."

"You don't care that I'm a doctor...?"

"oh no...I'm fine with that, I think more girls should go into medicine..." Cat grinned. A nurse then came into the room, "I'm sorry Peter, but visiting hours are over..." they all collectively sighed. As the 4 started to leave, Peter called back Cat, "...do you think you can sleep here again tonight, please..." he asked, Cat procrastinated for a bit then smiled, "...sure, Ive got nothing to go home to...why not?" Peter smiled weakily. "...behave yourselves you two..." Mike warned, just being smart, as Micky made a cat grrr... "Good night guys..." they both called, rolling their eyes.

It was the same sleeping arrangements as the night before. Once Catrinas head hit the pillow she was out. It didn't take long for her to start dreaming, the first thing she remembers about her dream was looking into the face on a newborn baby girl, with beautiful extremely dark blue eyes and a flash of red hair on her head, she sensed breathing on her neck, she looked up and was happily surprised to see a grinning Peter, standing beside her rubbing her hair. Peter was smiling so much in her dream, that his cheeks seemed to be splitting in two, there was one suttle difference to him though, his hair was much, much brighter, like strawberry, almost pure blonde...no more dirty blonde...it was a pure blonde. then she was whirled into a cemetary, standing around a grave stone, with Mike, Micky and Davy, each one had a morbid look on their faces. She bent down and read the grave stone, PETER HALSTEN THORKELSON 1942-1967, she stood up quickly...then jolted herself from her sleep.

She then bolted up right and looked to Peters bed, he wasn't there, she got nervous till she felt her hand being held, she looked down full of panic. She calmly laid her head back down and sighed, she knew he shouldn't be out of his bed, but just having him there, caring for her enough to do that...made her feel alot better, she squeezed his hand then placed her other hand on top of his head and started rubbing it, till she fell asleep.

When Peter woke up the next day he found himself safely back in his bed, when he remembered he had gotten out to comfort Catrina, who had been probably having a nightmare. Catrina walked in just as he finished his pondering, "aw, yur up..." she smiled, "...I had you moved you back into your bed, you probably feel sick enough...I didn't think you needed the choir of climbing up on your bed..." he smirked, "Thanks" "...no problem, listen your next treatment is in 3 weeks, which according to your chart is your birthday..." "hmmm...interesting..." "your not bothered by that?" "nope..." "...ok, well...I gotta go...busy day..." she blew him a kiss as she walked out.

At home at he pad, Micky, Mike, and Davy were just waking up, they all met downstairs, "You'll never guess what kind of dream I had last night" Micky rushed, "...I know, I know, Peter and CJ getting married..." Davy added just as fast, "Ya, ya...you had the same dream?" he asked, pointing to him, "Ya, ya...I did...do you think that means something?" "Cool it guys..." Mike cautioned, "...he just had his first treatment, 7 more to go...were not out of the woods yet" "Ok, were sorry Mike..." Davy apologized, as Micky and he started walking off, they weren't far away from Mike when he heard Davy whisper to Micky, smiling... "When do you think the wedding'll be?" Mike let out an agrevated growl, yelled, "You're impossible..." then went to his room.

