
Chapter 3: DAILY, NIGHTLY...

March 6th had come, way too fast, it was now time for his 3rd treatment. Catrina and the guys waited nervously in the waiting room as the doctors preformed it, as usual. But once they were allowed to see him...well, you didn't have to tell them twice. Catrina and Davy raced to the door, and got to it at the same time.

"Damn Davy..." she laughed, squeezing through,

"...I can't help it luv..." he laughed back, walking in after his push and shove with Catrina,

"...will you two cool it...Pete's sleeping" Mike shunned, both Catrina and Davy looked at each other, then to Michael with big puppy dog eyes and in a 4 year old voice chorus "we're sorry daddy" in a whisper.

"No...I'm not" Peters, husky parched voice was heard from the bed, Mike, Davy, Catrina and Micky looked over and saw Peter with his eyes closed, smirking a little. Mike gave Davy and Catrina the death glare then walked over to his bed,

"Don't worry Michael, they didn't wake me...I was awake in the Recovery room..."

"Oh," Mike answered,

"Michael, I figured out a name for that song you've been working on..."

"...really?" he asked surprised, "...what would you call it?"

"Daily, Nightly, cause of the nurses that come in daily an' nightly to check on me...and that groovy machine you use..."

"The synthesizer..." Mike smirked,

"...ya, reminds me of crickets at night...."

"Oh, thank buddy" he smirked,

"Don't mention it" Peter smirked back.

That night after the guys left, Catrina sat with Peter in his room. "Peter..." Catrina asked, "...what are your plans for the future..."

"Well for one, I'd like to get over this..." he smirked, his eyes closed,

"No, I mean after that..."

"Oh, ya well..." he smirked, "...I wanna marry you..."

"...umm, I like that..." Catrina smirked, "...and..."

"...get my hair back..."


"Then after that...we're gonna have lots of kids..."

"Lots?" Catrina rose her eyebrow, "...as in how many?"

"...oh atleast 10" he smiled, earning a swat from Catrina. Peter laughed, then yawned, "...boy, I'm tired..."

"Ya, so am I..." Catrina answered, getting up and kissing him,


The next day Mike came in smiling, Micky too... Peter saw this, it made him feel better, he hadn't seen them truly smile since Christmas.

"Hey Pete...your synthesizer idea worked out wonderfully, even though Micky can only make one sound with it, it works..." Michael told him, he was giddy like a 4 year old going to an amusment park...that was something you hardly every heard out of Michael Nesmith's mouth.

"Good, I'm glad..." Peter smiled, "...I knew it would" Thats when a nurse, Peter had come to know as, Julia...came in, "Hey Peter...C.J. was sent home sick, she can't come to see you until after she gets over her bug..."

Peters face fell, "thank you..." he whispered, he tried to hide his disappointment, but to no avail, Mike, Micky and Davy could read him like a book. Mikes heart broke, he hated seeing Peter this way...more now then ever...he was just about to say something when Micky cut in,

"Hey man, its alright...you still got us and...you have her phone number don't you?"

Peter looked up to Micky, with mischievous little eyes...Micky laughed, "You can phone her..."

"Your right, thank you Micky..." Peter smiled slightly,

"Hey...no problem..."

Right then the phone in his room wrang, he quickly picked it up, it was Catrina...she explained her self, then sneezed. Peter laughed at her and told her that he missed her and that to get her rest.

After visiting hours were over, and the guys had left, Peter started to fell the downside of the Chemo queit fast. He found he was all alone...no Cat to stay with him, to cheer him up. It was just him and the annoying beep of an I.V. machine. Then, like a god send, the phone beside his bed wrang. He picked it up, half expecting one of the guys...


"Hi babe...*sneeze*" Catrina then sniffed,

"Cat," Peter smiled, laughing

"Yep, hey, just wanted to see how your doing..."

"I'm sick, sick of being alone...I'm totally bored out of my head..."

"Aw...." Catrina laughed, as she sneezed again

"..it sounds like you're just plain sick..." Peter laughed,

"I am..." she coughed, "I'm sorry I've not been able to visit, but."

"No..." Peter smiled, laughing, the first time he had really truly smiled in days, "...I understand, you stay home, get some rest and come...I'll still be right here"

"I am sorry babe..."

"No, don't be, I'm just worried about you...you get some rest now,"

"Ok, I will...I gotta go now..."

After one last yawn Peter hung up, happily put the phone back on the cradle and closed his eyes.
