
Part Two:
Somebody's Somebody
2002 July-Oct.

"Hey, wanna go with us to the drive-in?" Sarah asked her friend while the two were sitting in Madison's room listening to her Sweetwater record.

"Who's 'us'?" Madison simply asked back.

"Micky and the guys. I'm sure Davy would want you to."

"Don't say that. He may have a girlfriend, and she's probably going."

"Oh well if he does, just enjoy the movie then. Just please come with me." Sarah pleaded with her. Madison thought for a few minutes. She looked in the mirror. She wasn't comfortable going somewhere when she wasn't directly invited, but she wasn't going to leave her friend hanging.

"What do you think we could do to my hair?" Sarah squealed with delight at her friend's consent to go with her. She gave her a few tips, and added that she be going to get ready herself. They were picking her up in a bit and for her to meet her at her house.

"Hello?" Micky asked when he picked up the receiver at the pad.

"It's Sarah, Madison's coming." "Oh great." Micky replied with sarcasm.

"What's wrong?" "Davy decided to bring a date."

"Oh." Sarah's voice fell. "So, what do we do?"

"She can come and maybe Davy will change his mind after he's with her again. I mean this Lola has him all strange and everything. Okay? See ya soon babe." Micky hung up the telephone to finish getting ready. Sarah got off as well. She was now a little afraid how Madison was going to take it. She knows that she has no expectations from this, but she knows her friend will act okay even if she isn't. Her and Micky's plan was starting to crumble. For days after Madison's birthday, she and Davy haven't even talked. Micky knew she'd be better for Davy more than anyone he was dating lately. Micky knew as well what Davy mumbled his sleep one night. He knew he liked her.

"Hey babe." Micky sighted Davy as he flew down the spiral staircase. "Sarah is bringing Madison." Davy eyes lit up.


"Yep. Oh what time is Lola getting here?"

"Oh, um I'm not sure. Actually she may not even come, so let's just leave now." Davy started out to the door a knock came and Mike answered.

"Oh, hi Peter. Davy can we leave now, I don't want my hair to mess up before the nights over." She bounced in passed Mike who was about to correct her and just decided not to. He had so many times before, if she didn't get it now, it was useless. She tossed her perfectly combed blond hair past her shoulders. Her eyes were a smoky blue, and she was just a little taller than Davy.

"I guess we should get Sarah and Madison now." Peter commented to them as he walked to the door. The others followed. Mike and Peter got into the front of the Monkee Mobile, while Micky got into the very back and Lola then Davy sat in the mid section. The top was down sense it was a nice night, and Lola held her jacket over her hair for protection from the wind. They pulled up at a little blue and white house next to the shore line. The paint was chipping from the salt of the water that spat on the house. Outside on the porch stood Sarah and Madison. Madison nearly stopped breathing when she spotted Lola looking cozy with Davy. She looked at Sarah and then back at them as the two decended the steps. She put her hand up to her face and started bitting her nails. Sarah immidetly climbed in the back with Micky. Madison looked at the car for a moment.

"Uh, where should,"

"How 'bout sitting right next to Davy." Micky suggested.

"Okay." She climbed in and sat uncomfortably for a few minutes.

"So Madison who are you with?" Lola asked moving herself to see around Davy. There was a silence for a moment.

"I asked her to come." Micky replied.

"You three know each other?" Davy asked.

"Yeah, we go to the same school." Madison answered dryly. The rest of the ride remained silent, with the exception of Micky and Sarah's chatter on the very back. Madison couldn't help stealing glances of Davy however; at the same time she caught Lola's cold eye, and decided to keep her eyes on the passing trees and businesses that they sped by. All she wanted to do was get to the drive-in and semi focus on something, something other than Davy that is. They pulled up to the ticket boot, and they all handed their money to the lady for seven adults. They parked in the center towards the back, and as soon as the previews started Mike and Peter left while having said something about looking for chicks.

"Ya know it's getting pretty crowded in here. Madison why don't you go get us some popcorn, and cokes. You aren't afraid of the dark are you?" She was leaning over Davy with her hand on his chest. Madison bit her tongue, she wasn't one to start anything, even if she did have enough guts, but she was really thinking of a few things she wanted to say to her.

"Sure, I'll be back in a few." She walked out of the car, She wasn't even thinking of asking what they wanted or even if she had enough money, she just wanted some air. She breathed in and out, she was becoming emotional, and she did not want to cry, especially not at that time. She didn't want them, him to think she was a crybaby or someone so immature. Micky and Sarah observed the act preformed before them.

"I wonder if she has enough money?" Sarah said in more of a statement than question directed toward Davy. The two waited for a moment, watching Davy's next move. He began to edge away from Lola's grip.

"I'll check. Lola excuse me." He pulled her hand off of his shirt.

"I'm sure she can manage on her own." Lola replied with venom and jealousy in her voice.

"I'll be back in a minute." With that he left the car, and headed towards the concession stand. He saw her standing with her back against the side of the building. She had her left hand at her face and the other supporting it at the elbow. She was thinking negative thoughts. Why did she think he liked her, she asked herself. He probably only felt bad at the party. He was just a nice guy that's all.

"You alright?" He walked up to her slowly, and she looked up at him unexpectedly.

"Oh! Just peachy." She lied half heartedly. "Maybe I should just walk home."

"Walk home!" He exclaimed. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Well, I'm a third, sixth, well possibly soon to be an eleventh wheel." Davy didn't dispute this.

"Is there any way I can change your mind?" She shook her head.

"It's not far. Would you tell Sarah for me?" He nodded, and she started to turn away when she heard him say her name. She turned around.

"Yes?" She watched him for a moment. It was as if he were searching for words.

"Nothin' sorry." He watched her walk away, and grumbled under his breath a few curse words. When he got back to the Monkee mobile he didn't say anything, he looked at Sarah who looked at him, and kind of nodded, as if she knew what happened. Both movies finally ended, and Lola's house was the first stopped at.

"Davy!" Lola cried out to him, and broke him of a trans like state. He hopped out of the car, and walked her to her door. They stood for a moment, and Lola started.

"Davy, I don't know what was wrong with you tonight, but you paid me no attention, and acted like I wasn't even around." She waited for his response, and she was clearly expecting a groveling sorry. When he didn't say anything, but stammer out a few "I....I...", she smacked him across the face. "David Jones, you need get your priorities straight! I'm going to give you a few days to think then call me. Okay?" When he didn't reply she turned into her door, and walked right into it. That sent everyone in the car laughing. She grew so angry she stomped her foot and fumbled for the knob, and then slammed the door shut after she walked in. They dropped Sarah off and headed back to the pad for the night. Peter and Mike stayed up and worked on a new song they were putting together, while Micky talked to Sarah on the phone, something that used to be Davy’s job after a date. It had been a few hours and Davy was still sitting in the exact spot he was sitting in when he went home, finally he got up and walked to the back door towards the beach, and headed out on the sand.

Madison was just getting into her pajamas and in her comfortable bed at the time, but found she wasn’t able to sleep. She was in a depressing mood, she knew it would pass as all the other had, but this time it was causing her restlessness. Finally she decided to do the same as Davy had and take a walk on the beach. She put her overcoat on and slipped out a side door, not to disturb her parents sleeping in a room no too far. She had her hair pulled into two low ponytails on each side of her face. She was really hoping not to run into Davy this time however. She was feeling very self-conscious without any make up on, and what had happened earlier. She at last came upon Davy laying in the sand looking up at the glimmering stars. She only looked from a distance. She began to daydream. She was wondering what it would be like to do all the little things that boyfriend, and girlfriends do. She wanted more than anything, for some reason to touch his hair, or rub his shoulders. Run her fingers through it, and just play with it. She didn’t know why, but those were just things that she thought of doing, from the first time she saw him. She could never phantom doing it herself, even if they were dating. She wasn’t that aggressive, if that could be considered aggressive. After a few minutes of watching his chest fall as he breathed, she turned to went home, as did he an hour later.

"Man, how do you do this? I'm burning up." Madison asked Sarah as they sat on their blankets on the hot beach sand. Sarah was on her back with her eyes closed. Madison squirmed some and finally sat up. The sun had started burning across her pale face, on the bridge of her nose and cheeks. She poked in around in a lime green bag they had sat between them, pulled out a book, and situated herself on her stomach. She had just gotten past a few pages in Northanger Abby, when sand that had been thrown interrupted her concentration. She was about to yell at Sarah when she looked over to see Sarah looking up at a guy. As she began to recognize him as he leaned down and gave Sarah a kiss on the cheek. He stood about 5'10, had dark hair, kind of like Peter's, very blue eyes, and a very nice evenly tan build. Sarah squealed in delight.

"Hey, Dom!" She yelled. Finally, Madison realized who he was. Dom, or Dominic, was Sarah's cousin, who went off to college the year before. He had seemed to have changed drastically since he had been away. Dominic looked in her direction.

"What, no hug?" He bent down and embraced his little cousin’s friend, which he vaguely remembered though now he was wondering how he forgot. The trio sat for some minutes when they heard a holler from the distance. They could tell where it was coming from, and sure enough, as they looked toward the Monkees' Pad they saw two familiar faces, Micky, and Davy. Micky went quickly up to Sarah linked arms with her and gave her kiss on the cheek, as if to say, I'm somebody's, somebody. Something Madison picked up on very quickly and instantly felt hopelessness, uselessness, and even ashamed. She stole a glance of Davy, and noticed he was looking at her. He smiled, and she politely reciprocated. He was admiring her with the thought that she looked cute in her pink paisley swim suite. She however felt mocked and just stupid after the Drive In fiasco. She hadn't heard of the events that followed later that night yet. It was something Sarah was going to tell as they were sun bathing, but it hadn't came up yet. Sarah and Micky's plan wasn't to make it look too obvious, or it wasn't going to work. The two new arrivals were introduced to Dominic, and they chatted some about what college was like for him, and things of the nature, when the idea was brought up for them all to get ice cream. They walked to a close sundae parlor just off the beach. The two girls wrapped up their blankets, packed away their things, and added some shorts to their suites.

They entered the parlor and found it to be extremely crowded. With a party just having left a table the group seized it. Micky and Sarah went for some napkins to wipe it off, and then they situated themselves accordingly, Sarah and Micky on one side, Davy and Madison on the other and Dominic in a chair at the end. Madison began to feel somewhat uncomfortable. The booth seemed smaller than she had ever encountered before. She was so close to Davy, her shoulder was grazing his and she could smell his lunch coming off his breath when he’d talk. For some reason, to her, it wasn’t all that bad. She listened for the majority as Sarah and Dominic reminisced of the past, and he chit chatted with the boys about guy stuff. Finally it started to become full circle when it the pass went to Madison.

“You’re awfully quiet Maddy.” Dominic looked over to her, and stared at her until she looked at him, and then into her eyes.

“Guess there’s not much to say.” She removed her gaze from him, to Sarah, and Micky getting more of a group feel to the answer rather than it, to her, become a personalized conversation, even with just that one question.

“Well, I’d like to know how my favorite cousin’s very best friend is doing now. You seem so much more, grown up. Ya know taller and everything.” Madison felt uncomfortable, she really didn’t have much to say, if anything.

“Well, I’m fine. I just turned seventeen, I’ll be a senior this year, and I don’t know. What else is there?”

“Who you goin’ out with?”

Madison cringed. “No one right now.”

“Oh I figured Sarah and you’d be doubling all summer. I got an idea, since you’ve been deprived all summer, how bout you and me hit a movie with Sarah and Micky. Okay with you?” She wasn’t even thinking of what just happened and nodded.

“Yeah, guess so.” Davy was becoming overcome with what just happened he couldn’t speak. His mind was verbally abusing him for his past stupidity and his present silence.

The next few days passed quickly, a little too quickly for Madison. She was becoming more worried about her date with Dominic. She knew she would be with Sarah, and Micky but it still made her nervous. She had never been on a date before, and now she’d be going on one with someone so handsome, and someone who seemed really interested in her. She knew whom she really wished it would be, but that didn’t happen so she was trying to make the best of it. Although she wouldn’t tell her friend any of this, it’s her cousin she may be offended. She got dressed with the aid of her sister‘s expertise, and waited by the door for Dominic. It was agreed earlier that She and Dominic would ride together, and Sarah and Micky would meet them at the movie after they picked something up from the store. They were going to an in door theatre this time. Madison heard a honk, grabbed her dark pink wrap and stood in the doorway. She yelled into the living room that she was leaving, and waited f or some acknowledgment, after receiving it walked past the screen door, and into his car. She sat in almost complete silence as the radio played on the way. When they pulled into the parking lot her eyes scanned for Sarah’s car.

“I don’t think they’re here yet.” Madison offered, and shifted in her seat. She noticed he had already made himself more comfortable, by turning towards her with his knee on the seat, and his right arm bent on the back of the seats facing her. Neither of them said anything for some minutes. Finally he broke the awkward silence and approached her with music, which eased her nervousness. Micky and Sarah met the two at Dominic’s car, and headed into the theatre together. Madison wasn’t sure if he was going to pay, or what when they got to the ticket counter. She began to dig into her pocket when he stopped her, and handed the lady behind the counter the bills. The movie went smoothly, there were a few elbow brushes, glances caught, and by the end scene his arm was around her shoulder. When they left the theatre she left feeling much more confident, and much less nervous. Dominic and Micky said a few words to each other unable to be heard by Sarah, or Madison who stand off talkin g of girlish things. The two couples depart and head to the destination. Dominic and Madison follow Micky and Sarah in her car, and stop at a traffic light losing them behind a flow of cars resembling each other.

“Do you know where he was headed?” Madison asked as she tried looking through the windows of the cars ahead of them.

“Yeah, I got an idea.” He smiled with the side of his mouth.


“The Vincent Van Go Go. I thought maybe you could use a dance.”

“Oh, I’ve never been there. Tiffany has a few times I think.”

“I’ll have to make your first time something to remember then wont I? What time do you have to be in?”

“They said before midnight.”

“Okay no problem.” They pulled into a crowded parking lot. Madison got out and searched for Sarah. She was standing next to the car, and Dominic stood next to her.

“How bout we wait inside.” He tugged on her arm and she complied, walking with his hand in hers. This made her feel so excited. She almost couldn’t wait to get inside just to see if anyone she knew would be there and see her with someone so good looking. Of course that was only half of it. He pulled her through the clots of bodies in the way to any table. Once through they sat down and ordered drinks. They talked for a few minutes, and he asked her to dance during a fast song. Madison never really fast danced before, so the idea kind of frightened her. She stalled until a slow song began to play and then she easily agreed. Once on the floor she began to feel queasy, and light headed. She leaned into him and closed her eyes hoping it would pass.

“Are you okay?” He asked pushing her back enough to see her face.

“Yeah, I think so. Maybe I should sit down for a few minutes.” He helped her to their table, and sat her down. She drank the rest of her soda in one downing.

“Here, let me see something.” He leaned over and looked in her eyes.

~This is to the second chapter and more to come to it! I just don't get it all up at once, sorry.~
