It happened to fast for any one to comprehend. Mike watched in shocked horror as Peter froze in the middle of the road, as he watched the speeding car race towards him. Micky wanted to yell at Peter to get out of the way, move! But his arms, legs and voice were paraylzed. Thats when it happened, they all saw Peters body hit off the hood of the car with a tremendously loud thud, his head bounce off the windshield creating an instant crack and then watched as, the car came to an immediate stop, the abrupt stop catapolted Peter 7 feet into the air and landed about 10 feet away from the car, his head hit off the pavement with a loud thump as his body lay strude across the road. Micky, Mike and Davy swore that they could hear bones crack, but not just one or two. What they were hearing was like Rice Crisps in milk, and it scared the hell out of them all. "My god, Peter..." Davy called running behind Micky and Mike, all he could think about was how much pain Peter must be in, even though he knew he couldn't fully comprehend it. Mike dove towards his body as the car sped off into the distance. He knelt beside his friends still figure and took his head into his arms, and began to hit his cheeks in hopes he would wake up, "Come on Pete..." "...wake up buddy, please..." he pleaded nervously, "Peter...". When Mike realized he wasn't going to wake up, no matter how much he pleaded, his head whipped up and looked up to Micky, "GET HELP!" he at him forcefully. Micky was somewhat taken back, but he too had adrenaline running through his veins. So he nodded and took off running to find a phone.Davy just stood idle beside all the action, completely frozen by fear and uncertainty. "It's ok Davy, everything will be fine..." Mike assured him, but inside he said it more to assure himself if anything. Thats when Peters bruised eyes fluttered open, just enough...a ray of hope shone into Mikes eyes, "Mike..." he squeaked, his voice just above a whisper, "...Mike..." "Peter, ya, what...what?" Mike smiled, holding back tears. "I can't feel...I can't feel..." His eyes opened and closed as his eyes rolled left and right, back and fourth. "No Peter...you can't close your eyes..." Mike told him, whimpering as he hit his cheeks even harder. "Michael, I can't feel...my...I can't feel my..." Peter whispered, the blood from the laceration on his forehead was now running into his hair, down his face, lacing through Mikes hands and staining his shirt, "You can't feel your what Pete? Your what dammit! Answer me!" Mike demanded, shaking his shoulders just a bit-enough to get his attention. Peter absently looked up to Mike with glazed over eyes, and smiled weakily, "I love you guys..." then his eyes closed fully and his body went limp. A loud scared gasped escaped from Mikes lips, he got more forceful with his quest to wake him up. "Peter...Peter wake up...Peter...please..." Mike asked, yelling into his face. "You can't go to sleep yet, you have told me what-" "Excuse me sir..." a male voice cut him off, Mike looked up with red rimmed eyes and saw that the man asking him to move was a paramedic. Mike moved back beside the frozen Davy and Micky, "He said he couldn't feel..." Mike told the paramedics, quickly working to stop Peters bleeding. "Couldn't feel what?"the other paramedic asked, not taking his eyes off Pete, "I don't know, he conked out before he could tell me..." a worried "Hmmmm..." was heard from one of the paramedics, "...then we better take extra caution lifting him then..."Mike, Micky and Davy began to get nervous, "lift him, why? Why would you lift him?" he asked nervously. The paramedic looked up to Mike, "We have to get him to the ambulance...don't worry, we'll use a stretcher..." Mike let out a relieved sigh, he had completely forgot about the actual transportation to the hospital part.

