
“I'm so excited about this costume party Mick!” I exclaimed as I sat myself down on the couch in the Monkees Pad. I had found the perfect costume too; a Renaissance princess with a long red silk frock, it was magnificent. Micky, of course, was my handsome knight dressed in chivalrous armor that made me laugh to look at him.

“I know! And the best part is Paul McCartney is hosting it while the Beatles are in L.A.! My idol!” Micky replied. I rolled my eyes and looked to the door again, waiting on my friend and Pad-mate Erica to enter. She had told me her outfit was a surprise and I just couldn't wait to see what it was.

Davy came strolling down the stairs soon after this thought. He was in a cute monkey outfit and banana in hand.

“You're namesake Dave! That's awfully cute!” I said getting up and walking over to him.

“I thought you'd like it, now won't you be my date tonight?” he replied his hands clasped together in a plea.

“Sorry Davy, I've already got my knight in shining armor,” I said and curtsied in front of Micky.

Just then Erica and Peter came in the Pad. I had forgotten they were going a couple too. It was so cute! They were dressed as Sonny and Cher!

“How cool Erica! I love the hair by the way,” I said pulling at her long dark hair.

“Yeah, it took forever to straighten,” she replied with a sigh.

“Where's Mike at?” a now mustached Peter asked with his hands on his hips. I chuckled a little at that, he didn't look too bad.

The person in question suddenly waltzed down the stairs. Or should I say tripped? Mike looked like a space man! His outfit was black and all sequined up and he wore silver platforms. And his hair, it was a curly mass on his head. He was also wearing face paint! What was he trying to pull? (You know who this is yet?)

“What do you call this NEZ?” I inquired approaching him.

“I call it rocking all night and partying every day!” he replied and stuck out his tongue at me. It was hideous! It looked like he swallowed a cow tongue and it didn't go down or something! (You HAVE to know now!) I drew back and went over to Micky.

“Right…let's go” Peter finally ordered and we all piled into the MonkeeMobile.

By the time we arrived at McCartney's costume party, I knew something was seriously wrong with Mike. He was scaring the crap out of us all. We all got out of the Mobile and followed Mike to the door as he knocked. Paul almost fell over in fright when he saw Mike's face, but invited us in with a warm welcome. The place was full of all kinds of people. I spied John Lennon from across the room and I knew where my next stop would be. Besides, Micky was on Paul's tail for an autograph anyway.

“Me lady Ash,” John said once I had reached him. He bowed and kissed my hand.

Who are you supposed to be?” I asked eyeing his clothes.

“Myself, isn't that enough for everyone?” he replied with a wink. I laughed.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar Texan voice coming from a microphone. He was singing something called 'Lick It Up' and I was not amused. Oh no, I thought, we did not need him to find a band!

Once I found the small stage, everyone was there. Women were fainting all over the place and this was not out of swooning, believe me. Blood real or fake, was spurting from Mike's mouth and he seemed to enjoy it. For all I knew he was possessed!

Micky to the rescue, he drew his plastic sword and jumped on the stage. Mike looked terrified and fell to the ground. I ran up to make sure he wasn't dead and soon all the Monkees and Erica were around as well.

“What was it?” Erica asked staring down at him.

Davy reached into Mike's pocket and found a piece of paper. He read it aloud, “New ideas- Music Television, videos all the time. Kiss- band with lead singer in-“

“Yeah, yeah a Satanist in drag!” I cut in grabbing it from him and ripping it up, “And music all the time, what are videos?”

Mike soon woke up and didn't remember a thing. But we sure as Davy's banana did! The band went on stage with the Beatles later and played. It was funny to see our own Michael Nesmith dressed like that.

We had fun and went home late, always remembering that night. Now each and every time Mike gets an idea we have to knock him out and rip it up. Who wants a flock of seagulls in their house anyway? Psh!

