
-MARCH 1975-

He looked around, how am I gonna tell her?-he thought, as he reached up and rang the doorbell. Soon as he put his hand down to his side again, she opened the door. "Hi baby..." she smiled, "...come on..." she smirked letting him in. "...Hi Nancy..." he whispered, wipping his shoes and taking his coat off. "You ready?" she asked smiling, "...ya..." he sighed grabbing onto her hand and following her up stairs to her room, time to really work...maybe it'll give me time to think-he thought once more.

As he sat down to put his shoes back on, Nancy sat up and wrapped her hand around his arm, "...whats wrong lover?" she whispered kissing down his arm. "...I don't know," he sighed, getting up and doing up his top button on his shirt. "...Nanc, I can't go on doing this..." he spit out, she sat up all the way, the covers covering her chest down, "Why not..." she asked in total disbelief. "...'cause Nancy, my wife...my kids...you know..." "...they don't matter sweets, just you and I do..." she whispered, smiling. "No...that's where your wrong...they do matter!" He growled, Nancy was surprised to hear so much demanding force in his voice, "...they do matter, Kelsey is my wife, I made a promise to her....a promise I don't intend to break, Avril, Callista and Theoren are my children, my own flesh and blood...you-" he evily laughed, "...how can you even say they don't matter...you're just a simple pleasure on the side" "...ah huh!" she yelled back, "...I'm a pleasure...you come to me cause you know you can't get what I give you from your wife...she can't fulfill your dreams, your needs, wants and desires like I can!" By now his disposition had totally turned mean... "...your wrong again Nancy, she has, is, and will...what do you call Avril, Callista and Theoren, I've wanted a family since I was young..."

She growled at him, "...those little bastards are just mistakes you didn't have the heart to get rid of..." he felt himself strike her across the cheek, he brought his hand back and looked at it in shock, he had never hit a woman before...but she had just made him so mad...

"Fine, get out...but you'll come back...you can't rid of me that easily" She yelled, he stormed down the stairs in a huff, grabbed his coat off the rack and slammed the door shut. He got in his car in a hurry and skidded off down the street, away from that woman...

He walked in the door of his house quietly, just as he took off his shoes, he heard the stampede start, he turned his head and smiled, "...dad...daddy" chorused 7 year old Theoren and 4 year old Callista, he knelt down for them to run into his arms, just as they hugged him he heard, "...dadda..." he laughed, when he saw 14 month old Avril run to him as best she could with her fingers in her mouth. "...oh I missed you guys, so much..." he said, hugging all three of them as best as he could, tightly. He almost lost this...how could he be so stupid... when saw 2 feet standing infront of them with blood red nail polish on the toes he smiled inwardly and stood up, "...go play kids..." Kelsey told them, so she could get closer to her husband, she did, he wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled, bringing his face closer to hers, "...hi Kelsey..." she giggled, "...hello Peter..."

