"I missed you," he smirked, "...I missed you too..." Kelsey said back, she then kissed Peter on the lips and went on, "...I've got a little secret for you..." "...what?" "...I'm pregnant" His eyes lit up, he got excited, Peter wrapped Kelsey in a big bear hug, this showed him how much love they still had for each other and to share...Nancy had no idea what she was talking about. As that realization hit him, he felt himself begin to tear up, Kelsey laughed and looked at him in the face, "...what-whats wrong babe?" "I don't know, I'm just so happy..." he smiled, "...well thats good, maybe I should tell you things more often eh?" "...yes..." he smirked. "Well come on, I ordered in tonight, pizza..." "...ah..." he smiled following her, "...memories of Greenwhich Villiage..." "...you know it...I miss it" Kelsey admitted sitting down at the table and opening up the pizza box. "...well then, why don't we go back..." Kelseys head shot up from the pizza, she looked at Peter with sh ock filling her eyes. "...nothings holding us back, the Monkees are history...come on Kel..." Peter persisted, he was actually scared about the threat he heard Nancy utter before he slammed the door...she'll be back. He was scared she would come after him, or even worse his family. "...no Peter..." she laughed, "...we're fine where we are...Theo and Calli are in school, I don't think I could up root them like that so suddenly...you know what it feels like," "...ya, but they'll make new friends...and they'll learn more street skills in New York...not likehere in LA its such a guarded community here..." "...I don't care, guarded communities are good, they're safer and I don't think I would like a 8 year old with Con man like charms...it just wouldn't suit him...you know..." Kelsey laughed, setting out 4 pieces of pepperoni and cheese pizza, and a vegetarian slice for Peter. "But, promise me you'll think about it?" he asked, getting up from his seat and walking over to Kelsey, she looked up at Peter and laughed, "...what's gotten into you..." "...please Kel..." he pleaded, "...well, if your that serious about it, ok..." "...um...thank you" he sighed, bending down and kissing her, Kelsey dropped her slice of pizza and joined him in the kiss, thats when his hand..um...slipped, down her chest. She came out of the kiss laughing, and moving his hand, "...whoa, later...remember kids..." "...hot damn" he played, snapping his fingers, sitting back down in his chair. Kelsey smirked, got up from her seat and went to call the kids from the living room. When no body answered she went to the living room to get them, Peter thought nothing of it...until he heard Kelsey scream, he ran to the living room, Kelsey stood there shaking, holding a note. "...Pe-peter...my babies...all-all of them..." she cried holding the note out for Peter to read.

"Dear Tork Family, If you want to see your children alive again, I want a $ 5, 000, 000 ransome, paid to the account 68451 , in no more then 30 days or I slit each ones throat, slowly and with force. I'll be phoning later in the week to check up on you naughty people... Sincerly,

-your nightmare has come true- -Bastard killer-"

Peter crumpled the note in his hand, as Kelsey broke down crying. "Oh Peter, what did I ever do to deserve this, some one stole my babies...I never hurt anyone..." Kelsey cried, Peter wrapped her in a big tight hug as he started to cry, shushing her. He knew he was to blame for all this, not Kelsey... he knew Nancy had done this as payback. She got him right below the belt...his weakness, his children, why them, why not take him, why cause Kelsey so much pain. Damn it-he shunned- Your such an asshole. "Peter," she cried, "...we have to pay that ransom, no matter how much or how long it take, I want my babies back," "...I know babe, we will..." he comforted... "...go eat your pizza..." "...no..." she pushed away from him, "...eating doesn't seem as important right now, I think I'll go sleep..." she then turned around and climbed the stairs. Peter watched her leave then sat down, how had she got in without the lock making a sound, how had she figured out where he lived...damn, why had he gotten involved with her? damn fundraiser dinners...how could a hooker, turn into a mistress and then a threat to his whole family in less then 2 years? He took a deep breathe, then picked up the phone and called the cops, even though he knew who had done it he would need their help to find her, she had probably taken off. "...hello, I'd like to report 3 missing persons, the first a 7 year old boy named Theoren Edward Thorkelson, or Tork, mushroom cut blonde hair, deep, deep brown eyes, thin lips, small nose, around 4'6"...last seen wearing a Marcel Dionne L.A. King's Jersey and blue jeans...um...white, plain white Nikes. The second a 4 year old girl named Callista-Ann Maurisa Thorkelson, or Tork, shoulder length-shoulder-sorry..." he was getting alittle choked up, he knew he would become an emotional wreck by the end of this conversation, this had to be the hardest and longest phone call he would ever had to make, "...shoulder length dirt blonde hair, carmel brown eyes, thin lips...button nose, about 4'0 even, a orange summer dress with white daisy around it, with a tie on the back...white flat, leather sandals. Last-" he whimpered, why, damn he's an idiot. Look what he had done to his family...filing missing persons reports is not what he thought he would be doing while his kids were growing up. "Last is a 14 month old baby girl named Avirl Lana Thorkelson, or Tork, curly, short strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, thin lips, small button nose, maybe 2'7", 3'...same as her sister, only Blue background, and black, flat leather sandals...ok, thank you...thank you...bye" he greeted hanging up the phone. He then sighed loudly, got up and walked to the stairs and began to asend them. He just passed Avirl and Callistas room, not even looking in, when he heard sobbing come from their room. He backed up and peered in, there was Kelsey curled up on Avirls playhouse head board bed, lying on her side, face the window, gripping her favourite bear, Phychedelic, Peter had helped her name it...Callista was always one for originality. "...its all right Kel, they'll be fine..." he comforted, walking in and rubbing her shoulders assuringly "...how-how Peter, she threatened to slit their throats...-oh Peter" she cried turning on her other side and grabbing Peters shirt, snuggling her head into his chest. She started to cry harder,"...its alright-sweetheart, it is..." he whispered, the lump in his throat was making it increasingly harder for him to talk, he felt his eyes tear as he wrapped his arm around her head and laid his cheek on the top of it.

After a while he shook his head to knock him out of the blurred daze, "...come on..." he whispered at her, patting her back, "...all this crying isn't good for the baby..." "-please Peter don't say baby..." Kelsey cried snuffling back more tears and pushing away from his chest "Well...let's say, we name it..." Peter smiled, trying to lighten the mood. The hardest realization he was having to cope with was that this was half his fault, the gult was sure to eat away at him in a few days...he felt like it had already started, his heart felt empty and his stomach was twisted, doing summer saults and making him feel sick. "...no Peter, let's just forget about it for now..." she sniffed, getting off the bed and walking out of the room. Peter watched her leave then sank down on to Avrils bed and put his face in his hands, he then growled as loudly as he could and got up.

A couple days had passed, Peter had phoned the police asking if they had any information everyday, the cops started to get annoyed so they told him if he didn't stop phoning they would block his number and not give him any info if they got a lead as to their whereabouts. Kelsey had like, baracaded herself in their bedroom, not daring to coming downstairs. She hadn't eaten anything really in 3 days except for a couple crackers and water she was starving her self, and she had been getting whiter and ever more fatigued, due to lack of food and drink and to the fact she only slept at the most 2 hours before getting wakened up in the middle of the night from horrible nightmares, he knew they were horrible and frightning because he heard her cry and scream every night. It shattered his heart too, so he never got back to sleep and was becoming more fatigued with every passing day as well. He didn't really care about himself, he wanted to make himself suffer...he thought he deserved it more then anybody else...it was him who had met her, and it was him who had denied her. Kelsey had also began getting skinner and frailer looking, which scared the shit out of Peter. He was watching a person deteriorate because of his own stupidity. damn him. "...come on babe, you have to eat, for the-" he stopped when he saw the glare Kelsey gave him, "...well you just hafta eat, you're killin' yourself-" The phone wrang downstairs, he sighed, kissed her forehead and ran downstairs. They had been getting a lot of phone calls from people they knew sending their condolenses and I'm sorries, even had even got phone calls from Michael Nesmith, Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz, who he hadn't seen in a long time. Peter had brought up that they shouldn't have to talk for the first time in years under these sircumstances, they agreed, each one, so they decided that they would all try to keep in touch, more often then not. Maybe it was another one of those kind of phonecalls, but when he picked up the phone he got the shock of his life, Nancy had greeted him. Anger hit him hard then, he wrapped his hand around the receiver so tight his knuckles were turning white,

"...where are they Nancy, what have you done with them?" he almosted scream, but he didn't want Kelly to know his secret. "...don't worry," she sneakily laughed, "...they're fine, with me...here..." Peter heard the phone being passed to some one, he got nervous and excited at the same time. "Hi dad..." Theo whispered, "Theo...are you ok, hows your sisters..." "...we're fine dad...Ms. Mahleatch is taking good care of us..." Theo whispered, Peter didn't like the tone of his voice, like he was reading off a card, so he asked him... "....Theo, is she making you read off something, are your really fine...or did she hurt you or your sisters? say I know if she is making you read and you's are fine or I don't know if she has hurt you," "I know..." Theo whispered again. thats when the phone was taken off him and Nancy came back on. "...you better have that ransom by the 24th or..." she made a creaking sound. Peter squinted his eyes shut, he didn't want to know what that meant, but he did, "...Don't worry you'll have your money...I want my kids back" "...you will, if! you cooperate, bye for now lover..." she kissed the reciever then hung up.

Peter whimpered as he hung up the reciever, at least they were safe...but for how long? how long would she hold out. The 24th was 3 days away, he had 3 days to save his babies...


Dallas, Texas

Michael Nesmith had just pulled in to a gas station, his buddy Thomas Maker in the passenger seat. He drove the car past an old beat up 1959 Chevy Impala, the paint was rusting in almost every place, the seafoam colour it use to be was hardly visible and one fin had a huge dent in it, he looked in the back seat once then looked back out his windshield, then something made his head snap back to the car, that boy, something about that boy made him look familar. Then it hit him, "...my lord, thats Petes kids..." he whispered more to himself then anybody else. "...what Mike?" Thomas asked, "Nothin' Tom, just get out and go around the other side of that car..." Thomas obeyed, even though he had no idea what he was doing. Mike walked over to the doorbehind the drivers seat and opened it, it startled Theoren a bit, "It's ok Theo, my names Michael, I use to work with your father. I don't know if you would remember me-" "...Mr. Nesmith" Theorens eyes lit up, "...thats right buddie. n ow what I need you and your sister to do is quickly get out and stand beside the car while I get your other sister out, ok?" Theoren nodded as he nudged Callista, "...come on Cally, we gotta get out..." Theoren told her climbing out, Callista pulled his arm back, "...but what if Nancy comes back, she will kill us, Theo I don' wanna die, I'm too small" "...don't worry little miss...nothing will happen, y'all comin' with me..." Mike said assiting her out. Cally got out and stood beside her older brother, her little arms wrapped tightly around his left arm as she barried her right cheek in his arm, she was really scared.

"Ok, now...walk to that car..." he instructed pointing to the blue Mercedes infront of them. After Callista got in the back, after her brother and as soon as Mike started setting Avril in Nancy came out of the stop, she started yelling at Mike to leave those kids alone, then she started with the obsenities, but the 5'4" Nancy was held back by the 6'3" Thomas "...Michael, I'm scared" Callista cried, doing up her seat belt. "..Don't be sweetheart," Mike smirked rubbing her cheek with his thumb, "...my friend, Thomas, knows Martial Arts," he explained getting in the front seat after belting up Avril, "...if shetries anything Thomas will make sure she doesn't get far..." he smiled in the rear view mirror to her, "...wow, he knows Martial Arts...what colour belt?" Theoren asked, with extreme interest. "...black 'f course..." he smirked, starting the car, he would get gas later this was more important. "...you guys ok with comin' home with me? You'll have other kids to play with t here, My daughters Christina, Jacquelyn and Macy..." "...how old are they?" Callista asked, "...um...let's see Christy will be, um.. 5 in May, so she's 4..." "Same as me" Cally smiled, "...yep, Jackie is 6 and Macy is 2...my son Jaycee will love meeting you Theo..." when he got no response he tried again, "...Theo," Cally elbowed him, "...ew, Mike your friend just gave Nancy a pretty good, High-yah..." Theo squinted like he was in pain, as he came out of him daze, Mike had to laugh, he was nothing like Peter, he hated violence... well in personality he was nothing like him, but looks, damn-it was scary how much they looked alike, only differences were Theo had darker eyes and lighter blonde hair. Mike hadn't seen Theoren since he was 2, it was a shock to see a mini-Peter staring back at him, Callista and Avril looked more like their mother then Peter. "...Theo, I said my son Jaycee will love to meet you, you sound his type..." "..what I can't hear or sound like his typing, I bet he doesn't even have a type writer..." Mike laughed, "no I meant you act like him..." "...oh, how old is he..." "...he's about 1 month older then you..." "...outtasight" Theo smiled, ah Pete has gotten some of him instilled in him, I woulda never thought-Mike thought, smirking. "once we get to my house, I'll phone your father, we'll make plans to send you back, but you'll have to sleep at my house... is that a'ight?" "...Michael, when we go back, will you come wit us?" Callista asked, "...sure I will, Christy, Jackie, Macy and Jay will come too, maybe even Patrisha, my wife..." he smiled at her from the rear view mirror. Callista smiled back. dimples!-Mike smiled, "..then of course will stay at your house...right Theo?" "Ya, course...Mr. Nesmith, Avrils sleeping..." "Thats fine Theo, but please..stick with Mike..."
