
Setting: Interior, the Monkees’ pad, morning. Facing the window from the right. Micky is looking out the window wistfully. Davy is sitting on the bottom stair, reading the newspaper.

Micky: Wouldn’t it be neat if, like, a flying saucer came down and, like, landed in your yard and…

Davy (absently): Yeah, man, sure.

(Peter comes sprinting down the stairs, an acoustic guitar slung on his back.)

Peter: Hey, has anyone seen my – (he trips over Davy and falls face-first on the floor) mmph…(muffled) guitar picks?

Davy (rubbing his head): No.

Micky: Nope.

Peter (getting up): Oh, okay.

(He perches on the arm of a chair and starts tuning his guitar. A moment later, Mike comes down the stairs, toweling off his hair and humming “Papa Gene’s Blues” loudly. Davy cringes and ducks as he goes past, but Mike just steps over him.)

Mike: Hey guys, I was thinkin’, do we actually have any food?

(Micky looks away from the window and appears to be thinking.)

Micky: Nope. Guess that means we should get some, huh?

Mike: Might help. Oh, hey Pete, this was under the bed.

(He flips a guitar pick to Peter, who fumbles the catch and has to pick the thing up off the floor. As he is doing this, there is a knock on the door.)

Davy (looking up from the newspaper): Don’t answer it. It could be the landlord.

Micky: Are we late with the rent again?

Mike: Yeah, but I think if it was the landlord, it’d sound angrier. (He tucks the towel in his back pocket and walks over to open the door; camera follows him) Hello?

(Camera pulls back slightly so we can see out the door. Standing outside are two girls, both about twenty years old. One has long brown hair, and the other has chin-length dark blonde hair. Both have glasses. The one with brown hair is wearing a tie-dyed shirt and several strings of beads while the blonde one has a plainer outfit and only one string of beads.)

Brown-haired Girl (Sam) (quickly): Hi. Er, I’m Sam and this is Al…and we were just wondering –

Blonde Girl (Al)(just as quickly): Yeah, ‘cause our bassist is sick and all –

Mike: Whoa, hold it, slow down. What are you talkin’ about?

(Sam takes a deep breath.)

Sam: Okay. This is probably going to sound a little weird, so I’ll start at the beginning. We’re in a group called ReMaze, and we’ve got a gig tonight, but our bassist had to pull out at the last minute because he’s sick. We got a replacement bassist, but she’s a girl and we’re still in need of someone to do some male lead and backing vocals.

Mike (nodding slowly, not really comprehending what’s being said): All right, so why are you here?

Al: Actually, we were wondering if we could borrow Davy for the night.

Mike (his eyebrows going up): Borrow Davy?

(Sam and Al nod, hopeful looks on their faces. Mike looks amused, but also a little worried.)

Mike: Hang on a minute. (He withdraws his head and half-closes the door.) Hey Davy?

Davy (looking up from the paper): What?

Mike: There’s a couple chicks outside who want to…borrow you for their band’s gig…

Davy (astonished): Borrow me?

Mike (shrugs): That’s what they said.

Sam (calls desperately): We’ll give you two hundred fifty bucks!

(Focus on pad from the right again. Micky and Davy look up. They look at each other, then at Mike, then the three of them look at Peter.)

Peter (looking up from his guitar to find the other guys looking at him): What?

Micky: We could use that.

Peter: Use what?

Mike: Yes, we could.

Peter: Could use what?

Davy: What do they want to borrow me for?

Mike: Male vocals.

Davy: Oh well, I am cute! (bats his eyes stupidly)

Mike (rolling his eyes): They don’t want your face, they want your voice.

Davy (shrugs): Why not? Tell them I’ll check it out.

(Camera focuses on Mike as he opens the door back up and finds Sam and Al staring at him expectantly.)

Mike: He says he’ll check it out.

Sam: Groovy. He’ll need to stop by this afternoon.

(Al jots something on a piece of paper, resting the paper on her knee.)

Al (handing the paper to Mike): Here’s our address.

Mike (taking the paper): I’ll pass this along.

(Sam and Al nod and being to walk away. Sam suddenly stops and turns back.)

Sam: You’ve got a towel in your pocket, did you know? (points to Mike’s back pocket)

(Mike puts a hand to the towel with a slightly embarrassed look, and withdraws it from his pocket only after the girls have gone and he has closed the door. He resumes toweling his hair off. Camera focuses on the whole pad again, slightly to the right of the stairs.)

Micky: I tell you Davy, chicks paying money for you…(grins evilly)

(Davy throws the newspaper at Micky. Micky laughs.)

Mike: Hey, now…

(He puts the towel down and his hair is exposed. It is a tangled, flat, messy mass. Micky goes into hysterics. Mike rolls his eyes.)

Setting: Interior, a different pad, that afternoon. A wide, normal (not spiral) staircase is directly in the background, the stairs facing the camera. To the right of the stairs is a passage leading back into another part of the pad and an armchair, the chair more towards the front. There is a table in the foreground that is littered with books and papers. To the left of the stairs is a couch, its back against the staircase. Four girls are lounging around. One is Sam; she is sitting in a chair to the right, reading a magazine. Sam is the high-strung pianist/lead singer for ReMaze and often takes a lot of the preparation and organization matters of the band into her own hands. Another is Al; she sitting at the foot of a staircase and is playing around with a tune on an acoustic guitar. Al is the laid-back, albeit temperamental guitarist for ReMaze and generally has a good time with the experience of being in a small-time band. One of the other two girls is Neko; she is also about twenty and has glasses and dark blond hair that brushes her shoulder blades. She is the hyperactive drummer for ReMaze, and is, in some ways, not unlike Micky. However, she has her own, entirely unique personality that includes an insane affection for her band mates. The fourth girl is Billie, the dramatic, outgoing fill-in bassist who is also about twenty and has shoulder-length dark blonde hair. She and Neko have their heads together over one of the pieces of paper on the table.

(There is a knock at the door.)

Sam: I’ll get it.

(She gets up and the camera follows her as she goes to the left and opens the door. Davy is on the other side.)

Sam: Oh, hey Davy, come on in. (gestures for Davy to enter and closes the door behind him) Guys, Davy’s here.

(Everyone says “hi” or some form thereof without looking away from their activities.)

Sam: (gesturing to each person as she talks) Uh, yeah, we’ve got Al, she’s our guitarist; and Neko, she’s our drummer; and Billie’s our fill-in bassist; and I’m Sam.

Davy (with a casual half-wave): Hello.

(Suddenly, Davy’s eyes go wide. Camera focus in on Neko, then back to Davy, who has stars in his eyes. Birds tweet in the background. Neko looks up, sees Davy, rolls her eyes, and goes back to looking at the paper with Billie. The birds stop tweeting and the stars in Davy’s eyes disappear. Davy blinks and looks slightly confused.) Sam (oblivious to what just happened; walking around and picking up papers as she talks): Now, we don’t have too much time, so we figured we’d just do a quick run-through of the gig, let you get familiar with it, that sort of thing. For you there aren’t too many songs; it’s mostly backing vocals…but we are doing two that have male lead. (hands some of the papers to Davy) Here they are…you’ll have to look over Al’s shoulder for the others, at least for practicing; we didn’t have time to make extra copies.

Davy (agreeably): All right.

Al: So are we gonna play now or what?

Sam: Sounds good to me.

(Camera switch to left side of the girls’ pad, where there is a piano in the foreground and a drum set behind it. Neko takes her place behind the drums and Sam sits down at the piano. Al hops up on a stool that is standing slightly behind a music stand to the left of the piano. Billie takes a stool on the right side of the piano, and Davy stands comfortably but uncertainly behind Al.)

Sam: All right, one, two…

(Fade out, fade back in to roughly the Same scene, indicating passage of time.)

Davy: Wait a minute, I don’t think this vocal’s gonna work.

Al: Why not?

Davy: Look at it, it doesn’t rhyme properly for one, and for another it’s totally off beat.

Al (frowning): We’ve used it before.

Davy: I just don’t like it; I can’t get into it.

Sam (jokingly): All right then, Mr. Smarty Trousers, if you think you can make it better, then fix it.

Davy: Okay. (grabs a pencil and a piece of paper off Al’s music stand, rests the paper on his knee, scribbles briefly, then holds the paper at arm’s length) There.

Sam: Let me see. (takes the paper and scans it, then looks slightly impressed) You know, that is better.

Al: How so? (Sam hands her the paper. She looks at it and nods) Ah.

Neko: We gonna try it?

Sam: Why not? Take it from the top, Al. One…two…

(Fade out. Fade back in to: interior, the girls’ pad, that night. No one is home. Camera focuses on the door. Soon it opens, and Sam, Al, Neko, Billie, and Davy come in, talking loudly and laughing.)

Sam: I tell you guys, that was some performance.

Al (setting her guitar case down): You said it! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a crazier crowd!

Neko: Forget the crowd; we rocked! (collapses onto the couch, smiling widely)

Sam (to Davy): And you, kid, they loved you. Talk about a brilliant last-minute change!

Davy (grinning): Thanks.

Al: I have to admit I didn’t think it was gonna work, but the crowd loved it. Is anybody else hungry?

Neko (bouncing up off the couch): Me!

Sam (setting some papers down on the table): Me too. Why don’t we go out for dinner?

Al: Yeah. It’s not like we’ve got anything good to eat around here, anyway.

Sam: I’ve been meaning to shop…

Davy (laughs): Sounds like our place. Speaking of, I ought to be getting back.

Al: Aw, come on, how can you just go home after a great performance like that? We need to celebrate!

Davy (looks uncertain for a moment, then shrugs): All right, why not?

Sam: Groovy. Let’s go. (picks some keys up off the table)

Neko (hyperactively): Can I drive?

Sam: Ahhh, no.

Setting: Interior, the Monkees’ pad, the next morning. Camera focus slightly to the left of the window. Micky is sitting at his drums, looking at the ceiling and trying to work out a beat. Peter is eating a piece of toast and looking at the comics. The door opens and Mike comes in, carrying a bag of groceries, which he sets on the table.

Mike: Hey. Where’s Davy?

Micky: He left a while ago. Said something about vocals and lunch.

Mike: What time did he get in last night?

Micky: Oh, one, one thirty? I don’t know, Mike. Why does it matter?

Mike: Think about it, Micky. Davy and four chicks?

(Micky shudders slightly.)

Peter: Aw, Mike, don’t worry about it. Davy’s smarter than that.

Mike: It’s not a matter of bein’ smart, it’s a matter of bein’ love-struck. You know Davy can’t go anywhere without fallin’ in love with some girl. And when he’s smitten, he’s smitten.

Micky: We can’t just assume he’s in love with one of them, Mike. For all we know, they could have invited him to lunch or something. (shrugs) I’m not worrying.

(Mike looks doubtful. He picks up the bag of groceries and walks out to the right.)

Setting: Interior, the girls’ pad, that afternoon. Camera focus in front of the table. Sam and Davy are sitting at the table, talking animatedly. Neko is sitting in the chair, reading a magazine.

Sam (laughing): Mike did what? You’re not serious.

Davy (with a grin): I am!

(Sam continues to laugh. Davy sneaks a quick glance in Neko’s direction, but Neko pays him no attention.)

Sam (containing herself): So, any more suggestions on vocals or did you just come for the free lunch?

Davy: Actually, I was hoping you’d hear me out on that one song…(beings to shuffle through the papers on the table)

(Al comes in the door, carrying a handful of letters. Camera focuses on her.)

Al: Mail’s here. (looks through the letters and hands them out as she talks; camera follows her) Sam, this one’s for you…not sure who it’s from (Sam takes the letter); Neko, here’s a letter from your pen pal guy (Neko extends her hand to take the letter; Al tosses it to her); this is a bill…

(The phone rings. It is hung on the wall by the door. Since Al is closest to it, she answers. Camera focus on that wall.)

Al: Hello? Oh, hi Marcus.

Davy (quietly): Marcus?

Sam (quietly): Our usual bassist.

Davy: Ah. (nods slightly)

Al (into the phone): What? But Marcus…yeah, yeah, okay, I understand. All right. Bye. (hangs up and turns to face the others) Well, Marcus is still sick, which means he won’t be able to make it to tomorrow’s gig, either. What are we gonna do?

Sam: Well, Billie’s usually up for a gig, and Davy could fill in again. (to Davy) That is, if you want to. We wouldn’t be able to pay you again, but…

Davy: I love to, but I’m not sure how much the guys will like the idea.

Al: Come on, Davy, they’re your friends, not your parents. (jokingly) I’m sure they’ll let you out of the house for the night.

Davy (uncertainly): Well…

Sam: C’mon, it’ll be fun.

Davy (shrugging good-naturedly): All right, why not?

Sam: Great! (She begins talking about the gig and when they should practice. Fade out.)

Setting: Interior, the Monkees’ pad, two days later, morning. Camera facing the window. Mike is pacing restlessly and frowning. Micky is sitting at the table with his feet up, watching Mike nervously. Peter is staring out the window, but looks over his shoulder at Mike once or twice with a rather pitiful, frightened expression.

Micky: I know he’s been spending a lot of time with those chicks…

Mike (shortly): Too much. (he turns a sharp 180° and continues pacing)

Micky: And I’d bet I’m as mad at him as you are…

Mike (through clenched teeth, beginning to get annoyed): Not. Possible.

Micky: But don’t you think we should talk to him when he’s a bit more…awake?

Mike (picking up the newspaper and sitting down heavily in a chair in front of the bandstand): No. We’re gettin’ this over with now. (looks angrily at the paper, but occasionally glances at the stairs menacingly)

Micky (after a moment’s silence): Maybe we should –

Mike (cutting him off): We’ll wait.

(A few uncomfortable moments pass. Soon, Davy comes down the stairs, yawning and smoothing out his hair.)

Davy (as brightly as possible through a yawn): Morning.

(Micky and Peter say “morning” quietly. Peter makes it a point to continue staring out the window. Mike glares furiously at the paper.)

Davy (in Mike’s general direction): All right, I know that look. What’s up?

Mike (loudly, slamming the paper down in his lap): Do you have any idea how late it was when you came in last night?

Davy (slowly): Yeah…

Mike: You were out with those chicks again, weren’t you?

Davy (joking, with a slight laugh): What are you, my father? (seeing that this isn’t lightening the mood; a bit more seriously and calmly) It was just a celebratory drink, Mike. We were at a soda fountain, for heaven’s sake.

Mike (angrily, sitting forward): Celebratory? Celebratory? You performed with them again, didn’t you?

Davy (holding up his hands in defense of himself): Hey man, calm down, I was just doing them a favor.

Mike (nearly shouting): Favor? (stands up and throws the paper down into the chair, glaring at Davy)

Micky (warningly): Mike…

Davy (to Micky): No man, I can handle this. (to Mike, beginning to get angry) Yeah, a favor. What’s wrong with that?

Mike: What’s wrong with it? You’ve been hanging out with those chicks so much that it’s practically like you live with them instead of us. (yelling, gesturing pointedly) You are not a member of ReMaze; you are a member of the Monkees!

Davy (muttering): Keep this up and I might reconsider.

Micky (sitting forward in surprise and slight shock): What?

Peter (looking around; close to tears): Davy…

Davy (firmly): I mean it. If you’re (looks at Mike) gonna come down on me like a ton of bricks when I try and do someone else a bit of a favor, then I don’t know how much it’s worth to hang around. And, as a matter of fact, I like performing with ReMaze, and they sure as heck don’t treat me like they own me. (stalks out of the shot, door slams off-screen)

Mike (angrily): Well! (glares at the door before picking up the newspaper and sitting back down)

(Micky shakes his head and gets up, going over to the window and putting an arm around Peter’s shoulders companionably. He looks back at the door once. Peter sighs shakily.)

Setting: In the street. Davy is walking along angrily, his head down. Suddenly, we break into a traditional Monkee romp, with “What Am I Doin’ Hangin’ Round?” playing in the background. Flash randomly between Davy walking and/or running in the street, the Monkees sitting dejectedly in their pad, and the members of ReMaze running around and practicing. Several shots of Mike with a guitar flash past, and two or three times we see Micky dancing in the rain for no particular reason. End with a shot of the girls’ pad, interior, later that morning. Camera pan around. Al is sitting at the table with her acoustic guitar, looking at a piece of paper and fingering chords; Billie sitting on the couch, watching TV on a tiny, decrepit, black and white set; and Sam is sitting in the chair, reading a book. There is a knock on the door, and, before anyone can get up, it opens and Davy comes in.

Al (looking around): Oh, hi Davy.

Davy (downcast): Hi guys. (he goes to the table and sits down glumly, resting his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand)

Sam (without looking up): What happened?

Davy (looking around; a bit distractedly): What?

Sam (puts down her book and looks at Davy critically; not unkindly): Well, you just showed up uninvited, and you sounded pretty down just then. What’s wrong?

Davy (sighing): Yeah, and I’m sorry I didn’t call or something, it’s just…(looks and the floor and ruffles his hair uncomfortably) I got in the fight with the guys.

Al (curiously): All three of them?

(Sam shoots Al a warning glance over Davy’s head. Al shrugs and goes back to fingering chords.)

Davy (not noticing the glance): With Mike, mostly…I –

(He is cut off when Neko prances in happily, the bottom half of her hair dyed a slightly shiny crayon red and the tips dyed black. Camera focuses on her. She’s grinning her head off and is oblivious to what has just been said.)

Neko (happily, showing off her hair with a turn of her head): Hey guys, how do you like it?

(Everyone looks around at her. Billie’s eyes light up and she goes over to Neko, making various comments of admiration. Sam’s eyebrows go up, but she smiles. Al shakes her head.)

Al: Neek has finally snapped.

(Davy doesn’t hear this. Camera switch focus to behind the table, looking towards Davy. Again he is staring at Neko with stars in his eyes, and birds tweet in the background. Neko finishes talking to Billie and looks at Davy.)

Neko (raising her eyebrows; to Davy): You know, that’s starting to get scary, man. I didn’t say anything the first time, but those starry things are just weird.

(The stars disappear from Davy’s eyes and he looks confused and a bit upset that his affection is not returned. His moment of love over, he seems to remember his troubles and sighs, resting his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand again. Neko goes to the couch to watch TV with Billie.)

Al :(looking at Davy with her eyebrows slightly raised): Was it really that bad?

Davy: Mike and I were really yelling at each other; it was practically a shouting match. Micky didn’t seem too happy and I think Peter was crying…(sighs again) It’s a mess.

(Sam and Al exchange a worried glance. Again, Davy doesn’t notice.)

Al: Don’t you think you ought to find someplace to stay?

Davy: Where? The guys are mad at me, and Mike has the keys to the car in any case.

Sam: Well, you know you’re welcome to stay here, but I really think you should try to work things out with the guys. I don’t mean to take sides here but…Mike did have a point.

Davy (sitting up sharply; on the defensive): What?

Sam (holding up her hands): Like I said, I’m not taking sides. I think what I mean is, well, they’re your friends, and it’s better in the end to make up, even if it’s hard, than to trash a friendship like that.

(Davy looks at Sam for a moment with an expression that is somewhere between contemplation and contempt.)

Davy (swiftly, after a brief silence): Get me a blanket; I’ll sleep on the couch.

(Sam rolls her eyes and walks out of the shot to the right.)

Setting: Interior, the Monkees’ pad, the next morning. Mike is snoozing in a chair with his feet propped on a table and his hat sitting tilted forward on his head, covering his eyes. The phone rings. Mike snorts and sits up, pushing his hat back on his head and leaning right out of the shot to pick up the phone.

Mike (sleepily): Hello? (pause) Yes…(his eyes widen) Really? Well, we’ll be there! Yes. Thank you, thank you very much. (he leans right out of the scene and hangs up the phone, then calls) Hey guys!

Micky (entering from the right with Peter behind him): What?

Mike: We’ve got a gig tonight! (cracks his knuckles) It’s a good one, too.

(Micky and Peter exchange a glance.)

Micky (half-heartedly): That’s…great Mike.

Peter (echoing him): Yeah, great.

Mike (gruffly): All right, all right, don’t look at me like that…(beings to lean to the right again)

Setting: Interior, the girls’ pad, the same morning. Camera focus in the corner to the left of the stairs. Neko is snoozing in a chair with her feet up on the arm of the couch and a denim hat a la The Newsies tilted forward over her eyes. Davy is asleep on the couch. The phone rings. Neko reaches back and to the left, picks it up, and brings it to her ear without moving any other part of her body.

Neko (still half-asleep): Hello? (she suddenly sits forward and pushes the hat up onto her head, her eyes wide) Yeah? Seriously? Wow! That’s…yeah, yeah, that’s great! Thanks! (hangs up with a slap-happy grin on her face, yells up the stairs) Hey you guys!

(Sam and Al appear on the stairs, leaning over the banister and looking at Neko expectantly.)

Al: What?

Neko: We got the gig! (happy squeak)

Sam (coming down the stairs the rest of the way): No way! The dance club one?

Neko (nearly bursting): Yes! (she and Sam hold hands and jump up and down, squealing like little kids; Al jumps down the last of the stairs, grinning)

Sam: I don’t believe it! Phantasmagoria!

Davy (sitting up, yawning): Phantasma who?

Sam (looking around at him): Oh, sorry Davy. (laughs) Phantasmagoria. It’s a dance club, and we just got a gig there! You would not believe how popular this place is!

Davy (yawning): Great. (turns over as if to go back to sleep)

Al: Hey, maybe Marcus’ll be able to make this one.

Sam: Oh yeah! I should give him a call. (She is about to pick up the phone when it rings. She, Al, and Neko look at each other and then at Davy. Sam picks up the phone and begins to bring it to her ear. ) Seriously, I feel like I’m harboring a fugitive or something…(cradles the phone between her ear and her shoulder) Hello? (pause) Oh, hi Mike.

(Neko looks nervously at Al, who rolls her eyes, clearly thinking the whole thing stupid.)

Sam (into the phone): Yeah, he’s here. (looks over at Davy, who is obviously attempting to make himself look asleep) All right. (to Davy) Davy, Mike wants to talk to you. (Davy curls up tighter.) Come on, I know you’re not asleep. Talk to him.

(Davy groans and sits up, swinging his legs to the front of the couch and rubbing his face before taking the phone from Sam.)

Davy (flatly): Hi Mike.

(Switch to Monkees’ pad. Mike is still sitting in the same chair, this time leaning slightly forward and resting one elbow on his knee.)

Mike: Listen, Davy, I didn’t call to argue. I just wanted to tell you that we’ve got a gig tonight, and you can show up or not.

(Switch back to Davy)

Davy (shortly): I’ll think about it.

(Mike’s voice is heard through the phone.)

Mike: It’s your choice.

Davy: Right, bye. (He hangs up and turns to find Sam, Al, and Neko looking at him.) What?

Sam: So what was that all about?

Al: Yeah, you didn’t scream at each other or anything, so that must at least be an improvement.

Davy (waving the question away): It was nothing. (he begins to walk off to the right; Sam talks to Neko and Al quietly for a moment.)

Sam (after a short silence): Davy?

Davy (turning slightly): What?

Sam (hesitantly): You’re welcome to join us at this Phantasmagoria gig, even if Marcus does come.

Davy (in slight disbelief): Are you sure? I mean, this is a big chance for you guys, and I wouldn’t want to intrude…

Al: Really, it’s fine.

Davy (with a slight sigh): I’ll have to think about it.

Al (grinning): All right, but be quick.

Neko: We leave at six thirty.

Davy (half-whispering, shaking his head, sounding stressed): All right. (he exits to the right)

Setting: Interior, the Monkees’ pad, the next morning. Camera focus toward the window. Micky enters from the right, holding a cup of coffee; he has the newspaper tucked under his arm. He sits on the edge of the bandstand and puts the paper down before taking a sip of coffee. Enter Peter from the right; he yawns deeply and sits down next to Micky. Micky acknowledges him with a half-grin and a nod. Enter Mike from front left. He approaches the bandstand, picks up the paper, and sits comfortably down in a chair.

Mike (after unfolding the paper and taking a quick look through it): You guys see the entertainment section?

Micky (taking another sip of coffee): Nope.

Mike (leaning over to show Micky and Peter a page): Take a look at this.

(Micky takes the paper and nearly chokes on his coffee. Peter’s eyes go wide.)

Micky: No way, man.

Mike (taking the page back): Yes way. (snaps the page straight and looks at it for a moment. Camera pan towards stairs. Enter Davy, coming down the stairs.)

Davy (tiredly): Morning fellas.

Mike, Micky, & Peter: Morning.

(Davy crosses the room and leans on the table.)

Davy: What’s up?

Mike: Listen to this. (clears his throat) “ReMaze a Hit. This fast-paced, modern group rocked the Phantasmagoria dance club last night with a power-packed performance rivaled only by the energy of the audience.”

Davy (vaguely): Mmm.

Mike (holding up a finger): Wait, there’s more. “When asked how they felt about the reaction of the audience, ReMaze gave the collective reply of, ‘It’s really groovy.’ The band, whose last two local performances lacked regular bassist and vocalist Marcus Vermaii, managed quite well despite Vermaii’s recent bout with the flu. This was partially due, Vermaii said, to the help of Billie Kedith, a friend of the band who was invited to play additional bass and piano at this performance. Patrons of the dance club say it was the best performance they’ve seen in Phantasmagoria in years, and the manager has invited ReMaze back for an encore performance sometime next week.”

(A pause in which Peter looks carefully and slightly frantically at everyone’s facial expressions.)

Davy: Well…(emphasis) good for them.

Micky: For them, yeah, but us…

Mike: No man, Davy’s right. These guys worked hard. (off-hand) So did we, but you know.

Micky (firmly): I still think it stinks!

Peter: We had a good performance, Micky.

Davy: I still can’t help but feel like I copped out a bit…

Mike (standing up and clapping Davy on the shoulder): Well, you did the right thing. We needed you, and you came through.

(Davy is about to say something in reply when there is a knock on the door. Since he’s up, Davy goes to answer it and finds Sam, Al, and Neko on the other side. Various surprised and happy greetings are exchanged and Davy invites them in. Neko is carrying a smallish, square package.)

Davy (gesturing to each as he talks): Ah, you already sort of know Mike, and that’s Micky over there, and Peter next to him, and guys, this is Sam and Al and Neko.

(Group “hi”.)

Davy: So what brings you here?

Sam: We figured we’d drop by and say hi.

Al: Yeah, we kind of missed you last night.

Neko: We would have gone to your performance, but you know…(she shrugs)

Davy (discreetly sliding the newspaper under the bandstand with his foot): Yeah.

Sam: Don’t get me wrong; I think it’s really groovy that you came back and performed with these guys. I mean, that is where you belong, after all.

(Mike, Peter, and Micky nod for emphasis.)

Davy (slight laugh): Well, you know…once a Monkee, always a Monkee.

(General group laughter.)

Neko: Oh hey, we brought you all something. (proffers package to Davy, who is nearest to her)

Davy (taking the package): Thanks. (opens the top and peeks inside) Hey, food!

Sam: Not just any food. Those are (melodramatically) Brownies a la ReMaze!

Micky: Groovy. (He gets up and goes over to Davy, and is followed by Peter and Mike. Soon, all four Monkees are stuffing their faces.)

Sam (aside to Al and Neko): I told you they’d like them.

Al (with a laugh): How could they not?

(The three of them go over and start talking companionably with the Monkees. Neko ends up talking to Davy, who still has quite a bit of brownie in his mouth. Camera focus on them; they are standing next to the table.)

Neko: So, do you guys have any more performances coming up?

Davy (indistinctly): Dunno.

Neko: Well, you’ll have to tell us when you do; we’d come.

(Davy chews thoughtfully for a moment.)

Davy (swallowing): You know…

Neko (absently): Yeah?

(Davy gets all starry-eyed again. This time Neko freaks, and a rubber squeaky hammer appears in her hand. She begins to bash Davy over the head with it. Various squeaking sounds are heard and Davy gets a very strange, maligned look on his face before turning and running. Neko gives chase.)

Davy (as he passes the other Monkees and ReMaze, who are by the bandstand): Guys? Help!

(Mike and Sam look around and raise their eyebrows; Micky, Peter, and Al don’t even notice.)

Mike: You know, (the others stop talking and look at him) I think that’s the first time Davy didn’t get his girl.

Micky (grinning): Had to happen some day, right?

(Laughter. Neko continues to chase Davy. Fade out.)

Setting: The Monkees’ pad, facing the windows. Micky and Davy are standing in front of the bandstand; the members of ReMaze (including Billie) are sitting behind Micky’s drum set.

Micky: Tonight we’re a minute short…

Davy: …as usual…

Micky: Right. So we’re gonna show you some stuff that didn’t make it to the show because it got out of hand or was really silly or whatever.

Davy: But Micky, everything we do is really silly.

(Nod of consent from ReMaze.)

Micky (as if this is obvious): I know that. (gestures towards the camera) Just watch.

~ Author’s Note: Take the time to picture this. ~

Cut to: Scenes that didn’t make it. First we see the beginning scene, and Peter fumbles his trip, hits Davy in the head with the guitar, and falls down the last three stairs. Next is a shot of Mike jumping around spasmodically with his guitar, presumably from the romp sequence. Following that, we see a scene in the Monkees’ pad. Davy whispering in Neko’s ear. She slaps him when he finishes. Switch to the scene where they’re eating brownies. Davy tries to say his line to Neko and realizes that he has too much in his mouth, causing him to sound like a sluggish robot when he eventually forces a couple of words out; Neko dissolves into hysterics. Next, still in the Monkees’ pad, Davy whispering in Sam’s ear this time. Sam slaps him when he finishes. Then there’s a shot of Mike and Micky cracking up over something, or possibly nothing. After that, a goof in the scene where Neko answers the phone; instead of answering she falls over backwards and says, “Ow,” as a kind of delayed reaction. Back to Monkees’ pad, Davy whispering in Al’s ear this time. Al slaps him when he finishes. Following that, a scene with ReMaze playing, and both Sam and Al strike an awful discord at the same time, while Neko bangs out an unrecognizable beat on the drums. Back to Monkees’ pad, Davy whispering in Micky’s ear. Micky slaps him when he finishes. Lastly, the Monkees and ReMaze singing the Monkees theme song totally off-key, sometimes forgetting words, and all dancing around stupidly for the heck of it, finishing off with a sweeping group bow.
