
*Ok so, This is sort of a continuation of Clare Torks story on BIB, THE END, if you haven't read it, i sugguest you do, 1, its a great story and 2, you might get more background information on this story...but it surrounds Peter and his girlfriend Jade...enjoy*

There sat Jade, in a lounge chair, Peter sat head in hands across the room, on the couch. Jades features were cold and sharp, even though inside she felt like braking down, she couldn't give Peter that, never accept defeat never surrender. Jade had just caught Peter in bed with a totally stoned chick, completely naked and "enjoying himself". She hardly gave the woman and Peter enough time to dress before Jade started grilling him. The argument end up down stairs, and really ended when Jade slapped Peter hard across the face. She really didn't care where the "chick" was at, right now all she wanted was Peter to fight now, she might deal with her later.

"Is there anymore women in here Peter, maybe stashed in the closets, or maybe under the beds?" Jade growled, squinting with anger at Peter. "No..." Peter sighed, "...she was the only one...", "GOD DAMN IT PETER!" Jade screamed jumping up from her seat, scaring Peter, "...what happened to being faithful, being soul mates...being the only ones...?" "..I don't know Jade, I'm really sorry..." "I don't know if I can accept your apologie, this is the 4th fucking time..." "...that show really changed your life(The Monkees), really changed my life...for the worst..." "Thats where your wrong Jade!" Peter retorted yelling at her, "...did you ever think I'm finally enjoying myself, for once I don't have to struggle to just live, I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from..." "-and you sure as hell don't have to worry about me!" Jade screamed, Peter was taken a back from her answer, "...good bye!" she yelled, running to the door.

"No wait, Jade, please...come sit down...we can talk this through..." Peter pleaded, "...I didn't mean it..." "...Oh I think you did, you've been meaning it for a long time now, I just never knew...I gave you 4 tries to prove yourself, I shoulda been more like Marie, she only gave Micky 1 -wait she didn't, see I'm way behind" "Jade fought back surging towards the door now, but thats when Peter grabbed her arm and spun her round, he made her look at him, "...but we're not like Marie and Micky, say we can work through this..." "...Peter," she laughed, a mixure of hatred, anger, pain and hurt wraveled up it (the laugh), "...work through it, for one, I gave you 4 chances, 2, we shouldn't have to resolve this problem, we shouldn't even have to have dealt with it, and 3, I can't even look at you right now without my stomach turning..." "...Jade, please..." Peter begged, "No, Peter..." Jade fought back tears that were threatening to take over, *never accept defeat, never surrender girl, don't let him see you cry, come on* she shunned herself. "...I can't believe I trusted you...I trusted you too much, you played havac with my feelings, and I frigin let you..." she growled at him, her blue eyes piercing Peters soul.

The words she was saying were cutting Peter in two right now, he felt himself loosen his grip on her just a little, Jade took advantage of this and stepped further out the door, which she had managed to open before Peter got to her, "...what are we going to do, can't we just talk this over, and forgive and forget, please Jade, I love you..." "...we..." she sausily laughed as a single tear ran down her angry red face, "...now Peter, according to me, there is no WE, we...died when I found you in bed the first time, I was just waiting to see if you would redeem yourself, which as you can see, you didn't..." "What are you saying Jade..." Peter asked, frightened of the possibilities.

"I'm saying were over! O-V-E-R, completely, we've known each other for 4 years too long..." She spat, anger getting the best of her, Peters heart sank, "...now..." Jade continued "... I'm going to say what I shoulda said a long time ago, I'm going to say what Marie told me she said to Micky, THE END!" all of Peters guards dropped at that second, he moved clearly away from the door letting Jade run freely out it.

Without even a farewell Jade ran to her parked Mustang, in the driveway, which was still running, got in and back out in a hurry... she drove down the street as fast as the car allowed, she drove away from that house, that bed, and that man for...as far as she was concerned, EVER, it was truly the end of that relationship, and she knew it.
