"Oh, it's just over there," Laina said, pointing out her window,"I wanna thank you for bringing me home."

"No problem," Micky replied, pulling up the next road.

"Okay, this is it!" she suddenly cried.

"Here?" Micky wondered almost increduously as he pulled up to the strange place, getting out to open her door, "Someone actually lives-"

But Micky cut himself off; there, right in his path, stood the last person he every expected to see.....

"Hello, Mr. Dolenz; so we meet again, do we?" Mr. Zero asked snidely, then snapped his fingers.

"Wha- what happened? Where am I?" Laina stumbled out of the car, as if in a state of amnesia. Then, a thought occured to Micky....

He cast a quick glance at her, then at Zero, Micky now wearing a scowl....

"You put her under a spell and used her to get to me! If you were going to play like THAT why didn't you just dress in drag instead of bringing an innocent bystander into it?!" he demanded.

"Well, considering who I am...."Mr. Zero smirked, "it's too easy, don't you think?...."

Oddly enough, the first Monkee to percieve anything possibly being wrong was Peter....

"Look man, something's not right; Micky's been gone too long...plus, well, I have a-a feeling..." Peter said.

“What kind? It might be b'cause we need actual food, and we aren't gonna get it unless we get our drummah back...." Davy mumbled back, still a bit sore about the whole keys deal.

"No, it has nothing to do with my stomach..." Peter replied, looking to Mike next, "I'm surprised you aren't worried yet..."

Mike pursed his lips for a second, considering Peter's last statement, "I dunno, Pete; and it is kinda puzzling...not that Micky's not able to get girls or anything, but almost evey girl that's pulled that on any one of us besides Davy was trouble..."

The Monkees thought about this a moment....

"So, we goin' out t' look for 'im?" Davy wondered.

”I guess so; b'sides, when Pete said that, it kinda gave me a feelin', too...." Mike replied.

"Wait; how're we gonna look for him? He has the Monkee Mobile..." Peter suddenly brought this fact to light.

"We can walk...just dunno how far we'll have t' go before Davy'll have to check his hair or we'll have to endure one of his "girl stares"..." Mike replied with a teasing smirk.

"Oh, you mean the birds and stars one?" Peter added to the joke.

"Yep," Mike replied, winking, "well, we'd better get on... before any of that happens here!"

They got their check from the owner and headed out the door...

“I'm not THAT vain and girl-crazy..." Davy muttered as they went out the door, "am I?...."
