
When he was 16, Davy decided that he needed to try and get a job and a place of his own.

He and Peter had become as close as brothers, but he didn't want to be a burden to his family any more than he had to be.

Davy had by now fought in many street fights and had muscles that he'd never had before; to him, it was amazing how he was such a weakling when Peter had found him being picked on by McGuire and his posse, whom he'd now fought ten times over.

One foggy night, he was comming home from town where he'd been trying to get a job; he asked only workman's wages, no less, no more, but still no one wanted him.

There had been many nights like this before, and he'd been becoming quite lonely.

When he rounded the corner, he heard the familliar calls he'd gotten every time he came into town and went home this time a night...

Seventh Avenue was the place many young women considered their "place of employment"; the place where the whore's stood....

"Hey, Tiger, you look like you could use some company," one young woman, at least nineteen, called from her spot. She had silky blonde hair that she had braided in certain places on her head. She also had beautiful blue eyes, which you could barely see from all the eye-makeup she wore.

Davy was about to walk on past, but then his loneliness hit him hard; he needed comfort, maybe this was the place to find it.

He walked up to the girl and gave her what money he had; she smiled and led him to her "room", located in an old abandoned warehouse.

Candles lit the room, pillows were strewn all about; she apparently wanted to get this show on the road, for she began unbuttoning his shirt and tracing the muscles of his chest with her fingertips.

Davy suddenly snapped to reality; this girl was doing things to him that sent little explosions off all over his body!

They finally melted together; and Davy woiund up giving his most valuable posession, for the very first time, to someone he'd never known....

