
The two men sat across the table from each other. Micky knew exactly what he wanted to say but he was searching for the right words. Mike was waiting patiently he knew this was hard for the drummer, Micky had never been very good at expressing his feelings, especially feelings about a girl. Peter was always the one who could came right out and say what he was feeling he wasn't afraid of admitting how he felt and Mike admired him for that. Finally Micky spoke.

"So I guess I should tell Lori how I feel about her," He said. Mike couldn't help it, he laughed.

"Yeah shotgun I guess you should" He replied. Micky felt a little embarrassed and also began laughing.

"I feel a little silly," He admitted.


"Because I've been acting so stupid, I've been scared in case Lori didn't feel the same but if I don't ask then I'll never know".

"That's true, so what has this got to do with me?" Mike asked.

"Well I've never told someone that I love them before and I'd like some advice on how to do it" Mike took a deep breath and went back in his memory to the day he had confessed his love to Lana. The memory caused him pain. Things had been so simple back then he had known he would spend the rest of his life with Lana but they had not worked out and now he was alone but he snapped out of his regret quickly because if he dwell on it too long he knew he would cry. Micky watched his Texan friend for a few seconds and saw the pain etched on his face.

"Oh Mike I'm sorry I forgot how much you still hurt please forgive me I won't say another word" Micky rose from the table.

"No Mick it's ok please sit down let me help you, you know what Mr Schneider says" Mike tugged on the string in the chest of the dummy Davy had left behind.

"It's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all," Mr Schneider said.

"So please sit down I'm ok," Mike told him. Micky was a little reluctant at first but he returned to his seat, he felt so sorry for the Texan he had been so upset when Lana and Mike broke up they had made such a great couple

"Why don't you guys get back together? I know you still love each other," Micky told him.

"It's not that easy Mick sometimes it's better to be apart but lets not talk about that, bleaugh! You wanted some advice so I want to help" Mike could feel the tears in his eyes fighting to get out but because of his stubbornness he refused to let them and managed to choke them back "Just be honest and explain how you feel that's all you can do really" He told the drummer.

"And what if she doesn't feel the same?" Micky asked.

"Well, it will hurt there's no denyin' it but if you bottle up your feelins and never tell her how you feel you'll never find out will you, you've got a chance to be real happy here Mick, take it" Micky was silent at first taking in what his Texan friend had told him.

"I'm a little nervous," He confessed.

"I'd be worried if you weren't" Mike told him "It's a pretty big thing you're about to do, life changin even." Micky cut in.

"Whoa.life changing! What do you mean?" Mike was a little surprised.

"Well if things go the way you would like you'll be spendin' a lot of time with Lori"

"I guess, I never really thought about it like that, I'm even more nervous now"

"Do you want to be with her?"

"Oh yeah I really do I want to be with her right now" Micky said and Mike smiled. Then Peter came in the back door from the beach and Lana and Lori trailed behind. They were talking and the girls were laughing at something Peter had said. Mike smiled a little wider.

"Your wish is my command," He told the drummer.

"Hi guys" Peter said.

"How did you do that?" Micky whispered to Mike and Mike chuckled a little.

"Hi Peter hi girls what have you three been up too?" Mike asked them.

"Peter invited us back for a drink it's pretty hot out on the beach" Lana explained.

"You've been on the beach Pete? I thought you were going to look for some gigs for us?" Micky added.

"Yeah I did at first but it's such a beautiful day I thought I'd take a walk on the beach then I bumped into the girls" Peter told them.

"You haven't got university or work today Lori?" Mike asked.

"No not today Mike I get weekends off" Lori said. The ground floor bedroom door opened and Davy poked his head out.

"Hello girls, I thought I heard your voices"

"Hi Davy" Lori and Lana said in unison. Peter went over to the fridge and got three sodas.

"Do you guys want one?" He asked his band mates.

"No thanks Pete" They all said. Lori, Lana and Peter sat on the sofa with their drinks. Micky was feeling so nervous, now Lori was there he had the perfect opportunity to tell her how he felt about her.

"Lori you still ok for dinner tomorrow night" Mike asked her. Lana and Micky both shot him a face of thunder.

"You guys are going out to dinner?" Lana asked.

"Yeah if Lori's still ok for it" Mike asked again.

"Yeah I am I'm really looking forward to it" Lori answered.

"Groovy" Mike said. Micky stood up. This was it he was going to do it, he wasn't full of confidence in fact he was damn petrified and his voice squeaked a little when he spoke.

"Lori can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Of course you can Micky, what's up?" She asked and turned to face him, suddenly she was filled with nerves as Micky spoke to her directly for the first time since they met.

"Do you mind if we go some where a little more private?"

"No not at all" She stood up and looked at Lana who merely shrugged. Lana was screaming for joy on the inside. It looked like Micky was finally going to reveal his feelings to Lori.

Micky climbed up the spiral staircase to his bedroom. He opened the door and entered, the room was a little messy and he cursed himself for being s untidy but thanked god that he had decided to make his bed that morning. There were two beds in the room Micky's bed was against the wall opposite the door and the Mike's against the wall to the right as you entered the room. Each had a nightstand next to it and there was on closet and a wardrobe on the wall to the left. There was a window on the right side of the room just to the right of Mike's bed. Micky scurried around kicking things under his bed as he waited for Lori to join him. When he heard Lori climbing the stairs he sat on the edge of his bed and tried to look as calm as possible. Micky had left the door open but Lori knocked any way.

"Come in please, take a seat," He told her. As Lori entered the room Micky rose from the bed and closed the door behind her. He noticed Peter and Lana were half way up the stairs and Micky shooed them away. There were no chairs in the room so Lori sat on one of the beds she presumed was Mikes. Micky returned to his seat and took a deep breath trying to find the right words to explain how he felt but as soon as he had sat down his mind had gone blank. They sat in silence for at least five minutes and Lori was resisting the urge to get up and leave, she was far too nervous to be sitting in silence for much longer.

"Micky I don't mean to be rude but you said you wanted to talk but you haven't said a word," She said finally.

"I know, I'm sorry this is really difficult for me I've never done this before" He replied.

"Done what before?" Lori asked feeling a little confused.

"Told someone I'm in love with them" for a moment Micky forgot who he was talking to and the words spilled out of his mouth before his brain could stop them. His hand flew to his mouth as he instantly regretted it and wished he could take it back. He looked at Lori who was staring at him her mouth slightly open with shock "Oh god I am so sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that" He said searching Lori's eyes for any kind of response. Thoughts were finally beginning to form in Lori's head. Alarm bells were ringing in her brain and the first thing she thought was to get out of there as quickly as possible. She stood up.

"I...Er...I....I'm gonna go" She said.

"No please Lori wait I..." But it was too late and Lori was gone. Davy Peter Mike and Lana were all sitting around the kitchen table. They heard the bedroom door open and close and looked up to see Lori flee the bedroom and come running down the stairs.

"You ok Lori?" Lana asked Lori didn't answer.

"Lori?" Mike asked worry etched on his face, again Lori didn't answer she threw open the front door and sprinted away slamming the door behind her.

"I'll go after her," Lana told them and left after Lori.

"I'll go check on Micky" Mike told the other two. He climbed the staircase and went into the bedroom he shared with the drummer. Peter and Davy looked at each other and shrugged, not having any idea about what had just gone on.

As Mike entered the room he saw Micky laying flat on his bed with his hands cupped over his face. Mike was certain he could hear faint sobs coming from the drummer.

"What happened babe?" He asked softly. Micky wiped his face and sat up.

"I blew it Mike" he told him Mike sat on the bed next to his friend and placed a comforting arm around his shoulder "It came out all wrong and Lori ran out I doubt she'll ever speak to me again"

"I guess she's a little shocked that's all she probably needs a little time to calm down I'm sure she'll be back just give her time" Mike said reassuringly.

Lana found Lori sitting in her favourite spot on the beach, not to far from the Monkees pad. Lori had her arms wrapped around her legs with her chin resting on her knees. She was staring at the ocean deep in thought and never even noticed her roommate sit down next to her.

"You left in rather a hurry, is every thing ok?" Lori was jerked out of her thoughts.

"Lana? Where did you come from?"

"I've just sat down a couple of minutes ago, you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"No not really, I'm just confused about something that's all"

"About what? come on you can tell me," Lana said. Lori sighed.

"It's about Micky, he told me he's in love with me," Lori explained.

"He did! Wow that's pretty groovy, do you feel the same way?"

"I don't know I mean I do like him I know I do but I've only known him two weeks how can any one be in love after knowing someone for such a short time"

"Well I know Micky pretty well and I don't think he'd say something like that unless he really meant it, why don't you go back and talk to him" Lana suggested.

"I wish I could but it's not as simple as that"

"Why not?"

"Because it isn't that's why"

"Ok come on what aren't you telling me?" Lana demanded and Lori was suddenly staring at a rock in the sand like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Lor?" Lana prompted. Lori looked at Lana as if she was about to tell her some thing really important but then her features turned to annoyance.

"Look I'd rather not talk about this right now and if you don't mind I'd like to be alone now" Lori told her. Lana didn't want to pressure Lori into telling her something she obviously wasn't ready for Lana to know so she left her alone. Lana walked up the steps that went up too the Monkees pad from the beach. She could see Lori sitting on the beach from the guy's veranda. When she went inside Davy and Peter were still sitting at the table but Mike was nowhere to be seen.

"Hi guys," she said and sat down on the chair she had left vacant a few moments before.

"Hello sis how's Lori?" Peter asked.

"Not good I'm afraid Pete I left her down on the beach"

"So what exactly happened up there?" Davy asked Lana.

"I'm not exactly sure to be honest"

"And I don't think we should be gossipin' about it" Came a voice from above them. Mike was walking down the stairs.

"We're not gossiping Michael we're just worried about our friends" Peter told him.

"How's Micky?" Lana asked.

"He's been better, did you manage to catch up with Lori"

"Yeah I did she's a little out of it I think it's affecting her more then she's letting on" Lana explained.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked sitting back at the table with them.

"I dunno, I got the feeling she's not telling me the whole story and she looked as though she wanted to tell me some thing, some thing important"

"What? You think she's hidin' somethin'?"

"Yeah maybe, I mean I've only known her a couple of months so I don't really know that much about her"

"She doesn't seem like the type to lie though, maybe she's just in shock," Mike offered. Peter and Davy didn't contribute to this conversation, they just listened and took in what Lana and Mike were saying.

"I agree I don't think she is lying I think she's not telling us the whole truth that's all" Lana continued.

"You can tell all that from a three minute conversation?"

"Yeah from the way she was acting, I just got the feeling there's more to this then she's letting on, call it female intuition"

"Does she love Micky?"

"I honestly don't know" Lana told him. What Lana and Mike didn't realise was that Micky had heard their entire conversation. He was sitting on the balcony listening quietly and felt more confused then ever. If Lana's suspicions were correct and Lori was hiding some thing from them what on earth could it be? He desperately wanted to get out of the pad, find some where out in the fresh air where he could think and clear his head but he knew he would never be able to slip past his friends without them noticing him and he really didn't want to face them yet, he didn't feel ready to answer their questions so he went back into his bedroom and quietly closed the door. He tried to make it as dark as possible by turning out the light and closing the curtains, it wasn't half as dark as he would have liked but it would have to do.

Lori was sitting on the beach staring at the waves crashing on the sand. She didn't know what to about Micky. How could he be so sure that he was in love with her so quickly, they had hardly said two words to each other she was so confused.

Over the next couple of weeks Lori avoided every one, she cancelled her dinner date with Mike and she never visited the Monkees pad, she hardly spoke to Lana and then finally when the Monkees did have a gig, she didn't go. She had decided too stay away from the Monkees for a while but the only problem was, she found herself really missing Mike. She called the pad one morning and luckily Mike answered. "Hi Mike"

"Hello Stranger how are you?" Lori could practically hear the smile on his face.

"I've been better, look do you fancy some company for lunch?"

"Yeah of course come on over" Mike told her. She was quiet for a minute. "I was hoping you could come over here"

"I can't I'm waitin' for a call about a job, I'm here by myself Peter and Davy have taken Micky out for the day to cheer him up"

"Why does he need cheering up?" Lori paused "No you know what don't answer that, anyway I would come over but I didn't feel like going out today that's all" "Oh please Lori I haven't seen you for ages and you did stand me up for dinner that night and plus I could really use the company"

"What about Mr Schneider? Can't he keep you company"

"We had a fight and he's not talkin' to me," He told her. Lori giggled a little.

"Ok then I'll come over," She said. The conversation hadn't gone how Lori would've liked she was dreading going over to the Monkees pad but was really looking forward to seeing Mike, she had missed him so much and she was also praying Micky wouldn't come home while she was there she wasn't ready to face him yet. She arrived at the pad and knocked cautiously on the front door and heard Mike shout.

"Come on in Lolo" Lori couldn't remember exactly when Mike had assigned that pet name to her but he always called her it when he was being affectionate or just pleased to see her, it had become Mike's nickname for her, he was the only one that called her it. When Lori entered Mike was on the phone he waved his greeting and indicated for her to sit down, which she did.

"Yeah ok Pete well have fun and I'll see you later tonight" Mike said and hung up the phone "Sorry about that Lori" Mike told her and he came and sat with her on the sofa.

"That's ok is Peter alright?"

"Yeah he just called to check in that's all we're all really anxious about this gig" Mike explained "So anyway where have you been hidin' yourself these past couple of weeks?"

"Oh you know I've been busy at uni and with work I've had a lot of stuff to do, but I had to come and see you because believe it or not I've actually really missed you," She told him. Mike smiled.

"Well I've missed you too kid, so it's got nothin' to do with the fact that Micky told you he's in love with you a couple of weeks ago?" He said matter-of-factly Lori stared at him for a little while, unsure of what to say until finally Mike spoke again "You know, Lana has a theory about you" He told her.

"Oh, she does, does she? Come on then spill it"

"She thinks you're hidin' somethin' from us" again Lori was quiet "She can't understand why someone could get so freaked out over being told someone was in love with you unless somethin' had happened in the past"

"Well that just goes to show how much you guys don't know me, the reason why I got so freaked out was because I had only known Micky two weeks when he told me that. It surprised me a little that someone could be so sure they were in love after knowing a person for such a short amount of time" Lori explained.

"You've never heard of love at first sight?" Mike countered.

"Yes but I don't believe in it" she replied firmly.

"So you're not hidin' anythin' then?"

"No I am not" Mike eyed her suspiciously.

"Are you tellin' me the truth?" He asked. Lori was beginning to get really frustrated. "Oh for goodness sake I didn't come here for the third degree I'm outta here," She said. Mike let her go until she was almost out he door.

"You didn't answer my question" He called. Lori huffed loudly and left slamming the door behind her.

When Lana came to visit the guys the next morning Mike took her aside "You're right you know, about Lori I mean, she is defiantly hidin' somethin' from us," He told her.

"I knew it! So what is it?" Lana asked and Mike sighed.

"I dunno she wouldn't tell me but we've got to find out so we can help her out," He said.

"I agree but where do we start? I mean there's no way Lori is going to tell us"

"I know I don't really know what to do, if only there was a way we could get her to open up," Mike said. He and Lana sat and thought about it all day and neither of them could come up with an idea so that night Mike called a meeting, all four Monkees where present as well as Lana and Mr Schneider. They were all sitting at the table apart from Mike who was standing, gabble in hand. Mike noticed Mr Schneider. "Hang on what's he doin' here?" He asked.

"Mr Schneider feels he is being left out so I said he could join the meeting" Peter explained.

"But he's not talkin' to me" Mike countered.

"I know but he's going to tell me his ideas and I can tell you" Peter answered. Mike sighed and threw his hands up in defeat.

"Ok fine let's get started" he banged the gabble on the table once "Hear-ye hear-ye and everythin' else that goes with it, we are here to discuss the matter of Miss Loretta Tyler that is why Miss Tork has joined us for today's meetin'"

"Welcome Miss Tork" Davy said.

"Thank you Mr Jones it's an honour to be here" Lana replied.

"And so to the matter of Miss Tyler, Miss Tork and I have reason to believe she is hidin' somethin' important for us and we'd like to help her out so I'll take suggestions from the floor on how to do so" Mike told them. Davy tuted loudly.

"Don't ask the floor man he never has any good ideas," He said.

"Wait a minute Mr Schneider has an idea" Peter told them he listened to the dummy nodding occasionally and um-hummed every now and then said "That's a good idea" he turned back to the waiting spectators "Mr Schneider thinks we should send in a specialist agent to talk to Miss Tyler" He explained. With that said every one, including Mr Schneider, turned and looked at Micky. He stared back at them.

"What?" He asked then he realised "Oh no! Not me absolutely not there's no way, every time I talk to her she runs outta the room," He said in his defence.

"Yeah Mr Dolenz is right he'd be no good, no we need some one closer to Miss Tyler" Mike told them.

"What about you Mi....er Mr Nesmith you and Lori are pretty close" Peter suggested looking extremely proud with himself for thinking of it.

"I've already tried once shotgun and I couldn't get through to her we need some one else her roommate for instance, Miss Tork?" Mike asked turning his attention to Lana.

"I don't mind talking to her but I'll doubt she'll listen she's hardly said two words to me in two weeks" Lana told him.

"This is gonna be harder then we thought" Mike said and the others nodded in agreement "Well I guess there's nothin' else we can do, we'll reconvene if any new information is presented to us but for now, meetin' adjourned" he announced and banged his gabble on the table three times. Every one got up and left the table except Micky, and Mr Schneider of course. Micky was resting his head in his hands thinking over the conversation that had just gone on, maybe he should go and try to talk to Lori at least to try and get an explanation as to why she ran out on him. It was worth a try and any way he had to face her sooner of later. He got up and headed for the front door.

"Hay Mick where you off too babe?" Davy asked.

"Just for a walk I won't be too long"

"You ok Shotgun?" Mike asked.

"Yeah I'm ok I just need a bit of fresh air" He told the Texan, then left. Davy watched the front door long after Micky had left.

"Do you think he's gone to see Lori after all?" He asked no-one in particular

"I dunno maybe," Lana answered.

Micky walked to Lori and Lana's pad. He stood outside the front trying to work up the courage to knock, which after staring at the front door for a few moments he decided he didn't have. He was about to turn and walk away when to his surprise the door opened to reveal Lori, who jumped in surprise, clearly she wasn't expecting any one to be standing there. Her hand flew to her chest.

"Jesus Micky you trying to give me a heart attack! You scared me half to death"

"Sorry I didn't mean to"

"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked. Micky wasn't sure what to say.

"I.er.I was.I was out for a walk and I.I dunno I just ended up here" He confessed.

"Oh right well I was on my way out" She told him, confusion and suspicion laced in her words.

"Ok.I won't keep you" Micky said and turned to walk away.

"Well I guess.I guess you could come with me.you know, only if you want to" As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted saying them. She had spent so long carefully avoiding Micky and now when he was standing in front of her she asked him to spend the entire evening with her "You know what forget it it's just some dumb open evening for my university you'd probably get bored" she said, hoping he would buy it.

"Why do you have to go? I mean you're already enrolled wouldn't they be wasting a sales pitch on you?" He asked a little confused. A small smile curled the edge of Lori's mouth.

"They're showing some of my blue prints and they want me around in case any one has any questions about them," Lori explained.

"Oh I see, that sounds really interesting I've always been fascinated with architecture"

"Yeah so Lana tells me"

"So if the offers still open I'd like to come along, I'd love to see some of your work" Micky said cautiously. Lori tried to think of an excuse as to why it would be better if he didn't go but she couldn't think of one.

"Ok yeah you can come, let's get going though, I'm already running late," she told him. Lori couldn't help but feel a little awkward. She wasn't sure whether of not to apologise to Micky for running out on him, but then that would bring up the 'love' thing and she so wasn't ready for that conversation just yet so she kept her mouth shut. The walk to university seemed to take forever, as neither of them knew what to say. Suddenly Lori had a thought.

"I went to see Mike yesterday he said you guys had a pretty important job on the cards did you get it?" She asked. Micky had been trying so hard himself to think of some thing to talk to her about that it had surprised him a little that she had spoken first.

"Yeah we did it's pretty exciting we're all psyched"

"What was it for? I mean if you don't mind me asking"

"It's for a couple of months at the club Cassandra, it's not a break though gig but it'll keep Babbit happy for a few months 'cos we'll be able to pay the rent on time for a change!"

"That's great Mike seemed pretty anxious about it yesterday"

"He's always like that when we've got a job on the cards it all pretty much life or death with him when it comes to the music, he likes every thing to be organised" Micky explained.

Mike was getting worried, a few hours had past and he had no idea where Micky was. Micky's walks never usually lasted this long and he never ever let anything interrupt valuable sleep time unless, that is, he was out with a girl. Lana was still at the pad playing checkers with Peter. Davy was watching television, and was silently relieved Micky wasn't home because he knew Micky would spend the whole time arguing with him over the programme he had chosen to watch. Mike was pacing up and down behind the sofa wringing his hands his brow knitted with worry and every now and then he'd glance up at both the front and back door as if expecting the drummer to bound in at that very moment. Finally his worrying got the better of him and he decided to call Lori to see if Micky had turned up there. He dialled the number and waited impatiently for Lori to answer, but instead he was connected to that infuriating answering service he used to speak to so often just before he and Lana broke up and she had refused to speak to him, he made his apologises claming it a wrong number and replaced the receiver. he leaned with one arm against the table for support and the other pinned to his hip his legs crossed at the ankles. He turned to Lana. "Hay Lan, did Lori mention anythin' to you about goin' out this evenin'?" He asked. Lana thought about it, looking up as if to find the answer on the ceiling.

"Ummm not that I recall, why?" she said looking back across at him.

"Well I just called your pad and got no answer," He said.

"I'm sure Micky's fine Michael you shouldn't be worried" Came Peter's reassuring voice.

"I know I can't help it, it's in my nature, you know bein' the surrogate big brother an' all" he said.

"So do you think they're out together?" Davy asked finally dragging himself away from the television long enough to participate in the conversation. Lana's eyes had returned to the ceiling searching for that elusive answer again.

"Hang on I think Lori said some thing about an open evening at her uni that's probably were she is" Lana told them so suddenly it made Peter jump.

"So I'll ask again do you think they're out together?" Davy repeated, slightly irritated by Lana's sudden out burst.

"I dunno but if they are, I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that one" Peter told them.

To Lori's surprise she found herself having a really good time. She and Micky had stayed at her university thing for a few hours and then they had quietly slipped out and found an all night café and had something to eat and a cup of coffee. The awkwardness Lori was feeling had died away and to her amazement she found it really easy to talk to Micky, she didn't feel as nervous as she had done previously. They had left the café and were now walking, silently, through the streets of Malibu and Lori was enjoying Micky's company and visa versa. All during the evening Micky would steal long glances at Lori to try and figure out what she was feeling but he hadn't been able to work her out, not yet. He loved spending this time with her and hoped she was having as much fun as he was, she seemed to be, they hadn't stopped laughing yet and his face actually ached from the amount of smiling he was doing but he didn't care, she was worth it. "It's so beautiful out here, I could stay out all night" Lori said suddenly, jerking Micky from his thoughts. She was staring up at the sky, they were on the outskirts of town so the stars were clearly visible and not hidden by the glare of street lamps. Micky looked up to.

"Yeah I agree, I bet it's gorgeous down on the beach" Micky replied.

"Do you wanna take a walk down there?" Lori asked looking back at Micky "I mean I know it's getting late but I really don't feel like going home yet" Micky didn't answer at first he let her words wash over him for a second then met her eyes.

"No me either the beach sounds good" He told her. As they walked Lori decided that now would be a good time to get something off her chest.

"Micky, I want to apologise for that afternoon in your room I panicked and---" she began to say but Micky cut in.

"Hay don't worry about it, I understand it was probably a huge shock but it's totally fine"

"Thank you but I am sorry"

"Hay like I said it's fine you don't need to apologise," He told her. Then he opened his mouth again as if he wanted to say something else but immediately closed it and Lori was silently relieved he didn't try to pursue the conversation further, she still wasn't ready to answer the question she knew he must have been dieing to ask. They were silent again for a few moments until Lori spoke again.

"I'm having a really great time tonight Micky, I'm glad it's not over yet" she told him and he smiled.

"Me too" He replied. Lori wasn't sure if it was the romantic setting of walking down a quiet moonlit street on this warm night, but all her doubts and fears were beginning to wash away and she was beginning to feel like her old self again. She couldn't say she felt exactly the same way as Micky because that wouldn't be the truth but she knew she liked him, she liked him a lot and always had done since they first met. He had been so kind to her and really taken an interest in her work at the open evening he even asked her a few questions about it so that other people wouldn't feel to shy about approaching her, she had really appreciated his efforts and of course the fact that he had insisted on paying for there food and coffee in the café and refused to let her pay half as she had suggested. She smiled as she thought over the events of the evening and without thinking she reached over and clasped her fingers in Micky's. Micky had been a little surprised at first when he felt Lori take hold of his hand but he soon relaxed and enjoyed the closeness. He did love her, he knew that but he just wished he knew how she felt about him, he had almost asked her once that night and he thought about asking her now but decided against it because he didn't want to ruin such a perfect evening. It had been perfect and any way, as they walked hand in hand down the street, he knew somewhere deep down inside that he was going to spend the rest of his life with this woman and that thought made him happier then he had ever been in his life. Suddenly hand in hand wasn't good enough for him he wanted to be closer so her let go of her hand and slid his arm around her shoulder, it had startled Lori at first but she soon relaxed and returned the gesture and slid her arm around his waist and with her other hand tangled her fingers in that of his which were on the arm around her shoulder and that was how they stayed as they walked to the beach. the stairs, ending up in the kitchen

