
Peter yawned and stretched as he felt the morning sunlight wash over his rested body.

"Ummm I love mornings," He said to himself. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of his bed and rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes, got up and headed to the door, opening it quietly so not to wake up Davy. He turned and peaked at the Englishman who was snoring peacefully in his bed. Peter smiled and entered the living room closing the door behind him. He got the shock of his life when he saw Micky sitting at the kitchen table playing checkers with Mr Schneider.

"Micky! What are you doing up? It's a little early for you isn't it?" He asked his curly haired friend.

"I've been up since dawn I'm waiting for Mike" The drummer replied not taking his eyes form the checkers board.

"What do you mean, isn't he upstairs?" Peter asked getting a sight feeling of deja vu.

"No he called last night to say he was staying at Lori and Lana's pad"

"Why did he stay there.oh my god is he back with Lana?" A huge dimpled grin covered Peter's face.

"No it has something to do with Lori I'm not sure what he wouldn't tell me over the phone"

"Oh ok so I guess we better wait then. I'll get breakfast started" Peter told him. Peter felt confused a lot of times during his life but none more so then right now. If Mike was staying with Lori did that mean they were a couple? Would Mike really do that knowing how much Micky cared for her, he asked himself.

Mike woke up suddenly and it took him a few minutes to remember where he was and why he was there. The events of the night before began to replay in his mind like he was watching a home movie. Then he remembered Lori, he looked over at her bed and saw her sleeping soundly and breathed a quiet sigh of relieve. He tried to stand and his muscles ached from sleeping in the strange position. He stretched as much as he could but it didn't help he told himself. He left Lori's bedroom closing the door quietly behind him and went into the kitchen and made himself some coffee. He hadn't been in the kitchen very long when he heard the door open and he turned around.

"Mike! What are you doing here?" It was Lana she was still in her pyjamas and had her pig slippers on that Mike had brought her just before they split up.

"Lori asked me to stay she didn't want to be alone" he explained and poured Lana some coffee and handed to her.

"Thank you, you stayed in Lori's room?"

"Yes but not in her bed I slept in a rather uncomfortable chair in the corner" He said rubbing his neck. Lana put down her coffee cup and pulled out a chair.

"Here sit down" She told him so he did and Lana began giving him a neck and shoulder rub. He closed his eyes, feeling better already.

"Ummm I've always loved you're neck rubs" He told her and Lana smiled.

"So is Lori ok?" She asked.

"No not really I managed to find out what has been botherin' her lately she told me a lot of stuff last night, stuff she wasn't really ready to tell any one, I kinda tricked it out of her. She spent a lot of the night cryin' it took a lot out of her so she's restin' now"

"Is she awake, I'll go talk to her" Lana said and started walking towards the door. Mike stood up and grabbed her arm.

"Not yet Lan she's still sleepin' leave her for the moment"

"Oh sure ok, so this thing she told you, is it bad?"

"Yeah it is she's had a pretty rough past she's still hurtin' and she's just tryin' to get on with her life"

"She's never said anything to me she's always seemed so happy"

"That's because she has been to a certain extent but recent events have made her think about a few things"

"You mean this thing with Micky?"

"Yeah I talked to him on the phone last night, he was pretty anxious to get over here but I told him not to come well not yet anyway" Then Mike realised he was still holding on to Lana's arm he smiled slightly then let her go. Lana smiled back.

"So what happened to Lori then, in her past I mean?" Lana asked.

"It's not my place to tell you I'm sorry, Lori will tell you when she's ready which will probably be soon. Now that I know she won't want to keep it a secret from the rest of you for very long I would imagine"

"I hope so" Lana paused she looked up at Mike "I must confess it's a little bizarre having you here" she said.

"Why? I've been here loads of times since we broke up"

"Yeah I know but never in the morning. The last time you were here in the morning I had woken up next to you" Lana told him.

"That's true I never really thought about it but I am glad of the chance to see you in those groovy slippers again" He replied and Lana laughed.

"Hay you gave me these remember"

"I know, I said they were groovy didn't I!" Mike protested and then grinned. Lana forgot herself for a moment and moved closer to him, she looked up into those eyes, eyes she missed being able to gaze into.

"I miss you so much some times," She said. Mikes grin disappeared and was replaced with a look of affection and love.

"I miss you too," He told her and he meant it. He caressed her cheek with his finger. He loved this woman with all his heart "Why did we break up?" he asked.

"I can't remember" Lana confessed quietly they were both staring at each other and Mike felt himself leaning in for a kiss and Lana was welcoming it with open arms. They were only a few centimetres apart now.

"Morning guys, is there any coffee?" Mike and Lana jumped back and turned to see Lori standing at the door. Both their hearts were racing now.

"Mornin' Lori yeah I made a fresh pot," Mike told her. Lana and Mike looked at each other Lana was so disappointed. Lori noticed the look they gave each other

"Did I interrupt something?" She asked.

"No of course not Mike and I were just talking" Lana told her. Mike handed Lori a cup of coffee.

"How you feelin' this mornin' Lolo?" He asked her moving to stand in front of her waiting to offer comfort if she needed it.

"I'm ok still a little tired but I'll be ok" she took a long sip from her coffee "By the way Mike when I asked you to stay I didn't expect you to sleep in that old chair I have got a double bed you know"

"Yeah I know but when I got back from callin' home you were already asleep so I didn't want to disturb you, anyway how did you know I slept in the chair?"

"Oh I woke up about a zillion times last night I didn't sleep very well at all" Lori told them.

"Oh I'm sorry" Lana said.

"No it's ok it gave me a chance to do a lot of thinking I've decided I'm gonna tell Micky what I told you last night Mike"

"Are you sure, I mean are you ready for that yet?" Mike asked smoothing some hair away from her face.

"No not really but he should know the truth and so should you Lana" Lori told her turning her attention to her roommate.

"Only when you're ready, I don't want you to do anything if you're not ready" Lana told her.

"Thank you I appreciate it but I want you to know you and Mike are my bests friends and I love you" Lori told her. Lana smiled.

"I love you too," Lana told her.

"Me too" Mike added.

"I better go get dressed" Lori told her and she disappeared into her bedroom and Mike and Lana were alone once more.

"Wow I hope she's gonna be ok" Lana said.

"I'm sure she will be she just needs her friends around her at the moment" Mike told her he studied Lana's face for a minute then said "Lana about before, just before Lori interrupted us"

"What about it?"

"I was goin' to kiss you" Mike confessed. Lana stared at him.

"Yeah I noticed that" she replied finally.

"I just wanna say sorry I shouldn't have done it and I apologise. We broke up for a reason and I don't think me kissin' you would have been a good idea"

"You really think so?" she asked.

"" he said to himself, "Yes" He said out loud. Lana was so disappointed but she tried not to show it.

"Ok hay then don't worry about it I understand us kissing then would have been a big mistake," She said.

"Exactly I'm glad you agree" Mike said. But he wasn't glad at all he had really wanted to kiss her and he had hoped she did too but she obviously didn't want to.

"Yeah I suppose I do" Lana told him. She managed a weak smile

"Well I better make a move Micky is probably climbin' the walls by now" Mike told her.

"Doesn't he do that a lot of the time any way?"

"Yeah I guess you're right" Mike said grinning a little.

"At least stay for some breakfast I'll make my French toast you used to love so much"

"Ok yeah I'd love too I've really missed you're breakfasts" Mike told her and he smiled.

Davy was as surprised as Peter when he learned what time Micky had gotten up and even more surprised when he found out where Mike had stayed that night.

"He stayed with Lori! Are you sure?" The Englishman asked Peter.

"That's what Micky told me, apparently Michael called quite late last night to say he wouldn't be home Micky spoke to him do I don't really know what went on" Peter explained.

"Mike wouldn't start dating Lori would he? He knows how much Micky cares about her" Davy said.

"I asked myself the same question and I really hope it's true"

"Of course it's true this is Mike remember it's not only Micky he's risking hurting it's Lana too and I don't think he'd ever do anything to hurt her not ever"

"Yeah I guess you're right we'll just have to wait until Michael gets home to get the full story" Peter told him. Micky was sitting down on the beach he was getting so anxious waiting for Mike that he had couldn't stay inside any longer he had to get out of the pad. He desperately wanted to know what was going on with Lori. He couldn't help but feel so worried about her and all he wanted to know was if she was ok.

Lori came back out from her bedroom and Mike and Lana were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Lori got her self another cup of coffee and sat opposite Lana.

"You sure having another cup of coffee is a good idea Lor you know what happens if you drink too much in the morning" Lana asked.

"It makes me jittery, Lori told Mike, anyway I need this to settle my nerves"

"Ok, do you want some French toast?" Lana added.

"No thank you I'm way too nervous to eat any thing right now" Lori told her.

"So you're defiantly goin' through with this whole tellin' Micky thing?" Mike asked her.

"I think so, I'm a little scared," She confessed Mike put a comforting arm around Lori's shoulder.

"You'll be fine just be honest with him. Micky will take care of you I promise," He told her.

"I hope so I don't want to be alone any more" She said A few tears started to stream down her face.

"Hay you're not alone honey, you'll always have us" Lana told her waving her hand to gesture her and Mike. Lana placed her hand over Lori's and Lori managed a weak smile.

"And Peter and Davy too" Mike added.

"Thank you guys I don't know what I would've done with out you, she focused her attention on Lana, I will tell you what's going on Lan I promise but I have to tell Micky first I hope you can understand" She said.

"Of course I do like I said take your time I'm here whenever you need me"

"Again I say thank you I love you guys" at that point Lori was the centre of a comforting hug from both Lana and Mike.

"We love you too," Mike told her.

"Can I get ride with you to your pad please Mike" Lori asked when they finally all let go of each other.

"Yeah sure, right now?"

"Yes please if I sit here any longer I'll lose my bottle"

"Ok then let's go" he stood up "Thanks for breakfast Lan"

"No problem just take care of her ok," Lana told him.

"Of course I will" Mike looked at Lori "You ready?" He asked.

"No not really but I haven't really got a choice I have to do it I owe him that much" She replied and stood up. She and Mike walked to the door and Lori stopped him "Mike wait"

"What's the matter did you change your mind?"

"No I just wanted to say thank you, I mean I know I've been saying that a lot to you lately but I just wanted to say it again. You probably don't realise it but you have been a god send to me I don't know what I would do without you" She told him. Mike smiled.

"Whenever you need me I'm here ok, any time night or day I'm always only a phone call away"

"You see you're making me say it again, thank you"

"You're welcome, now come on we better get goin'" Mike told her. They said goodbye to Lana and left. On the drive to the Monkees pads Lori didn't speak at all she was preparing herself to face Micky. She was running through ways in her mind on how to tell him about her past. Mike kept glancing sideways at her he was worried about her and part of him thought that Lori shouldn't tell Micky yet but if she was so determined to tell him then there was nothing he could do about it but the other half of him was jumping for joy, if Lori did tell Micky then maybe things would get a little easier for them. Mikes two halves wrestled with each other for the rest of the drive and when they arrived at the pad Mike turned off the engine and looked at Lori. She was sitting very still staring at the front door.

"You comin'?" Mike asked.

"Uh-huh yep I'm coming" Lori told him, but she didn't move.

"Do you need a little more time we could stay out here for a bit longer if you like"

"Ok whatever" She said. Mike got out of the car.

"No come on you better go in now or you'll never go in" Mike told her he walked round and opened her door and helped her out. They walked towards the pad Lori had never felt so sick in her life. When they entered Peter and Davy were watching television but Micky wasn't in the room.

"Hi guys" Mike said as he came in the door.

"Morning Michael, Peter said he saw Lori trail in behind Mike, Hello Lori"

"Hi Pete er is Micky around" She asked.

"He's down on the beach," Peter told her.

"Thanks, hello Davy" She said as she headed towards the bandstand to exit through the back door.

"Hello luv" Davy replied.

"You gonna be ok?" Mike called to Lori.

"I think so" She told him and smiled. She walked over to the steps that lead to the beach and spotted Micky immediately he was sitting on the sand quite close to the edge of the water .He was wearing tan coloured trousers and no shirt. Lori took a deep breath she told herself. She took another deep breath and headed down the steps.

Micky had been out all morning he could feel the warm sun on his back and the ocean breeze on his face. He felt he should've gone in by now but for some reason he couldn't get his legs to work and he was enjoying being out side. It was days like this that made Micky love living in California, ok granted a lot of days in California were hot, but this day felt different, although he couldn't explain why. His instincts told him some one was approaching him so he turned around and was not at all surprised to see Lori walking towards him, he almost felt as though he had been expecting her, like his subconscious mind had told him she was coming, maybe that was why he hadn't gone in yet because her was waiting for Lori. She smiled as she reached him and sat on the sand next to him. He smiled back and put his arm around her and pulled her towards him. Lori nestled up close and rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, Micky rested his cheek on her head and that was how they stayed. Just being in Micky's arms made Lori feel so safe and so loved. Micky had so many questions in his mind so many things he wanted to ask and say to her but for now he was just so happy to have her in his arms. They must have sat on the beach for at least an hour never talking, just holding each other. Mike was watching them from the veranda. Davy came out over to him and handed him a soda. "They still down there?" He asked.

"Yeah they are, I don't even think they've said a word to each other yet," Mike told him, accepting the soda and taking a long sip and letting the coolness fill his body.

"Lori is a bit mixed up about Micky isn't she" Davy questioned.

"Yeah she is, but she has good reason, she's been through a lot in her life so far and she has the right to be cautious I know I would be if I was in her position"

"When you say a lot, how much do you mean?"

"I'm sorry shotgun I can't tell you that it's up to Lori to explain it to you, but I will empathize the words 'a lot'" Mike told him.

"Really, that bad! And she's telling Micky all about it right now?"

"Well she's suppose to be but like I said I don't think they've actually said anythin' to each other yet" Mike explained. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled about what was going on down there on the beach, he had never been a eves dropper but he would have given any thing to be able to see and hear what was happening more clearly. At some point Lori had moved to sit in front of Micky his long legs stretched out either side of her and his arms were wrapped around her waist. Lori was leaning against his chest. She was enjoying the outside and being in Micky's arms made her feel so much better.

"I could stay like this forever" She announced. Micky was a little surprised that Lori had spoken it had startled him a little.

"So could I, as long as you were here with me" He said. Lori smiled. She couldn't tell him, not now, every thing was too perfect she didn't want to ruin it. Suddenly she got an idea.

"Do you wanna go for a swim?" she asked.

"We haven't got our bathing suits"

"So we'll go in our clothes, the water looks so cool and refreshing I just wanna dive right in there" Lori told him. Micky grinned.

"Ok sure come on then," He said.

Up on the Veranda Mike saw Micky and Lori kick off their shoes jump up and run towards the ocean. They ran right in as far as they could and he saw Micky splash Lori then Lori splash Micky and they continued to splash each other for a few minutes until Lori pulled him over and they disappeared under the water for a few seconds. Mike could hear them laughing form where he was standing and it sounded like they were having a really good time. When Micky and Lori re-emerged Micky pulled Lori over to him and they kissed. Mike's two wrestling sides suddenly agreed with each other and he felt a little angry.

"Come on Lori tell him he deserves to know, just tell him" But obviously Lori was to far away she couldn't hear Mikes pleas and she and Micky continued to kiss. When they stopped Micky looked at Lori and pushed her wet hair out of her face. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.

"Do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?" He asked her.

"Yeah I'd love too," She said.

"Great our first date, so where would you like to eat?"

"I dunno really I don't mind how about you surprise me"

"Ok, I'll pick you up from your pad at around seven-thirty?"

"That sounds great" Lori said they kissed again. Maybe going on a date with Micky was just what she needed to finally be able to stop worrying about falling in love with him maybe now she could begin to lead a normal life again, if she let herself. "I better get home and have a shower" she told him once the kiss had ended.

"Ok I'll see you later" Micky told her and they kissed again suddenly Lori burst out laughing and Micky got a bit worried "What's so funny?" He asked.

"I've just realised I've gotta walk home, my pad is half an hour away and I'm soaking wet. People are gonna think I'm some kinda nut" she told him and Micky grinned.

"Oh yeah Erm.tell you what come up to the pad you can dry off and borrow something of mine to wear home" He suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure come on" He told her. They started to head back up the beach towards the pad. Mike realised what they were doing and he ran inside grabbed the morning paper and jumped onto the sofa next to Davy. Peter was in the kitchen washing up the breakfast things and had been surprised at Mike's sudden and dramatic entrance.

"What's up with you?" He asked

"Nothin' just had a sudden urge to read the paper that's all" Mike told him. The bassist stared at the Texan.

"Right! Ok whatever" He replied then carried on with his chore. Micky and Lori came in though the back door giggling to each other.

"Hi guys" Micky said.

"What on earth have you guys been up to? You're both soaking!" Peter told them.

"We went for a swim" Lori replied.

"In your clothes?" Davy asked not able to stop staring at them

"Yeah we didn't have our bathing suits" Micky added.

"Oh fair enough" Davy said shooting Peter a "They're crazy" look and Peter responded by giggling a little. Mike pretended to look really interested in the paper, it was obvious by Micky's mood that Lori hadn't told him about Annie and he was desperate to know why.

"Come on Lori lets get you upstairs and outta those clothes" Micky told her Mike Peter and Davy all stared at him and reading their looks Micky added "Into dry ones! Jeez grow up guys!"

"Yeah we knew that" Peter said, Micky turned to Lori.

"Go upstairs I'll get some towels" He told her so Lori disappeared upstairs while Micky went into the bathroom grabbed some towels and was about to go upstairs when Mike called him back.

"Hay Mick can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Er.ok but make it quick ok" Micky went over to him and sat down.

"Did Lori talk to you about anythin' did she tell you anythin'?"

"Like what?"

"Stuff about her past, when she was in England particularly"

"No she didn't mention any thing about it" Micky looked worried "Why? should she have, do you know some thing I should know?"

"What? Oh no nothin' never mind forget I mentioned it, you better get out of those wet clothes before you catch your death" Mike told him. Micky was a little confused but didn't pursue the conversation any further. Micky went upstairs and into the bedroom and Lori was standing in the middle of the room waiting for him. She had made a huge puddle in the middle of the floor where the water had been dripping off her.

"Look at you! I invite you into my home and you repay me by flooding my bedroom" Micky told her.

"I'm sorry but it's your fault you took so long getting the towels, what happened did you get lost?" She asked.

"Mike stopped me on the way up and asked me some very bizarre questions so it wasn't my fault" Micky said grinning he threw some towels at her. Lori couldn't help but worry about what Mike had spoken to Micky about but she didn't want to ask in case it caused Micky to ask too many questions she didn't want to answer. She dried down as much as she could with her clothes on. Micky went over to his closet and opened the door. Ever since the prospect of a relationship with Lori arose Micky had tried to be as tidy as possible so only a few clothes fell out of the door rather then all of them.

"Take a look in there see what you fancy" he told her. He grabbed a shirt and some dry trousers "I'll leave you to get changed in private" Micky said and he left closing the door behind him. Lori peered inside Micky's closet she couldn't help but feel a little strange, although she had Micky's permission to be looking in his closet she still felt as though she was snooping and it unnerved her a little. She picked out a plain orange v-necked shirt with a collar and a pair of black trousers. The clothes were a little big but she felt comfortable in them. She scooped up her clothes and wrung them out on the towels as best she could, dried the puddles on the floor and picked up the rest of the towels. She came down stairs. Mike was still on the sofa Davy had moved to the kitchen to help Peter put the washing up away and Micky was not in the room so she assumed he must have still been changing somewhere else in the pad.

"Here Lori let me take those for you" Peter told her and he came over to her and took the towels from her.

"Thanks Pete"

"Lori come sit over here for a minute" Mike called indicating the empty space on the sofa next to him. She knew exactly what was coming and she prayed Micky would hurry up so she wouldn't have to face too many of Mike's questions.

"What's up hun?" She asked trying to sound as breezy as possible as she sat beside him.

"You didn't tell him did you" It wasn't a question and Mike looked deadly serious and also, to Lori, a little scary.

"No, I couldn't I was going to but I got down there and I lost my nerve. He just looked so pleased to see me that I couldn't tell him I'm sorry Mike I just couldn't" She confessed Mike's face softened a little.

"It's ok I know I kinda pushed you into it I mean you weren't really ready to tell me yet so it's my fault but you will have to tell him sooner or later you know that don't you"

"I know and I will I promise" Lori told him. Mike only nodded his response and Micky appeared from the bathroom Lori saw him and went over to him.

"Hay that's better you're all dry" Micky said he put his arms around her and she did the same.

"You too, I hope these clothes are all right I didn't know which ones were---" "It's ok they're fine"

"Good.well I better get going I'll er see you tonight?"

"Yeah I'll see you tonight" They leaned in and kissed passionately. Lori didn't want to leave him she wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. The other three Monkees quietly cheered as Micky and Lori were finally admitting their feelings for each other, to each other. As Lori walked home she couldn't stop smiling she was so excited about her date with Micky that night. She was glad Mike knew about her past it had been causing her so much pain to hide it from her friends, all she had to do now was work up the courage to tell Micky. It still hurt and she missed Annie more and more every day but she felt as though she could begin to move on. Nothing would replace Annie not ever but Annie wouldn't want her mommy to fade away into nothing she would want her mommy to live her life and move on. When Lori arrived home Lana was on the phone Lori waved dumped her clothes in the wash basket then sat on the sofa.

"Yeah Mom Peter's fine the Monkees have got a really great gig lined up it's going really well for them" Lana was saying.

"Hi Mrs Tork" Lori called

"She say's hi back" Lana told Lori "Yeah Mike's good to and no Mother we are not getting back together" Lana said rolling her eyes. When she finished talking to her mom Lana replaced the receiver and came and sat with Lori.

"Why aren't you at work?" Lori asked.

"Called in sick couldn't be bothered to go in today, Lana replied shrugging, how'd it go with Micky?"

"I didn't tell him I chickened out but I'm gonna try again tonight"

"Tonight? What's tonight?"

"Micky's taking me out for dinner" Lori's face broke out into a wide grin "We're going on a date" She told her Lana screamed.

"Really! Oh my god that's so great" She said and hugged Lori and then they let go of each other.

"I was thinking since I missed the morning of uni there's no point going in now so do you wanna come shopping with me so I can get a new outfit for tonight?"

"Have you ever known me to miss out on a shopping trip?" Lana asked "Speaking of outfits where did you get yours? It wasn't what you were wearing when you left"

"Oh, these are Micky's we went swimming and my clothes got wet so Micky let me borrow his to walk home in"

"Right ok doesn't it feel a bit weird being in men's clothes?"

"No oddly enough I feel really comfortable, didn't you ever wear anything of Mike's while you were together?"

"Only his hat but never in public if you catch my drift" She explained and winked.

"Ok now I wish I ever asked!" Lori said smiling a little "Shall we go?" So the two girls grabbed their purses and marched happily out the door.

Lori spent a couple of hours visiting every clothes shop in Malibu at least three or four times each that even Lana was beginning to get extremely bored. Lori appeared out of a changing room wearing, what felt like to Lana, the millionth outfit.

"What about this one?" Lori asked.

"You know babe I liked that one you tried on before that was by far the best so why don't you get that one so we can home" Lana told her.

"Are you really sure? I mean I wanna look good for Micky I wanna find some thing he's really gonna dig"

"Oh honey Micky would think you looked great in a black sack you know how he feels about you so anything you wear will be fine trust me" Lana explained "What time is he picking you up?"

"Seven thirty" Lori told her and Lana looked at her watch.

"Well it's five now so you better get a move on" Lori looked at her watch.

"Oh jeez you're right ok I'll get the one I tried on before" she said and disappeared back in to the changing room.

"Thank the lord"

"I heard that" Lori shouted.

"You were meant to" Lana shouted back "Now get a move on" Finally they arrived home at six. Lana went upstairs and was about to go into the bathroom when Lori cut in front of her.

"Sorry but I'm running late" She shouted through the closed door.

"Yeah cos you only have an hour and a half until Micky arrives you'll never be ready" Lana said in a sarcastic tone which Lori chose to ignore.

