
Micky had decided to walk to Lori's rather then take the Monkee mobile. He was feeling extremely nervous and hoped the walk would calm him down, but he was wrong. With every step he took another butterfly appeared in his stomach He asked himself but he didn't give himself an answer because he didn't know what he was so nervous about. In his right hand he had a bouquet of flowers that Lana had assured him were Lori's favourites. He had left his pad at quarter past seven, just as Lana and Nick arrived

"Wow look at you, you look gorgeous" Lana had told him. Micky had managed a week smile as a thank you but that was all

"Don't mind him Lan he's really nervous and hasn't said a word for the last hour and a half," Davy explained

"And I missed it! Darn!" She said snapping her fingers and grinning at Micky. Usually Micky would of shot back a sarcastic comment but tonight he had said nothing "Wow you must be nervous you've never let me get away with a comment like that before" Lana added

"If it makes you feel any better Micky Lori's just as nervous as you," Nick told him

"Yeah she's spent the two hours trying on different outfits," Lana said

"Isn't that funny so has Micky!" Peter told them

"Well I think you went with the right choice you look gorgeous" Lana told him again.

Micky arrived at Lori's with ten minutes to spare He told himself. He wasn't sure whether or not to knock yet or wait until eight but he didn't fancy standing out side any longer because he was way too nervous now, he had no idea what he'd be like after hovering out side the front door for another ten minutes so he rapped lightly on the door, it took Lori a couple of minutes to get there so he knocked again. This time Lori opened the door and Micky's mouth dropped open.

"You're early," She said and those were the only words that came from her mouth before she forget how to speak. Micky couldn't speak either and not because he was nervous but because of the vision that stood before him. They both stared unable to take their eyes off each other. Lori was wearing a Japanese style red silk dress and her hair was tied back in a French twist and little wisps of hair fell around her face. She had red sandals on with a slight heel but she was still not quite at eye level with Micky. He struggled to find his voice at first but finally managed to murmur

"I have ever seen such a beautiful creature in my entire life you look so amazing I just want to die" Lori went a brilliant shade of red and pulled him towards her and they melted into a passionate kiss

"Thank you Micky, you look amazing," She whispered in his ear as they hugged both Micky and Lori's nerves disappeared and they stood in the doorway hugging each other. Lori had been just as speechless as Micky when she first opened the door. He was wearing black trousers and a blue shirt, he knew blue was Lori's favourite colour so he wanted to make sure he had some blue on him somewhere. He was wearing black shoes, which he had borrowed from Peter and a black suit jacket, also Peter's. Micky wanted to ask Lori to marry him there and then but it was too fast, they weren't even exclusive yet so asking her to be his wife would've been a little premature.

Mike was having such a great time in the company of Cait that he had forgotten all about Lana and her visitor that morning. Cait had been kind enough to invite him to stay for dinner, which he had accepted. She explained that her roommate, Joni, was out of town for a couple of weeks and she would really love some company for dinner. Mike and Cait got on really well for people who had only just met a few hours before and Mike couldn't help but feel drawn to her, she was stunning. Cait had had a secret crush on Mike ever since she first saw the Monkees play at the Vincent Van Gogh-Gogh, but she had never told any one, not even Joni. She didn't even know his name until now. Some how they managed to get on to the subject of cars

"You guys have that red GTO right?" Cait asked over dinner

"Yeah that's right"

"She's a beauty, I see it parked outside the Vincent a lot and the club Cassandra too"

"That's were the Monkees have their main gigs so we're there a lot"

"Really? I didn't know you played at the Cassandra too, Joni and I don't go there often we prefer the Vincent"

"We'll play wherever they hire us" Mike said "Clubs, weddins, christenins, you name it"

"I'll have to remember that, be warned now, you've got yourself a groupie I'll be following you wherever you go" Cait told him

"I wouldn't mind that at all," Mike said and he smiled and Cait blushed a little

"You really are quite the charmer aren't you Mr Nesmith" she said and Mike smiled a little more as she continued "Hay there's this really cool Car and motorbike show up state this weekend"

"Yeah I heard about that I really wanted to go" Mike told her

"Me too but I didn't want to go alone" she paused and looked at him for a second then said "You know if you haven't got any thing planned do you wanna maybe go with me? I mean you know only if you want too" She asked cautiously Mike didn't hesitate

"I'd love to go with you Cait thank you," He said and Cait smiled

"Great, My cousin lives there and he said I was welcome to stay any time so we won't need to worry about finding a hotel, she paused and looked at him, I know we've only just met Mike but I feel like I've known you forever"

"I know I feel the same way," Mike said they grinned at each other for a moment

"We'd have to leave pretty much now, the first show is in the morning" Cait finally managed to say

"That's fine let's go," he said. So Cait packed her stuff and called her cousin, while Mike washed up the dinner things and then they drove to Mike's pad so he could pack as well. He rushed in the front door and bolted upstairs.

"Mike what are you up too?" Davy called but Mike didn't answer. He grabbed his hat and put it on then he found Micky's suitcase and started to throw things in it he ran back down stairs to the bathroom grabbed his toothbrush and hair stuff and threw them in the case he'd left on the kitchen table "You going some where?" Davy asked

"Remember I told you about that car and motorbike show that's happenin' up state this weekend, well I'm goin'" Mike told the Englishman

"Oh right so you found some one to go with? I remember you not wanting to go by yourself"

"I didn't and yeah I found someone to go with, is Pete around?"

"No he's gone to the beach with Lana and..." But Davy couldn't finish. Mike cut him off

"Ok well I'll call him and Micky later say goodbye to them for me and Lana and Lori too I'll be back on Monday"

"You're going right now?" Davy asked

"Yep have a good weekend" Mike did up the suitcase and headed out the door. Davy followed and saw him jump in a car with a woman he'd never seen before. Mike waved goodbye and they sped off down the road

"Bye Mike" Davy called he closed the door and turned around "What is he up too?" He asked Mr Schneider the Peter, Lana and Nick came up then back steps from the beach

"Hay Davy" Peter said

"You guys just missed Mike" Davy told them "He came home to pack and has just this second left"

"He's packed? Where's he going?" Peter asked

"The car and motorbike show up state, he said he would be gone for the weekend"

"I thought he didn't want to go by himself," Lana questioned

"He's not, he's with a girl he didn't tell me her name but he just jumped in her car and they sped off down the road, I guess they were in a hurry" Davy explained

"He's with a woman?" Lana asked as jealousy began coursing though her body

"Yeah, I dunno who she was I've never even seen her before" Davy told her. That worried Lana. Davy knew practically every girl in town.

"I'm sure it's nothing Lan they're probably just friends that's all" Nick said, placing a comforting arm around his baby sister's shoulder. Peter was now feeling really really confused. After the conversation he had with Mike that morning the last thing he expected was that the Texan would drive off for a weekend away with another woman.

Micky and Lori had finished dinner and were now in the living room with a glass of wine each, Nick had gone out to buy a couple of bottles for Lori because both she and Lana were underage. Micky took a sip and watched Lori pour a glass for herself

"I should report you, you know, you're underage" He teased

"I'm still on English time I'm old enough there," She told him

"You've been back in America almost four months!"

"Well what can I say, it takes me a long time to adjust," she said grinning a little. Lori had chosen to sit in the armchair but when she sat down she changed her mind and joined Micky on the sofa. She started at the opposite end so she could see him properly but as the night progressed she moved closer and closer until finally she was resting her head on his shoulder with her arm draped across his stomach. Micky had his arm around her stroking her hair. Lori wasn't a very big drinker so when Micky opened the second bottle of wine she was already starting to feel a little tipsy. She was so relaxed and comfortable she felt like she could fall asleep right there.

"Thank you for dinner Lori you really are a excellent cook" Micky told her

"Well I've had a lot of practise in my time I'm glad you liked it, thank you for the flowers they're beautiful"

"You're welcome, would you like any more wine?" He asked

"No because that would mean I'd have to move and I want to stay right here," She answered. Micky smiled and kissed the top of her head

"I don't think I've ever been this happy, he confessed he wasn't meant to say it out loud so he surprised himself when he did. It surprised him even more when Lori spoke

"I haven't felt this happy and safe in a long time" she replied and looked up at him this was the happiest she'd felt in a long time and that was down to Micky he made her feel so loved and so safe "Mick?" she asked

"Humm" he replied Lori sat up so she was at eye level with him

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, if you'll still have me" she said Micky wanted to jump up and scream with joy he couldn't believe those words had left Lori's mouth. A bid smile covered his face

"You mean it?"

"Yeah I do, only if you'll have me"

"Are you kidding of course I will I love you" He told her he pulled her close and they kissed passionately, Micky couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Lori hadn't told him she loved him too but he was so happy she'd consented to be his girlfriend his disappointment soon disappeared. Lori rested her head back on Micky's shoulder and closed her eyes, maybe now she could finally be happy.

Mike and Cait ended up staying away for two weeks, much to the annoyance of Mike's band mates. The Monkees had a very important gig at the club Cassandra that Mike had told them to play with out him.

"What are we going to do?" Davy asked three days before the gig. Peter had called an emergency band meeting, the three remaining Monkees were present as well as Mr Schneider "We can't cancel the manager would never let us play there again!" He added

"Maybe we could play songs that don't include lead guitar," Peter suggested. Davy and Micky stared at him for a moment. Davy blinked then turned his attention to Micky

"Maybe I could play lead," He said, choosing to ignore Peter's comment

"You don't know how, you've only just learned how to play bass," Micky told him

"Maybe Mr Schneider could play lead," Peter said grinning at the dummy

"Don't be silly Pete, you know he gets stage fright!" Davy said

"Hang on a minute I'm getting an idea" Micky said "Pete you could play lead and Davy you could do the bass with me still on drums"

"What about percussion?" Davy asked

"We'll have to do without percussion for this one gig, so what do you guys think? I mean I don't see any other solution," Micky told them

"Well we haven't really got a choice have we" Davy said

"Ok then that's settled we better have a few more rehearsals before Saturday just to make sure every thing runs smoothly" Micky told them and they agreed

"You see, who needs Michael!" Peter said

"Not us! Well not until he gets back any way" Micky added.

Lori was so excited about finally getting the chance to the see the Monkees play a proper gig. She and Micky had been an official couple for two weeks and she was looking forward to fulfilling her duties as the supporting girlfriend. Lana had pretty much screamed the house down when Lori told her she and Micky were an official couple. Lana hugged her best friend several hundred times and then danced around the living room.

"This is so exciting I can't believe it's finally happened" Lana said Lori had a big grin covering her face

"I know! I just wish Mike were here he'd be so happy for us" Lori replied. Lana had tried so hard to forget that Mike was away with another woman but it wasn't that easy. It had not been like him at all to just suddenly take off like that with no warning and stay away for so long, it was even more unlike him to blow off such an important gig. He had never been the free spirited type and it angered Lana a little. One of the reasons they had broken up in the first place was his lack of adventure, why did he had to go and develop one now! Lana tried so hard not to dwell on it too much she knew there was someone out there for her and she'd find him sooner or later, she just hoped he wouldn't be wearing a green wool hat!!

"What are you doing?" Peter questioned Mike one night when Mike had called to say hi "You hardly know this woman"

"I do know her Pete Cait and I have a lot in common she makes me laugh and I enjoy spendin' time with her" Mike told him

"It wasn't fair of you to just up and leave us, especially when you knew we had a really important gig"

"I know and I'm sorry but I had to get away I needed time to clear my head"

"What about Lana? You were so determined to get her back before you left, what changed?"

"I guess I did, I was sick of pinin' over her, then I found out she was seein' some one else I just had to move on" Mike explained

"Lana is seeing some one?" Peter asked

"Yeah I saw her with him the mornin' I left with Cait I mean I didn't get a good look at him but I could tell she really cared for him" Mike told him. When Peter heard that, he wanted to slap the Texan round the back of the head

"You idiot! That was Nick!" He said Mike was silent for a moment

"Nick your brother?" He said finally, feeling completely stupid

"Yes, he was in California on business and he came to visit us, he was sorry he missed you" Peter said. Mike couldn't believe what he was hearing

"Boy dumbass me! I can't believe it! Well don't I feel like a complete moron" Mike said, mainly to himself

"So will you come home now?" Peter asked

"No shotgun, not yet I still need a little time" Mike told him.

Mike stayed away for another two weeks after his conversation on the phone with Peter. He had been so stupid to just jump to conclusions and assume Lana was seeing some one else and not wait for an explanation. Now he had a decision to make. Should he pursue this thing with Cait or give it another shot with the woman who could quite possibly be his soul mate? He wasn't even sure how Lana felt about him any more, he knew he had strong feelings for Cait and he knew how Cait felt about him because she had told him. That was one thing he admired about Cait she was always up front about the way she felt. At this moment in time Mike Nesmith was a very confused individual indeed. No one had told Mike about Micky and Lori because Lori had asked them not too. She wanted to tell him herself face to face he deserved to hear it from her he had done so much for her and she couldn't wait to see his reaction when she told him the news.

Micky and Lori had been pretty much inseparable during the day since they got together, Micky had met her for lunch every day when she was at university or work and he picked her up afterwards and Lori spent most evenings at the Monkees pad before finally hauling herself away from Micky to go home. Weekends were usually spent at the beach, park, shopping or lounging at each other's pad. They hadn't spent the night together yet, although it was getting harder and harder to say good bye to each other at the end of each day Lori didn't feel ready to spend the night with him, and not because of sex because they weren't even thinking about that yet, she just didn't feel ready to wake up next to him. Micky completely understood he didn't want to rush her into any thing he was just happy he could call Lori his girlfriend.

Mike arrived home four weeks after he had left he had some news to share with his friends and was so disappointed to find the Monkees pad empty.

"Hello? Fellas, I'm back" He called and got no reply he walked over tot Mr Schneider "You talkin' to me yet" he got no reply "Oh c'mon man it's been months I told you I was sorry" still no reply "All I said was you had wood for brains" Mr Schneider turned his head away from Mike "Fine be like that then see if I care" He said throwing his hands in the air and admitting defeat. He went upstairs and started to unpack his suitcase. Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the front door he went down stairs and opened it and smiled at the form in front of him

"Hi there" It was Cait

"I thought I was gonna call you tomorrow?" Mike said

"I know, you were but you left your jacket in my car so I thought I should return it" She said

"Thank you," He said he took the jacket from her and tossed it onto a table and pulled Cait inside and closed the door he pulled Cait close and they kissed

"Well thank you too" Cait said "So have you told your friends about us yet?" She asked

"No, not yet no one is home"

"How do you think they'll react to me?" Cait asked a little nervously. Mike slid his arms around her waist and she did the same

"They're gonna love you I promise, you have got nothing to worry about" Mike told her

"And Lana?"

"Well, she might be a little more tricky" He said. Mike had spent a lot of time locked up in his room after his phone call to Peter, thinking about what he wanted to do. He knew Lana would always be very special to him she was his first love but he was excited by the thought of Cait. He and Lana had been down a very rocky path toward the end of their relationship and he didn't think he had the strength to go down that road again, not now. Mike had asked Cait to join him for a walk, which she had done and he had chosen this time to explain how he felt about her and his situation back home

"Why are you telling me this?" Cait asked

"I want you to know about Lana and what we went through because I'm about to ask you to be my girlfriend and I don't want you to be surprised by anythin' when we get home" Mike confessed. Cait was a little surprised by his openness

"Oh I see...and what if I say yes? I'm not gonna go through our relationship being compared to Lana am I?"

"No of course you won't I would never do that, Lana is my past I'm movin' on I want you now I really like you Cait I like you a lot and I would love for you to be my girlfriend"

"I like you too Mike you know I do but I'm not convinced you're completely over Lana yet"

"I am I promise. I needed this time to get away to clear my head and think rationally for a change and I realised I am over her I see that now and I want you," he explained. Cait had to admit it she wanted him to, she could sense that he really liked her and she was willing to give it a try.

"Ok" she said finally "I'd love to be your girlfriend," She said and they both grinned.


"Yeah really, I've had such a great time this past three weeks I've loved spending this time with you and I would be honoured to be your girlfriend" She told him. Mike pulled her close and they kissed. Mike felt shivers down his spine at their first kiss he hadn't felt that way in a long time he was happy and finally not worrying about any thing to do with Lana.

Mike was really pleased that Cait had come to return his jacket, they had only been apart for half and hour but he had really missed her

"I know one thing for certain, Davy is really gonna love you, he loves any thing in a dress" Mike said and smiled

"Is he the cute British guy?" Cait asked

"Cute! You think Davy is cute?"

"Well yeah I mean..." she paused "...oh now I'm in trouble aren't I, I don't have feelings for him I just recognise that he's cute," Cait explained. Mike was trying not to laugh

"It's ok I don't mind I'm only teasin' you" He said Cait playfully slapped him.

"You're evil!" She told him with a big grin on her face. They kissed again and didn't notice Lori and Micky come up the back steps, carrying tennis rackets.

"That ball was not out! You are such a cheater," Lori was saying

"It so was out, it was out by miles any blind person could've seen that and any way you're only mad cos you lost" Micky told her

"I am not mad that I lost, I'm mad because my boyfriend cheats at tennis, remind me never to play monopoly with you" she said they came through the back door and saw Mike standing by the front door kissing a woman "Mike?" Lori asked. Mike stopped kissing Cait and turned around. A big smile covered his face

"Hello Lolo" He said Lori grinned too

"You're back!" She said they came towards each other and had the longest hug "I missed you"

"I missed you too how are you?"

"I'm great I've got some news to tell you but first I'm gonna tell you off" She said and they let go of each other

"Whatever for?" Mike asked a little worried

"For leaving without saying goodbye I was a little hurt"

You've already done that every time I called you"

"I know but I wanted to do it in the flesh" She said

"I'm sorry Lolo it was a last minute thing I didn't even get chance to say goodbye to the others, only Davy and that was because he was the only one here"

"Ok well I suppose I can forgive you but only if you brought me back something pretty" Lori said

"Of course I did would you expect me not too," Mike told her with a grin on his face. Micky had hung back a little he knew Mike and Lori had a special bond and he didn't want to get in the way of them "Hay Mick how are you?"

"I'm great thanks Mike better now you're home maybe things can get back to normal round here now and I hope you've brought me back something pretty as well" Micky told him jokingly and Mike laughed.

"Well I have got you somethin' but I'm not sure if it comes under the 'Pretty" label"

"Well that's ok then" Micky said. The two men embraced and when they let go Micky stepped back and put his arm around Lori's waist and Lori put her arm around his

"I'm glad you guys are here because there's some one I want you to meet" Mike told them he gestured to Cait to come over and join them which she did and Mike laced his fingers in hers "This is Caitlyn Mackenzie"

"Cait, please call me Cait" she said

"Cait these are two of my best friends Lori Tyler and Micky Dolenz"

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you, especially you Lori. Mike hardly ever stopped talking about you" she told them she extended her hand and Micky and Lori both took it in turn to greet her and shake her hand

"It's nice to meet you too Cait" Lori said she was looking at Mike a little quizzical

"Cait is my girlfriend" Mike told them. It would be fair to say the both Micky and Lori were a little surprised by Mike's last statement

"Really! Well welcome to the madhouse Cait" Micky told her trying to shake off his stunned expression.

"At last! I'll get another Monkee girlfriend to be a groupie with" Lori said a little excited.

"Wait a minute, did I just hear what I thought I heard" Mike asked "Are you finally a Monkees girlfriend Lolo?" He asked. Lori and Micky grinned at each other

"Yeah I am" She replied and she and Micky kissed

"Well it's about time! When did this happen?" Mike asked as he hugged both of them again

"Four weeks ago" Mick told him

"I've been dieing to tell you but I didn't want you to hear it over the phone" Lori explained

"This is wonderful I'm so happy for you guys" Micky and Lori couldn't stop grinning at each other

"Well I better get going Mike Joni's expecting me" Cait told him

"Oh ok sure" Mike couldn't hide the disappointment on his face he wasn't ready for her to go yet

"It was nice to meet you both" She said to Micky and Lori

"You too Cait. Don't be a stranger now you hear, we expect to see you around here quite often" Micky told her. Cait smiled

"Thank you Micky I'll try" She said

"The guys have got a gig on Wednesday night Cait, do you fancy being my date?" Lori asked

"I'd love to Lori thank you"

"Great" Lori replied. Mike walked out to Cait's car with her

"See I told ya they'd love you didn't I," He told her

"Yeah you did they seemed really nice I can't wait to get to know them better and also meet Peter and Davy too"

"You will soon I promise, I'll call you tomorrow"

"Ok see you later" They kissed goodbye and Mike watched her drive off then went back inside. He looked so contented and he felt happier then he had been in a long time. When he came back inside he joined Micky and Lori. Lori was snuggled up to Micky on the sofa and Mike sat opposite them on the bandstand

"So you didn't waste any time putting the moves on a complete stranger did ya!" Micky told him

"Micky!" Lori warned and she slapped him on his arm

"Sorry dear" Micky replied

"Well I can see who wears the trousers in that relationship" Mike said, letting out a small chuckle

"Robert!" Lori warned again. Ever since Mike had told Lori how much he hated being called Robert, she always called him it when he irritated her or she just wanted to annoy him.

"Sorry kid, that just proves my point" Mike said laughing a little more Lori didn't reply she just glared at him

"I hope you realise I resent that Mike," Micky told him

"Sorry Mick I'm just winding up you're girlfriend there" Mike told him. Lori stuck her tongue out at him then changed the subject

"Cait seems really nice Robert, how did you meet?" She asked

"We met on the beach the Friday I went away. We got talkin' and found out we both had an interest in cars and motorbikes and decided to go to the motor show up state we were only goin' for the weekend but ended up stayin' for a month" Mike explained

"Aw how romantic" Lori said, her eyes glazing over a little.

"Oh don't give her ideas man!" Micky said waving a hand in front of Lori's face trying to get her to snap out of it

"I think I chose the wrong Monkee" Lori sighed and winked at Mike who chuckled a little

"Hay!" Micky shouted

"I'm only joking I wouldn't swap you for any thing in the world, well unless Dean Martin came knocking on my door of course"

"You're hanging by a very thin thread Tyler you better watch it" Micky said shaking his finger at her in mock anger

"I'm sorry I'll be good," She promised

"Yeah well you better" Micky told her and Lori turned her attention back to Mike

"So does Lana know about Cait?" She asked cautiously

"No not yet I was hopin' you could not go home to early tonight so I could tell Lana myself just the two of us" Mike asked

"Oh yeah sure no problem"

"Thank you, so where's Peter and Davy then?"

"Peter is round Lana's" Micky told him

"And let me guess, Davy is out with Tina!" Mike said

"No he's round Lana's as well but Tina is sooo last month," Micky informed him

"He's had Lisa, Emma Vanessa, Sarah and Linda since then" Lori said counting them off on her fingers

"Yeah he's onto Samantha now" Micky added

"Really! And I was only gone four weeks" Mike said

"Yep that's our little Romeo for ya" Micky said

"It was sad letting Tina go though, I was getting rather attached to her" Lori said she stuck out her bottom lip and looked at Micky for comfort

"Don't worry hun, knowing Davy she'll be back," Micky told her reassuringly

"You think so?" Lori asked brightening up a little

"Yeah I do"

"Yay" Lori replied and they kissed. Mike was smiling at them

"I'm so glad you guys are finally together you make such a cute couple," He told them

"Thank you" They said in unison. At that moment Peter and Davy came in the front door.

"Mike! You're back!" Davy said a little surprised to see the Texan

"Sure am shotgun" Mike replied

"When did you get back?" Peter asked

"Not long ago about twenty-five minutes ago" Mike replied

"Did you have a good time? Where there any pretty girls there?" Davy asked as he came over to hug Mike and Mike smiled

"Yes Davy I did have a good time and yes there were a lot of pretty girls there you would have been very happy"

"Groovy" Davy said and Peter came over and hugged Mike too.

"Did you get the Lana thing sorted out?" he asked

"Yes Peter I did and I'm afraid you are not goin' to like my decision" Mike told him

"So you're dating this Cait woman then?" Peter asked not even bothering to hide the disappointment from his voice.

"No we're not datin' we're exclusive Cait is my girlfriend" Peter's eyes widened with shock

"What! No! You're suppose to be with Lana," He told Mike

"I'm sorry Pete I know how much you wanted Lana and I to get back together but we don't belong together we've been down that road before and it didn't work out. I can't. I really like Cait I've got a good feelin' about her, about us and I had to chance it or I'd spend the rest of my life hatin' myself for lettin' her go" Mike explained. Peter was a little upset by Mike's decision but he understood but that didn't mean he had to like it and he was not looking forward to meeting Cait.

Later that night Mike drove the Monkees mobile to Lana's place he knocked on the door and instead of letting himself in, waited for an answer. Lana opened the door.

"Michael! Hi when did you arrive home?" She asked she hugged him and Mike kissed her on the cheek

"Are you mad at me?" He asked

"No not at all what makes you say that?"

"Well you only ever call me Michael when you're mad at me so I just assumed"

"Oh, must've been a slip of the tongue, I've probably been spending too much time with my brother, so are you gonna tell me who that woman was you were seen riding off in to the sunset with?" Lana asked trying to look and act as though she wasn't bothered by it but Mike could tell she was.

"That's what I've come to talk to you about, can I came in?" Mike asked

"Yeah sure" she replied and stepped aside so mike could come in. She closed the door and Mike went into the living room "Would you like something to drink?"

"No I'm fine thank you can you sit down please," Mike told her. Lana was starting to worry and feel really nervous now and she sat down opposite him and he took her hand

"What's going on?" She asked

"This is really difficult for me to do to you Lan but you deserve to hear it from me" Mike told her. Lana hadn't seen such a serious look in his eyes since the day they had broken up

"Ok" She said starting to feel a little nervous

"The woman Davy saw me drive off with is Caitlyn Mackenzie we spent a lot of time together while we were away"

"So what, is she like your girlfriend or something?" Lana asked, expecting Mike to laugh it off but he didn't he just stared at her "Oh I see" She said and pulled her hand away

"I know this is probably difficult for you Lana but Cait is my girlfriend, you and I split up a long time ago and we had to move on sooner or later" Mike said

"Yeah of course, it was kind of inevitable right, one of us had to move on first" Lana said waving her hands dismissively trying to breeze along as if it was no big deal

"You do know how I feel about you don't you? I'll always love you you're very special to me Lana you were my first love and I don't want to lose the great friendship we've developed over the months"

" No me either I love you too and I'm happy you could move on"

"And I realise that bein' the ex-girlfriend it's your obligation to hate Cait but give her a chance I know you'll like her as much as I do" Mike said

"Well I'm not making any promises" Lana said and Mike smiled

"So are we cool?"

"Of course we are" Lana said and Mike leaned over, kissed her and hugged her

"Thank you I love you I'm so grateful to have you in my life" he said. Lana looked calm on the outside but on the inside her entire world had been turned upside down. She was trying so hard not to cry and she had never felt so miserable. Ever since that morning when they had almost kissed Lana had been certain that she and Mike would get back together but now he had someone new and she just wanted to curl up somewhere and disappear.

Over the next couple of weeks every one finally got to meet Cait and they all loved her. She had been met with a hostile reaction from Peter at first but now even he had to admit that she was really lovely and they had become great friends although Peter felt really guilty about not being able to hate her Lana's sake. It had been a little harder for Lana to except her but it didn't bother Cait, Mike had told Cait what to expect so she had been prepared for it but as the weeks went past Lana saw how happy Cait made Mike and that was all that mattered as long as Mike was happy then she could live with it...just. Lori and Cait got on great they enjoyed being Monkee girlfriend groupies together and went to every gig the Monkees played. Lana was a little jealous of Lori's relationship with Cait but she knew Lori was allowed other friends and whenever Cait and Lori spent time together Lana was always invited too, she just wasn't ready to spend time with Mike's new girlfriend yet. Mike and Cait were getting on really well they enjoyed each other's company. Cait's roommate Joni had been a little star struck when she first met Mike because she had always been a fan of the Monkees music but they got on like old friends now which pleased Cait.

Lori was finally moving on with her life and loving every single second that she spent with Micky. She still hadn't had the courage to tell Micky about her past, which was something Mike quizzed her about on almost a daily basis.

"I'll tell him Mike I promise," She said one night after Mike had cornered her backstage after a very successful Monkees gig

"When? If you don't tell him soon it will only get harder"

"I know but he's been so happy lately I can't bare to hurt him"

"The reason he's been so happy is you, he's in love Lori and it'll only hurt more the longer you leave it"

"Ok yeah I know all right can you stop with the lecture please I'll tell him when I'm ready and I won't be pushed into it by any one" She told him and stomped off before he could reply. Lori had refused to speak to Mike for a couple of days after that until, that is, Mike had driven to her university to confront her about it.

"I'm only saying these things because I care about you," He told her

"Yeah I know I'm sorry but I meant what I said I'll tell him when I'm ready not when you tell me to"

"Fine just don't leave it too long" Mike warned. Mike and Lori's relationship had been a little rocky after that. Lori was sick of him trying to get her to do some thing she wasn't ready for but it wasn't long before she had forgotten why she had been mad at him in the first place and they soon returned to their former best friend relationship, which Mike had been grateful for, he hated fighting with her and the subject was forgotten.

Lori could never have imagined that HE would turn up at her house one evening when she was having Micky, Mike and Cait around to her pad to watch a movie.

Lori and Micky had been together six weeks and one evening they decided to have a quiet night at Lori's pad in front of the television because Lori's favourite movie 'The shop around the corner' was on, and at Micky's suggestion Lori had invited Mike and Cait to join them. She had invited Lana too but she already had plans with some friends from work. Micky and Lori had gone to the store to get snacks and when they came in the door they were both giggling at something.

"You're such a liar," Lori was saying between giggles "He was not checking me out!"

"Oh he so was! His eyes popped out of his head and his tongue fell out of his mouth and hit the floor," Micky told her Lori was giggling a little more

"You're making that up!"

"I am not I swear I was about to go over and sock him in the mouth!"

"Aw my hero, let me reward you with a kiss" Lori said and turned around and kissed him and then they kissed passionately. Micky kicked the door closed

"Er...guys?" Mike had heard them come in and went out to greet them. Micky and Lori stopped kissing and Lori turned around

"Mike! How did you get in?" She asked

"Lana let us in, Lori you've got a visitor" He told her. A tall guy, about the same height as Micky, with blonde straight hair and blue eyes stepped out from behind Mike. Lori stared at him, unable to believe that he was standing in front of her

"Hay there baby girl," The guy said

"Ben!" Was all Lori could say before words failed her completely.

