
Mike sat on the bench in front of the large bay window at the back of the Monkees pad. His sheet music lay discarded on the floor in front of him. He couldn’t concentrate on lyrics right now nor could he concentrate on the words on the page of a magazine that lay open on his lap, he had been on the same page for the last fifteen minutes. He had much more important things on his mind at that particular moment, like what was going on behind the closed door of the upstairs bedroom. He was staring at the bedroom door and figured Micky and Lori must be sorting things out because it was quiet up stairs, but they soon started shouting and after about half an hour Micky came storming down stairs closely followed by Lori.

“Please Mick just let me explain!” Lori pleaded

“No I don’t want to hear it just got home!” He shouted. Mike couldn’t believe the way Micky was acting.

“Please Micky” Lori said. Finally it all got too much for her she broke down and collapsed to the floor, “Please,” She said through her tears “Just let me explain please Micky, Just let me explain” She begged until the crying got too much and she couldn’t speak. She could hardly breath now she was crying so much. Micky turned around and as soon as he saw her, the anger left his body. He loved her and he hated to see her in so much pain. He sat down beside her and wrapped his protective arms around her. Mike was watching them with sorrow etched in his features, he hated to see Lori like that almost as much as Micky. Lori’s hands gripped Micky’s back and he was stroking her hair.

“It’s ok, Sshhh everything will be ok” Micky told her. She wasn’t getting better she realised that now. She didn’t have the strength the fight it any more, months of hidden emotions were pouring out of her. Lori finally pulled away breathing unevenly as she tried to calm down, her eyes were red and swollen.

“I’m sorry Mick I’m so sorry” She said

“Why didn’t you tell me? That’s all I want to know, why did you feel you couldn’t tell me?” He asked smoothing the hair away from her face and looking deep into her eyes. She knew the time had come to tell him, she had to tell him everything. Mike was still watching them, the worry was clear on his face. Lori looked over to him and he knew what she was about to do, he nodded and left quickly so they could be alone,

“Maybe we should sit down,” Lori said to Micky. They sat on the sofa and Micky held her hand. Lori began to explain everything, giving more detail then she did with Mike because Micky deserved to hear the whole truth. Micky listened carefully taking in everything Lori was telling him. It shocked him when he found out about Annie, it shocked him even more when he found out what happened to her. Lori was crying again now and she was finding it difficult to talk about.

“It’s ok take your time” Micky told her bringing her hand to his mouth and gently kissing her palm. She explained how she needed to come back to America and how she was so grateful that her uncle found Lana just at the right time.

“I thought I was getting better I thought I was beginning to move on but then Ben showed up today and you got so angry with me I just wanted to die. I can’t handle being shouted at not by you but I know I deserved it I should’ve been straight with you from the beginning and I’m sorry I hope you can forgive me I couldn’t bare it if I lost you as well” She told him, Micky had a few tears in his eyes but he was trying not to cry for Lori’s sake He told himself

“Do you have a picture? Of Annie I mean” He asked, which surprised Lori a little

“Yeah in my purse”

“Well can I see it, can I see her. I’d love to know what she looks like” He told her kissing her palm again.

“Yeah of course” She told him she stood up to go and get her bag that she had left in Micky’s bedroom. She came back down fiddling in her bag searching for her purse, she found it and pulled out two pictures “This one is from her first birthday she had just blown out the candles on her cake and this one is from the park I’m pushing her in the swing, it was taken the day before she died” Lori explained and handed the photos to Micky and he stared at them for a while until finally he spoke

“She’s beautiful Lori she’s got her Mommy’s smile,” He told her

“She has hasn’t she” Lori said with a weak smile. Micky stared at them for a while longer before finally handing them back to Lori and pulling her into a long embrace.

“You’re so brave. I know it must have been very difficult for you to talk about especially with me and I’m sorry I shouted, you didn’t deserve that but I wish you’d told me sooner I want to help you get better” He said and kissed the top of her head

“Thank you” she said so quietly Micky almost didn’t hear her

“We’re not all good here though this isn’t a get out of jail free card we’ve still got some talking to do, you kept a huge secret from me and that’s one thing people in relationships shouldn’t do”

“I know I understand if you don’t want to see me any more,” She said. Micky pulled her away and lifted her chin so she was looking at him in the eye, he had a deadly serious look on his face.

“I am not breaking up with you ok, I am still your boyfriend, if you still want me to be?” he added

“Of course I do…I love you” she told him. Micky stared at her, that was the first time she’d ever said that to him

“You do?” He asked and Lori nodded

“Yes I do more then anything in this world,” She said. A big grin covered Micky’s face he leaned in and kissed her softly

“I love you,” He told her. Lori rested her head on his chest and Micky wrapped his arms around her again. They sat in silence for a few minutes until Lori spoke again.

“So where do we go from here?” She asked

“I guess we take it one day at a time see how we go” he paused a little, wondering how to phrase his next question “Lor?” He asked cautiously

“Humm?” She replied she felt so relaxed now resting on Micky listening to the drumming of his heart beat and watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he took, she was so relieved to finally have her secret out in the open.

“About Ben” Micky continued “If he’s living here now then I guess you guys will be spending a lot of time together huh?” He said and Lori smiled

“You don’t have to worry about Ben Mick, he and I are friends now that’s all. We’ve been through a lot together and we’ll always have a special bond but I don’t want to be with him, I’m not in love with him any more and I’m sure he feels the same about me” she reassured him

“Ok but I’m warning you now I’ll probably get very jealous and protective over you” he confessed

“Thanks for the warning” Lori said managing a small giggle.

“Are you going to be ok?”

“I think so it’s hard and it still hurts a lot I miss Annie so much but I’ve got you and I know with your help I’ll get better” She told him and Micky smiled.

Mike was wondering aimlessly around the streets of Malibu, not having any idea where to even start looking for Peter and Davy. It was times like this he wished he still had his motorcycle, he could do with a ride out to the countryside right about now. He was getting closer to Lana’s pad, he had never started out with a destination in mind but some how he had ended up there, then he remembered Peter had a key to Lana’s place so maybe he and Davy had gone there. He walked and knocked on the front door, he knew Lana wasn’t in and Peter and Davy being there was a long shot so he was surprised when the door opened.

“Mike! Hi” It was Lana

“What are you doin’ here? I though you were out with some friends?” He asked a little puzzled. Lana suddenly looked very guilty.

“Oh yeah well…I…er…it was cancelled so I…I…I came home again” She replied smiling nervously.

“You’re lyin’ to me aren’t you?” Mike questioned. Lana tried to look hurt

“No I’m telling the truth,” She said defensively

“Lana you forget who you’re talkin’ to I can tell when you lie” Mike told her and Lana sighed

“I hate that you know me so well” She said “ Come on in,” She told him and they went in and sat down on the sofa

“So come on then spill it what’s goin’ on?” Mike asked

“You were right I am lying, there was no meeting up with friends from work tonight I made it up so I wouldn’t have to be at home”

“Why ever not?”

“Please Mike I don’t want to do this now can we just forget it please” Lana asked.

“It’s to do with Cait isn’t it” He said “And tell me the truth because I just proved I can tell when you lie” He told her firmly

“Ok fine the reason I didn’t want to be here was because you were here with Cait it hurts to see you together I still love you so much and I want to be with you again, I know you’ve moved on and I’m sorry but I can’t” She told him. Mike was staring at her, he had no idea she still felt so strongly for him “Maybe you should ---” Lana began to say but she couldn’t finish. Mike held up his hand to stop her

“Sshhh don’t say another word” He said gently and leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.

“What about Cait?” Lana asked.

“I don’t know, I just know that if I don’t kiss you again in the next five seconds I’ll explode” He said. He cupped her face in his hand and kissed her again, more passionately this time. Lana couldn’t believe she was finally back in Mike’s arms they were kissing more fiercely and Mikes hands were gripping her tightly. Lana began to unbutton his shirt and was on the last button when they heard the front door unlock and open. They jumped apart at the sound of Peter’s voice

“Lana’s out tonight but I’m sure she won’t mind us hanging out here for a while” He was saying

“Damn my brother!” She breathed. Mike began frantically doing his buttons back up and Lana straightened her ruffled shirt. The hallway door opened and Peter walked in closely followed by Davy.

“Lana! Michael! What are you guys doing here?” Peter asked, he stopped so suddenly that Davy crashed into him

“Jeez Pete indicate when you’re gonna stop will ya!” He said then noticed Lana and Mike “Ay what are you guys doing here?” He asked, repeating Peter’s question

“Oh…I…I came looking for you, I…I…I thought you might be here and when I got here Lana…was…was…”

“My night out got cancelled so I came home early” Lana finished for him

“Did you get Cait home ok?” Mike asked trying to act innocent

“Yeah she’s fine Joni was in when we got there so we had a drink and a chat and…Peter’s got a crush on Joni” Davy added

“No I haven’t!” Peter said

“Yes he has” Davy mouthed. Then Lana realised something

“Hay where’s Lori and Micky and why did you have to take Cait home?” She asked

“Yeah that’s what we’d like to know” Peter asked

“Lori had a visitor she wanted us to leave so we did and now she’s gone to talk to Micky” Mike told them

“Who was the visitor? Micky seemed pretty upset when he got home” Davy said

“I’m sorry I’m not gonna tell you. I’m sure Lori will tell you” Mike told them. Lana and Mike kept glancing at each other both of them wishing Peter and Davy would leave so they could pick up where they left off.

“What’s up with you guys? You look like two kids who have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar,” Peter asked

“Nothing’s up with us jeez what’s with the third degree!” Lana said sounding irritated

“Ok sorry” Peter said glancing at his sister questionably she looked guilty about something but he chose to ignore it and changed the subject “So do you think it’s safe to go home yet?” Peter asked

“I dunno we could try we’ve been gone a couple of hours it might be worth a try” Davy replied. They both looked at Mike who was looking at Lana

“Mike what d’you reckon?” Peter prompted

“Yeah I would think so, you guys could go home” Mike replied

“You have to come too, me and Pete are scared to go home in case they’re shouting at each other” Davy said. Mike tried to argue but Peter and Davy wouldn’t let him and Mike huffed

“Ok fine come on let’s go,” he said rather sharply. He tried to apologise to Lana but Peter pushed him out the door. Lana slumped back against her chair. That was the second time she and Mike had been interpreted when they were on the verge of something but at least she got to kiss him this time. She really wanted Mike but because they had been interrupted she knew he’d go back to Cait. She was so unhappy and began to cry.

Mike Peter and Davy arrived home half an hour later and Davy pressed his ear against the front door

“S’all quiet” he announced, “Maybe they killed each other,” He added earning him a smack round the head from Mike

“Davy!” He warned

“Ow! Sorry!” Davy said rubbing the back of his head

“Should we go in?” Peter asked

“Well if it’s quiet then I don’t see why not” Mike said. So Davy opened the door quietly and peered in he saw two pairs of feet hanging off the edge of the sofa and his ears were greeted by the sound of light snores coming from Micky

“They’re asleep,” Davy whispered to his band mates. The crept in and over to the sofa and saw Micky and Lori wrapped in each other’s arms sleeping soundly. Mike grinned.

“They’re gonna be fine” He announced. Peter put a blanket over them then the three of them went to bed.

Mike couldn’t sleep, he laid awake thinking about Lana, they had come so close to making love and he felt so guilty for not feeling guilty about it, he had wanted it so badly and he felt he should be guilty because he was with Cait…but he didn’t. He thought he was over Lana or at least he had convinced himself he was he was so sure he loved Cait but now he wasn’t so sure. He was so sure he had made the right decision six weeks ago he had really wanted to be with Cait then, but now…he didn’t even know what he wanted any more. He got back up and got dressed. Went downstairs and quietly sneaked past Micky and Lori who were still sleeping soundly on the sofa. He slipped out the back door and went for a walk along the beach. He sat on the sand and watched the ocean as he tried to clear the confusion from his mind. He woke up the next morning still on the beach at first he wondered how he had gotten there but then he remembered. He sighed and stood up and went home. Peter was already up when Mike came in

“Morning Michael you’re up early” He said

“Couldn’t sleep, where’s Micky and Lori?”

“I dunno they were gone when I got up”

“Oh” He said and he climbed the spiral staircase to put some clean clothes on. He walked in the bedroom got changed and was fiddling with his pinkie ring when it slipped off his finger and rolled under his bed. He huffed and lay down on his belly and reached under and pulled out a teddy, it was a pig Lana had brought him after he had gotten her the slippers, he remembered back to the day she had given it to him it was the same day he had fallen in love with her and then he began to think about her and how much he missed her sometimes, he needed to talk to someone about this it was causing him so much confusion he needed to hear another opinion. He went down stairs and Peter and Davy were sitting at the kitchen table.

“Morning Mike” Davy said

“Mornin’ Davy, listen do you mind if I have a few minutes with Peter there’s somethin’ I wanna talk to him about” Mike asked

“Oh ok sure, I’ll be on the beach if any one wants me” He said and finished his last spoonful of cereal and left through the back door

“What’s up Michael?” Peter asked as Mike sat down opposite Peter at the kitchen table

“Somethin’ happened last night while I was at Lana’s, she told me she’s still in love with me and we, well I…I kissed her I think if you and Davy hadn’t of walked in when you did we would’ve slept together” Mike confessed.

“So that’s why you guys were looking so guilty,” Peter said realisation flooding his features

“Pete could I get a little advice here please?” Mike asked, a little irritated

“Sorry, I don’t really know what to tell you, this is a decision you have to make by yourself but I will tell you this, make sure the decision you do make is what you want because you could end up losing both of them” Peter told him

“I know but it’s so hard I’ve loved bein’ with Lana these past six weeks”

“Cait” Peter corrected

“What?” Mike asked

“You said you’ve loved being with Lana, I think you meant Cait”

“I said Cait”

“No you didn’t”

“Yes, I did” Mike argued

“No Michael you didn’t” Peter countered. Mike thought about it for a moment the said

“You’re right I didn’t, I said Lana didn’t I”

“I think you’ve just made your decision” Peter said Mike sighed

“I can’t do this Pete I don’t want to hurt anyone Cait’s an amazing woman and I can’t hurt her, no more then I can hurt Lana”

“Whatever happens you’re gonna end up hurting someone, that’s life I’m afraid but you have to follow you’re heart I mean I like Cait I really do but it seems to me you’re heart wants you to be with Lana” Peter told him. Mike hated to admit that Peter was right, someone was going to get hurt sooner or later and he realised he wasn’t in love with Cait, he wanted to be with Lana and it wasn’t fair on Cait to keep pretending. He sighed again and looked across at his blonde friend

“Thanks Pete I guess I better go see Cait,” He said. He went outside and jumped in the Monkee mobile and headed for Caitlyn’s. He knew this was going to be really hard but the had to do it. He got to her house and knocked on the door and was glad Cait opened it and not Joni. A smile covered her face

“Hi this is a nice surprise” She said and kissed him, but he didn’t kiss her back “Is everything ok?” She asked she could feel the fear rising in her body

“No not really can we go somewhere and talk?” He asked and Cait nodded. They drove somewhere quiet and Mike shut off the engine. They sat in silence until Cait turned to Mike

“So…what’s up?” She asked although she had a feeling she knew what was coming and was dreading her suspicions being confirmed

“Somethin’ happened last night, after you went home. Micky and Lori needed to be alone so I left and went to look for Peter and Davy, I thought they might be at Lana’s so I went to look for them there, they weren’t there…but Lana was” He told her. Cait’s eyes were filling with tears now

“Go on” She told him

“We talked, one thing led to another and then we kissed,” He told her. Cait began to cry and so did Mike “I’m so sorry Caty I didn’t plan on it, it just happened”

“You’re breaking up with me aren’t you” She said, not daring to look at him

“I don’t want to hurt you Caty, you’re such an amazing woman and I’m honoured that you would want to be with me but, yes I’m sorry I am” Mike told her. Cait’s sobbing became a little worse but she still refused to look at him

“Can you take me home now please” She said barley able to talk through crying.

“Can’t we talk about this please?” Mike asked

“No just take me home” She replied. Mike didn’t want to argue with her so he did as she asked. They drove back to Cait’s pad in silence the only sound was Cait’s soft sobbing. Mike shut off the engine

“Are you gonna be ok?” He asked. Cait was feeling a little braver now and she finally lifted her head and faced him eye to eye.

“You know I knew this would happen I knew you would leave me for her and I hate myself for not listening, so many people warned me but I didn’t listen because I was stupid enough to think you cared about me. You’ve broken my heart and I hope you lose my number because I am sure as hell gonna lose yours I never ever want to see you again” She said angrily Mike was a little stunned

“Caty wait please” He said he grabbed her arm but she wrenched it away.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you want it to be over well you’ve got you’re wish, goodbye Michael” She said and got out of the car and ran into her pad slamming the door behind her. Mike hadn’t wanted to hurt her so much, he had no idea she loved him. He couldn’t move for a moment he stared at her front door completely shocked.

Lana had gotten up to find Lori’s room empty, she figured Lori must’ve stayed with Micky and hoped they had sorted out whatever it was that had made Micky so angry. She poured herself a coffee and stared at the sofa, thinking about the night before, he hated herself for giving Peter a key, because if he and Davy hadn’t walked in that night she could’ve been waking up this morning wrapped in the arms of the man she loved rather then alone with not even Lori there to offer her comfort. She sat on the armchair completely forgetting about her coffee. She had no idea how long she had sat there when some one knocked on the front door. She realised she had been crying and wiped her tear stained face and walked over to the door and opened it expecting to see Peter or Lori but instead saw Mike.

“Hi” He said

“Hi” She replied not knowing what else to say they stood on the doorstep for a moment looking at each other

“Can I come in?” Mike asked finally

“Oh yeah I’m sorry please come in” Lana told him and stepped aside so he could. They went in and sat down, Lana on the sofa and Mike on the armchair

“You’ve been cryin’,” He told her noticing the tear stains and puffy eyes

“You too” She said, and indeed he had. His eyes were red and puffy as well

“That’s because Caitlyn and I broke up this mornin’ she said some pretty hurtful things, includin’ she never wants to see me again” He said. Lana gawked at him

“You broke up! Why?” She asked trying to hide her delight

“Because I had a chat with a rather wise bassist and he made me realise I didn’t love her. I can’t love two people at the same time and I am already in love with some one” Mike told her he came over to her and held her hand “ I love you Lana Tork I’ve been stupid to not realise it and I want you back I want us to be together again” Lana didn’t even bother to try and hide the stunned expression on her face, she was not expecting that at all, she had been so sure Mike would go back to Cait

“I want that too Mike but what about all those things you told me when came back from your trip with Cait, you told me you’d moved on you said you were over me”

“I know I did I was wrong, I convinced myself I wanted Cait because I was scared of hurting you again. I managed to persuaded myself I was over you because I didn’t want you to go through any more pain, but then when you told you still loved my last night and then we kissed I began to realise I had made the wrong choice”

“I don’t know what to say” Lana told him she was beginning to cry again now, tears of joy this time

“Just tell me we can be together, please I need you Lana I love you”.

“I love you too and I would love for us to get back together,” She told him. Mike’s face broke out into a huge grin


“But only if you are absolutely sure you’ve made the right decision I don’t want you to realise you were wrong about us in six weeks time”

“I won’t I know I’ve made the right decision this time I’m not gonna let you go ever again” Mike told her. He kissed her and they kissed passionately then Lana realised something

“You do realise Micky is really gonna go mad when he hears about this” She said smiling Mike laughed and they kissed again then hugged. Mike couldn’t believe how lucky he was, he almost lost the love of his life and was so happy to have her back. He felt bad about Cait she was such a wonderful woman and he didn’t mean to hurt her but he couldn’t go on pretending forever. He was in love with Lana, madly and passionately and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

When Peter, Davy and Lana were told about Lori’s past they were very supportive. Lana was secretly upset that Lori hadn’t trusted her enough to tell her but she didn’t say anything because she knew how difficult it must have been for Lori to keep it a secret and all bottled up. To Lori’s surprise Micky and Ben got on really well they had very different personalities but some how they didn’t clash. Micky really liked Ben and vice versa. Ben was grateful Lori had found some one who loved her as deeply as he once had and he knew she was in good hands and would be well looked after. Ben had only visited the Monkees pad a few times and he always had a good time when he did. The Monkees were crazy but he liked them a lot and enjoyed their company and also enjoyed their music and often accompanied Lori and Lana to their gigs. Mike and Lana’s relationship was better then ever, they were taking things slowly at first just to get used to each other again but Lana couldn’t remember the last time she had been so happy, she loved Mike and was so glad to be back with him. Micky had indeed gone mad when Mike and Lana announced they were back together but no one was as excited as Peter, he actually cried! Lori was so happy to finally get the chance to see Mike and Lana together but was also upset for Cait, She and Cait had become really good fiends over the six weeks Cait and Mike had been together and Lori found herself really missing her, she had visited Cait’s apartment and the two woman had had a really long talk, Cait told Lori she would love to still be friends, as long as she never had to see Mike and Lana again. So Lori never told them she still spent time with Cait. Micky knew, as did Peter and Davy and the five of them often got together and hung out. Cait had taken the brake up very badly. She had fallen in love with Mike and she couldn’t believe he had hurt her so badly but she knew she would be better off with out him.

Micky and Lori’s relationship had slowed down considerably since that day Ben had shown up at Lori’s pad which Lori had been secretly pleased about because she had felt they were moving to fast anyway. They were no longer joined at the hip and sometimes enjoyed spending time apart because seeing each other after being apart for a few days was always something special. Micky was helping Lori move on and for the first time in a long time she no longer felt alone she had Micky and she was grateful for that. He was her sanity, her relief when things got to tough for her, actually he was more then that, he was her soul mate and she thanked god for every single day Micky had been in her life. Micky had never been in love before Lori had entered his life so it was a new experience for him and it was the most incredible feeling to know she loved him too but he doubted she loved him as much as he loved her. He couldn’t bear going a single day with out seeing her smile or hearing her laugh. His band mates teased him constantly about it but it was true Micky Dolenz was head over heels in love with that woman and he knew he would spend the rest of his life with Loretta Marie Tyler.

One day, about two months after Lori had told Micky about Annie, she called round the Monkees pad after work to see Micky. She no longer had to knock but had been told by all four Monkees that whenever she came round to just let herself in. Davy and Peter were seated at the kitchen table going through a list of set lists Mike had asked the to look over, which is where Micky had been until Lori came in. Mike was sitting on the edge of the bandstand with Lana she had his old six-string because Mike was teaching her how to play. A task that was proving very easy because she obviously carried the musical gene Peter had and was a fast learner.

“I’m gonna have to be careful of you Lan, you’ll be after my spot in the band next” he told her.

“So when do I get a turn on your 12 string then?” Lana asked with a grin because she already knew the answer

“Let me see…er…the day after never!” He told her with a smile and kissed her. Mike never let any one touch he beloved 12 string because it was way to precious to him.

Micky had been so grateful to see Lori that he greeted her with the longest kiss. They hadn’t seen each other for seven days, the longest they had been apart since they got together, because Lori had been busy preparing for an exam.

“I’ve missed you so much” he told her and behind Lori Davy was pretending to throw up “I can see you Jones” Micky said. Lori turned around and Davy put on his most innocent smile

“Are you pulling faces at us David Thomas Jones?” Lori asked

“Me? No of course I’m not!” Davy replied smiling again

“Why don’t I believe you? I guess you’re only jealous because you’re relationships never last longer then a few days” Lori told him

“Oooh that hurt!” Davy said grabbing his chest “You got me right in the kidneys…Oh Mike she hurt me”

“Sorry shotgun you deserved it” Mike said. Davy stuck out his tongue at Lori and she giggled Lori turned her attention back to Micky.

“I’ve got you a present,” she said

“You have? What’s the occasion?” He asked

“You are” Lori told him “I’m a little nervous about it actually so if you don’t like it then just lie” she told him

“Of course I’m gonna like it I’ll love anything that came from you” Micky said. Lori pulled out a package from her bag and handed it to him. He playfully ran his fingers over is to see if he could tell what it was then he held it up to his ear and shook it a couple of times

“Will you just open the thing Dolenz before my nerves get the better of me!” Lori told him. Micky grinned mischievously

“Sorry” He said he ripped off the paper and produced two drumsticks and inscribed at the top of each stick were Micky’s initials GMD. His full name was George Michael Dolenz but he had always been known as Micky ever since he was a kid.

“I hope you like them, I mean I’m not very good with instrument equipment and I know they’re only drumsticks but the guy at the music shop said they were good ones and you should of seen the woman face’s in the jewellers when I told her I wanted them inscribed she thought I was some kind of a nut” Lori told him and laughed nervously.

“They’re perfect thank you so much” Micky said

“I know it’s a pretty lame gift but I wanted to get you something to say thank you and I didn’t know what”

“They’re not lame at all it’s very thoughtful of you thank you” he kissed her “What are you saying thank you for any way?”

“For being you, you made my life worth living again and I will always be grateful that you entered my life just when I needed you. I love you with all my heart and soul” Lori told him

“I love you, I’ve never met any one like you, you make me so happy I can’t imagine how I lived my life before I met you” Micky told her Lori smiled and pulled him closer to her and they melted into a passionate kiss. Peter, Davy and Lana sighed happily in unison. Mike had a big grin on his face

"They're gonna be just fine" He said
