
They sat across the room from each other, neither one knowing what to say. His words began to register in her brain and she wanted to run over there and pound her fists against him, to make him feel the pain she was feeling right now but her legs refused to work. Occasionally they looked up at each other until Micky couldn't stand it anymore.

"Jesus Marie say something will you!" He almost shouted. She glared at him her eyes filled with hate.

"You want me to say something! You just tell me you've been having an affair and you want me to say something! What do you want me to say Mick?" She asked, she wanted to scream at him she wanted to yell and shout but that would just make him feel sorry for her and that was the last thing she wanted *`Stupid girl how could you not notice me running off behind your back' That's what he's saying right now he's been laughing about how stupid you are for ages* she told herself.

"Tell me we're going to be ok, tell me we can work through this, look it was a mistake and I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say. Just tell me you forgive me," He said. She didn't know whether to laugh of cry.

"You want me to forgive you! I can't even look at you right now, you disgust me, you want me to say something well then listen up I've got just two words for you, the end" She blurted out bitterly. He stared at her, confusion etched on his face

"What do you mean?" He asked in barely a whisper

"You know exactly what I mean. This is the end, our marriage our relationship, our friendship it's all over I want out, I never want to see you again" Anger was surgeing through her body and tears began to form in her eyes and she stubbornly fought them back *Don't you dare cry* She told herself *Don't give him the pleasure of seeing you cry*. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You can't be serious! Ten years together, six married and you're just going to throw it all away just like a piece of old garbage!"

"I am not the one throwing this away! How dare you even say that! You're the one who had the affair you're the one who did this, it's got nothing to do with me!"

"You're not even giving us a chance to work it out! that's almost as bad as me having the affair in the place" He yelled. Now she was really mad. She stood up from her chair started to head for the door. He realised what she had in mind and jumped up and rushed over to the door blocking her only exit "Where are you going?" he asked

"As far away from you as possible" She told him with a scowl

"Oh no you're not, I'm not letting you go anywhere until we talk about this"

"I've said all I've needed to say and I've heard enough from you, now please move"

"No, not until we talk this through" He told her. She sighed and a small tear escaped her eye.

"I can't, please let me go. I'm tired, I'm tired of all the fighting I can't do this I haven't got the strength to do this with you anymore please Micky just let me go, please" She begged. He was staring at her again. Her every word cutting through him like a knife and he found himself stepping away from the door and letting her past.

Without a second glance she walked out of the door, out of the house and, as far as she was concerned, out of his life...forever.
