
"So they didn't have the permit?" Mike inquired. The explanation he was given from Peter and Davy was confusing him to say the least.

"Oh, no. They have the permit, all right." Peter confirmed, nodding his head. "We asked how and why, but all they said was that it was confidential."

"That's what the scientist told us." Micky said, pointedly. "She doesn't trust us, so there must be something strange goin' on."

"But they're hiring. You know for help moving stuff. I'm guessing assistant work." Mike said.

"We tried to get her to hire us, but she doesn't trust us." Micky added.

"So when you guys go down there, make sure you don't ask any questions." Mike advised.

"Woah, woah, woah." Davy held a hand up. "Who said we're going down there?"

"I did." Mike pointed at himself.

"You have to get jobs down there. So you can figure out what's going on." Micky told him.

"No, I'm not dragging myself further into it." Davy stood firm.

"But Dave, you gotta." Micky begged.

"Why can't Peter do it?"

"Peter is doing in. So are you." Mike said.

"No, I'm not. I don't appreciate you telling me to do it either. Maybe if you would have asked-"

"Will you go get a job down there?" Micky asked, cutting Davy off.

"No." Davy shook his head.

"What? But I asked." Micky protested.

"I said would have asked. Past tense. You can't just ask now to make up for it."

"C'mon, man. Listen." Mike took a seat in front of Davy and forcefully turned his head towards him. "Something weird is going on here. The only way we'll find out what it is is to have you and Peter work down there. Besides, without our jobs, we're going to need some kind of money. Please?"

Davy stared at Mike's face in thought. He had never seen Mike so pleading and persistant. This was obviously very important to him. Davy sighed.

"I'll do it." Peter and Micky cheered simultaneously. "But," Davy added apbrutly. "If nothing good comes of this-"

"Relax, man. What could go wrong?" Micky asked, leaning back nonchalantly.

"OK, now you remember what Mike said. Don't ask questions." Davy reminded, grabbing ahold of Peter's arm as they waited outside.

"I can't ask any questions? I can't even ask what someone's name is?" Peter questioned in response.

"Well, I'm sure that'd be OK. Just don't ask any questions about the experiments. They're very protective of that."

"Right." Peter agreed. The two of them looked up as the door opened. Samson appeared before them.

"May I help you?" Samson crossed his arms and leaned back against the door frame.

"We're here to apply for jobs. We saw the advertisement in the paper." Davy began.

"OK." Samson replied, making no movement to show them in or to get somebody.

"Umm..." Davy took a step forward. "Aren't you...aren't you gonna get somebody to interview us?"

"I can interview you right here." Samson shifted to his other foot. "Where else have you worked?"

"Well, uh... we don't really have steady jobs. Never have really. We just do different things."

"So you have no real profession. You're not smart boys."

"Now, wait just a minute-" Peter stomped on Davy's foot before he could continue.

"I thought no experience was necessary." Peter said, stepping in front of Davy.

"No, inexperience is required. Apparently you qualify there. My next question is, are you aware of what you'll have to do here?"

Davy peeked around Peter's shoulder, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you know what your jobs are going to be around here?" They nodded. "And you still want to do it."

Peter and Davy exchanged glances and then both replied in unison, "Yes,"

"Good, you're hired. Come on in."

Samson handed them lab coats and goggles similiar to those Mike and Micky were given the day before.

"I'll show you where you'll be working." Samson guided them to the center of the lab, stopping in front of a woman. "Ms. Bates?"

The woman turned, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes, what is it, Samson?"

"Ms. Bates, I just hired these boys to work for you." Ms. Bates raised an eyebrow in question. "They're clean, don't worry."

"All right then. That'll be all, Samson. Thank you." Samson turned to go back to his post. "Hello, boys. I'm Angela Bates. You can call me Angela or Ms. Bates. Either of the two. And what are your names?"

"Davy Jones." Davy replied, "and this is-"

Angela held a hand up, "I think the boy can speak for himself. What's your name, honey?"

"Peter. Peter Tork."

"All right. You boys wait right here. I'll be back." Angela disappeared within the crowds of scientists.

"What'd you think?" Davy whispered.

"She seems nice." Peter shrugged. Davy was about to speak more, but Angela came back with a man next to her.

"This is Mr. Johnson P. Flemming. Peter, you will be working with him." Angela introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. You can call me John." Johnson shook hands with Peter and patted him on the shoulder. He then led Peter off over to his station.

"What about me, Ms. Bates?" Davy asked.

"Oh, you, Davy? You'll be working with me."

