
Mike leaned against the wall, sighing heavily. He brought his hand up to his forehead, wiping away the perspiration that had conspired on his skin. The room he had been placed in was extremely hot. Mike eventually assumed that the reason was to make their victims talk.


Mike thought back to when Davy had pushed and persisted about the victims that the scientists were hiding. He cursed himself for not listening. Now, who knew what they were in for? He sniffled, resisting the urge to cry very hard. He couldn’t let himself shed his tears.

“No,” Mike thought, “I’m not giving up. Not yet.”

He stood, squinting in the darkness. He could barely see a thing; he was blindfolded when he was brought in and then they turned the lights off. They must have been hiding something in there. Mike put his hands up against the wall, feeling around for something that would give him a clue as to what they were hiding. It was then his hand stumbled upon a piece of the wall that caved in. He felt the material beneath his fingers and realized it was fabric!

A small smile crossed his face as he yanked the fabric down, revealing a small window. Instantly, the moon lighted the room. He hadn’t known that night had come and he had been gone that long. He shook his head, knowing they were probably worried about him. But now he had a way out.

With little light, it was hard for Mike to see exactly where the window opened so he began pulling and pushing every which way to get it open. When he finally succeeded in opening it, it took a lot of pushing and pulling on himself to get through the tiny opening. For Davy, it would have been a snap, but not for Mike.

By the time he had squeezed himself through, he was panting, trying to catch his breath. The window had been up high so he had also been concentrating on keeping himself elevated, which had exhausted him. Mike briefly wondered why he wasn’t guarded closer, but figured they had more on their minds than babysitting him. If only they knew who he really was.

Thinking no more of it, Mike raced home.

Ms. Bates descended the stairs of her secret passage, Samson following close behind. She smiled when she saw the blonde haired man strapped to a table, unable to move.

“Why, Peter. We meet again!” she shouted in mock enthusiasm. She moved her finger up and down his chest with a smug smile on her face.

“What do you want with me? I did nothing to you.”

“Well, you see, you’ve helped us with our experiments. That stuff we injected you with was just to get even, but if it really works then we need you,” she explained.

“All I know is that ‘stuff’ you injected me with has caused me a lot of pain. I hate you for doing it!” Peter shot back.

“That’s inevitable, Peter. I knew you hated me. You’ve been having a couple nightmares lately, haven’t you? Care to tell me what happened in them?”

“No, I’d rather not talk about them,” he replied. “Especially to you!”

”I see. Now, let me ask you something. Have you heard the saying that dreams become reality? I hate to break it to you, baby, but-“

”No!” Peter shouted, already getting ideas of what she was saying.

“Those dreams you’ve been having were not nightmares. They’re visions, Peter. You are psychic. Tell me, isn’t this what your first dream was about? Me standing here interrogating you? It came true, just as your second one will.”

“No, they can’t be true! You’re lying!” Ms. Bates grew nearly satisfied at watching him suffer. Her ears perked up as she heard his whisper, “No, Davy.”

”Davy? Ah, so is your second vision about Davy? Give me details, honey.” Ms. Bates sat herself down on a stool, her brown eyes boring into his.

“What did you do to him? What was the stuff you gave to him?”

”That’s my little secret. But I think you can figure it out, what with you dreaming up the results of what we gave him. Now, as I was saying. We need you and your visions. To tell us if we will succeed in our experiments. If we’ll gain the success we want. Well, at least if I gain success from it.”

“Why not just use it on yourself?”

”I’m not risking my life. Yours, I don’t mind risking. So spill, tell me what you know.”

”I haven’t had any dreams about you. Why would I want to?”

”That’s just it. You don’t dream what you want anymore. Your visions are only of bad things, Peter.” Ms. Bates paused, rising from her seat. “You let me know if you see me in your dreams.”

It took about fifteen minutes for Mike to make it all the way home and when he finally did, he was not prepared for what he would find. He opened the door of the Pad, being met with even more darkness than he had outside.

“Micky? Peter, Davy? Where are you guys?” Mike reached over towards the light switch, pausing long before he dared to flip it. If the lights were off and the door was unlocked, he didn’t want to know what would lie before him.

As the light illuminated the room, Mike squinted at the sudden brightness. As the spots cleared from his vision, the first thing he saw were the prone bodies of Micky and Davy lying on the floor. He slammed the door shut behind him and went instantly to their sides.

“Micky, c’mon. Wake up! Davy?” Mike reached one hand out to each of them, shaking them simultaneously. “What the hell? C’mon, guys. Where’s Peter? Wake up!”

Mike instantly stopped his shaking when he heard Micky groan. He forgot about Davy at the moment, and focused intently on rousing Micky.

“Mick, Micky. Wake up. Please, wake up.” Mike pleaded, watching Micky’s eyes closely, begging them to open.

“Peter…” Micky muttered, finally coming out of his drug-induced sleep.

“It’s me, Mick. It’s Mike.”

”Peter, where is he?”

“I dunno, man. I just got here. What happened?” Mike asked. Micky groaned even more as Mike attempted in getting him to a sitting position. “Take it easy, you’re fine.”

“Shut it, Nesmith. Do I look fine?”

Mike was taken aback by Micky snapping at him, but then realized he was pushing the explanation way too much. “I’m sorry. You tell me when you’re ready.”

Micky took several deep breaths, swallowing a lump in his throat. “These guys came,” he paused, “Looking for Peter, and I asked ‘em what they wanted, but they just pushed me away. There were four of them.”

Mike listened intently, hoping some of this would clear up the confusion in his head as Micky continued, “One of ‘em grabbed me and one of ‘em got Pete. The other two…they got Davy and drugged him. Then, they went after me. That’s all I remember.”

“All right, you relax. I’m gonna see what I can get out of Davy.” Mike said. Micky nodded, letting his eyelids close as sleep claimed him. Mike sighed, rising to his feet and stepping over to where Davy was lying. He resumed his shaking, this being the only method he knew on waking them.

It was about a minute before Davy stirred, opening his eyes hesitantly. A very small smile crossed his face when he saw Mike hovering over him.

“Are you OK?” Mike asked. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake he made with Micky, assuming he was fine when he had no idea how they felt. Davy nodded at his question, although he wasn’t so sure himself. “What happened? What all do you remember?”

”About what?” Davy mumbled, his eyes remaining closed as he spoke.

“About what happened. Here, a while ago. These guys came in looking for Peter and they got you and Micky. They drugged you. Do you not remember any of that?”

Davy shook his head, “No.”

“Well, what’s the last thing you remember?”

”Waking up. This morning.” Mike frowned at Davy’s response. However, he was oblivious to the fact that Peter had received the same answer when he had asked.

“You don’t remember anything that happened today?” Davy shook his head. “What about yesterday?”

”Sure, I do.”

”Even what happened to you and Peter? At the lab? You remembering this now?”

”At the lab? We work there, yeah.”

Mike’s frown deepened. “Davy, what’s today?”

”Today’s Monday, silly.” Davy chuckled. His eyes had stayed closed the entire time he had been talking to Mike, but he managed to remain conscious until that moment. As Davy fell asleep as Micky had, Mike rose from the floor, the frown still apparent on his face as he spoke to the empty room.

“But it’s Tuesday.”
