-Circa mid-1968-

The wedding, wedding...today, today...where is he?- questions Mckeighla Isles kept asking her self, she and her boyfriend Jake were supposed to be going to her bestfriend David's wedding in less then 1 hour, in a strange city, and Jake had disappeared. There she stood in her dress and make-up, hair all done up and high heels in the hotel rooms living room hitting her watch, impatiently waiting for Jake. Her heart sank and her palms started to sweat when she realized she couldn't waste anymore time, she needed to get the church. She angerly ran out of her hotel room, down to the lobby, out to her car and hastily turned it on and tore off down the street towards the church.

She got in just as 2 ushers were closing the doors, she quickly sprang to the front of the church only to find her seat had been taken by one of the brides "stuck-up" friends, it must have been overflow, all she needed. McKeighla growled as she turned around, she looked around and found a empty space beside a male afro haired friend of Davids, she swallowed most of her pride, and moved in to sit down. Just as she sat down someone at the other end did to, making Davids friend scoot closer to her, she looked at him in shock as his hand landed accidently on her lap, which, because of the way she was sitting, was in plain view. He shyly smiled and quickly moved it, then moved his self back into a sitting position, "Sorry, I never meant to do that" he apologized, "...its alright, just having a bad day" McKeighla explained, as the mystery friend quietly laughed, "ya, had a couple of those myself" McKeighla smiled at him then turned her attention back to the front. After awhile the guy leaned over and said, "Names Micky" "Hmm..." McKeighla whispered, "McKeighla" "hmmm..." he smirked, "I like that name," "Thank you..." McKeighla said, taking it as a compliment...those came few and far between in her life.

"So..." Micky continued, "...are you flying solo today?" McKeighla looked at him, "Yep...for now, my boyfriend came with me, but he isn't with me now..." "Came with you, do you mean to the church, is he somewhere in the church?" "No I mean-I'm from Canada, he came with me to be a date at Davids wedding, and he just sorta jumped the gun..." she stopped, that was the end of that conversation to her, "What about yerself...solo, or..." "Yep, solo...".

Right after Micky said his martial status the music started...the whole wedding part to McKeighla was all just one big blur, she was to steamed at Jake to focus on the wedding, which made her feel sorry for David, this was his day...and she felt like she was ruining by not listening.

