Soon it was the reception, oh goody-McKeighla thought, now she could sit around and drown in her own anger and sorrow as she watched David, his new wife, Linda and other couples dance to their hearts content and enjoy life. Halfway through the first song McKeighla got up from the seat she had found and limped her way to the bar, she was never good with stilettos and that just proved it, she was limping worse then her grandfather without his cane. As soon as she sat on the stool she lifted up her feet and pulled off her heels, saying a little curse with each pull-damn, her shoes were really stuck. As soon as she was done with that little fiasko, she through them on the floor, spun herself around to the bar and smiled up to the bartender, he smiled back, "What'll it be?" "Hmm..." McKeighla thought, "...since I don't drink but need something strong, can you please give me your sourest apple juice" The tender laughed, "...do you want an umberella and cherry with it?" "Please" Mc Keighla smirked, "One sour apple juice comin' up..." the tender announced. It didn't take long for her glass avec un umberella et une cherise to be slide across the table to her.

No sooner had she taken her first sour drink, had Micky walked up beside her, "You know you shouldn't drink, bad for you..." "Ah..." McKeighla answered, "I'm not, apple juice, I don't drink..." "Good," Micky smirked as he sat on the stool beside her, "Budweiser please, and glass..." McKeighla looked at Micky and raised an eyebrow, "...well, I didn't say it was bad for me..." he added as he took his first sip, McKeighla laughed out loud as she took a big gulp of her juice.

Right as she put down her juice, Micky and McKeighla heard the beginning of "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" was heard over the massive sound system they had set up for the reception. They turned around in their chairs at the same time and looked at each other, "Wanna?" Micky asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly. McKeighla hesitated for a bit then thought, damn he ain't here, what the hell-then smiled and took Mickys out reached hand as they both made their way to the dance floor.

As Micky and McKeighla got into the groove of the song, the whole world and its problems started to drift off into oblivion, there was just Micky in McKeighlas world and McKeighla in Mickys at the moment. Without really knowing it they both moved closer together as McKeighla laid her head on his shoulder and Mickys hands slipped carefully down her back, inching ever so slowly towards her bum...he was surprised when McKeighla didn't react to his advancing hands, she just sighed slightly and playfully, and quietly laughed, so he went for it, carefully he slipped his hands all the way down to her bum and just kept them there, feeling her sway was one of the best feelings in the world Micky thought just then.

Before they knew it, the song was over and they had to part or people would start staring. They parted and just for a brief second they stared into each others eyes. Micky cleared his throat and coughed, "Um, come on McKeighla, let's get you back to your seat..." he grabbed the speechless woman by her hand and almost literally dragged her back to her stool at the bar. As she was being dragged McKeighla came to a surprising conclusion, she was falling in love with this man...how, they had just met and she was going out with Jake. Then she thought, he was probably off screwing somebody at that moment, and wasn't even thinking about her and 2, he was damn gorgeous.

McKeighla drew in a horrifed gasp as Jakes image materialized infront of her. Micky felt her tense up so he stopped infront of the man he suspected was causing her change in emotion. McKeighla took one look at Jake, then glanced at Micky and her hands intertwined then back to Jake and started to sweat, as she quickly whipped her hand back to her side and went stiff like a board. Jake slyly smiled as he leaned his elbow against the bar table top and swirled his drink around in his hand, "...I was going to ask you if you missed me..." he smiled and looked up at her tensed up face, "...but I can see you we're just fine without me," he laughed out loud and turned around to put his drink on the counter. McKeighla felt like her heart beat was a mile a minute. Jake swivled around again, but this time, his eyes were filled with intoxicated, fierce, angry contempt that only said to McKeighla, "I'll kill you." He dove off his chair and straight for McKeighla, she closed her eyes tigh t ready for the impact. Before he got to her she heard a loud, like, punching sound infront of her. She opened her eyes to see what was going on, she saw Jake on the ground nursing a bruising jaw and Micky standing beside her, with apained look on his face nursing a red knuckled fist.

McKeighla looked at Micky in astonishment, he had just punched him. "Micky..." she shunned quietly taking his fist into her hands to check it out. He smiled looking down at her checking his hand, "That's the first time you've said my name all night..." "Ya..." McKeighla rolled her eyes, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, she turned her head to the left and saw that the whole place had froze and was now looking at Micky, Jake and McKeighla. "David, please stop staring you're makin' me nervous..." she asked. "Sorry Kay, its just that..." everybody turned their eyes to David, he suddenly got nervous discussing a very private thing infront of 150+ people who were mostly all strangers to him made him nervous. He quickly kissed Linda on the cheek and made his way over to McKeighla.

He took her by the arm and lead her into a secluded corner then just went on, "You never told me this Jake fellow was like this to you...is he like this all the time..." "No..." she lied, Davy knew she was lying, "Don't lye...is he or is he not?" "Yes!" she stressed, "Yes he is..." she stepped back a bit and slid off her cardigan. Even in the dim light Davy could just make out dark blotches along her arms, Davy sucked in a gasp, "Kayli..." he gasped, as his eyes grew wide, "why do you let him do this to you?" "...cause David, because..." she snapped back, "...he said, if I didn't let him he would make me get married...I told him I would never marry him, so this is what I get in return..." Davy was totally speechless for a bit, trying to find his voice he spat out "...you could have called the police..." "No Davy, I can't, Jakes a cop...he said if I told anyone he would through me in jail on a bogus charge just so I would rot..." Davy lost his voice complete after that as he swallowed the lump in his throat that had formed, and embraced McKeighla in a hug, reaching up slightly cause of her height of 5'6" and his of 5'2", "I want you to be careful, you hear me..." he looked into her eyes. McKeighla vigorously shook her head in understanding.

"I want you to sleep at Micks' tonight..." he stated as he began to walk again, "...I'll call over the security to get that ass out-tov here and then i'll ask him if he'll take you home..." McKeighla opened her mouth to object, but Davy had already gone off and had began talking with one of the lumbering pieces of human that was the security guards, "protecting" the guests from the fans outside. McKeighla could see she wasn't going to win this fight so she listlessly walked back up to Micky (with her cardigan on) and stuck out her hand, "Davy wants you to keep me for the night..." she explained dragging him to the door, Mickys ears perked, "Not that way!" she warned.

