Micky and McKeighla made it to his place safely. McKeighla walked right in the door leaned against the wall, as her eyes druped, that alarmed Micky he reached out to catch her, McKeighla just wearily smiled, "Micky...I'm falling..." she whispered out before she fainted straight to the ground.

McKeighla woke up in a hospital bed...she looked across the room to see Micky sprawled out in a chair, sleeping with his jacket covering him. There was another jacket on the dinner tray-table, and it wasn't hers, so who...thats when Davy came walking in, in a pair of jeans and a striped t-shirt with a cup of coffee in his hand. "David..." she whispered, he whipped his head towards her bed to see her staring back at her. He put his cup down quickly and walking over to her, "How ya feelin, luv?" he asked taking her hand in his, "I feel like a truck ran over me, repeatedly..." Davy smirked. She began looking around, "David, who's paying for my hospital visit..." "Oh don't worry, Mick and I are..." she sighed loudly, "Davy..." "Well, I was going to pay for it fully but Micky wouldn't let me so we split responsiblity..." "You shouldn't have, anyway...wheres Linda?" she asked, looking around, "She's at home sleeping,rightfully she should be though. She doesn't know I'm here..." "Why, she would get mad?" McKeighla asked, mostly as a joke, but was shocked when Davy said ya, "...she doesn't really like you..." he answered, McKeighla rolled her eyes to the side, "...figured as much". Right then a doctor walked in. Davy kicked Micky awake so he could hear them converse.

"Ms. Isles, has your boyfriend ever forcfully raped you...or committed something you didn't want to do?" the doctor asked bluntly. Davy and Micky looked at her with wide eyes, she looked down and shook her head yes, "...a couple times..." Micky swallowed hard, as he fought to keep his temper down. Davy just stared at her wide eyed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, this wasn't the McKeighla Isles he met way back when she was just 13 working with him on Oliver...even back then that McKeighla was strong and independant willed, she would never let anybody do that to her. Even when she was sick.

"I thought as much," the doctor added, he looked down at his charts, then back up to McKeighla, "...Ms. Isles, I'm afraid because of what he did, and the extent of what he did, the damage done to your reproductive system is most likely irreversible." McKeighlas eyes dialated as she took it all in, she then let out a high pitched whine and looked down at her covers. Micky looked at her, got up from his seat, put his hand on the small of her back. Then turned to the doctor, "...thanks, but can you just leave now..." The doctor obeyed and left. Davy stood up just as the doctor disappeared around the corner, "I can't believe you would let anyone do anything like that to you...whatevah happened to the "Fightin' Canadian' Spirit" you told me you had...?" "I don't know Davy..." McKeighla answered, "...lord Kay, I remember when we were in the play, you would fantasize about your future...about how many hearts your going to break, damn it, even how many kids you were going to have...and I believed you, I believed you could do anything...for a 13 year old you had a lot of guts...how Kay, how did this happen..." he blew up at her, he was more made at himself for letting her go off with him, even though he had never been really introduced to that guy he felt somewhat responsible for what had happened.

McKeighla broke down right there, partly because David had never yelled at her and because she let her self sink to Jake's level.Micky immediately wrapped both his arms around her and let her cry into his shoulder, "You know David, you didn't have to do that!" Micky growled, "I know..." Davy shyed away, he was starting to fell ashamed of what he did even more now, "...listen Kay, I'm sorray..." he said, touching her hand every so lightly, "I know..." McKeighla sniffed, burrying her head deeper into Mickys shoulder. Davy looked back at McKeighla one last time, patted her on the leg and took off out the door.

Micky stayed with her until she fell asleep, he was unsure he should leave because she had fallen asleep crying in his arms. What if she woke up because she had felt no one there and started to cry again? Thats the thought that plagued him all night.

