So it was no big decision for Micky when he decided to go visit McKeighla in the hospital the next day. He was there when she woke up.

"Micky" she groggily smiled, stretching, "...what are you doing here?" McKeighla made mental note of his jeans and turtle neck...she could feel her temperature rise just slightly at the site. "I came to take you home me lady..." Micky smiled, even in the morning she still had a beautiful face, "Your gonna take me all the way back to Canada, don't you have a show to do?" she smirked, pulling herself up. "Smart, but not quite right, I've asked the doctors if its alright he crash at my place till you feel better. They said, they wouldn't have had it any other way" "No Micky, I can't do that!" McKeighla told him, practically yelling. "What, why not?" Micky asked, smiling sympathically, "..cause what...about my job," "...where do you work?" "...at a small company, in Toronto, called Microsoft Canada...we fix computers for companies..." "Don't worry, it'll probably never fly anyway...come live with me till you feel better then get back to your job..." "...I don't know Micky..." "Come on, please?" "...I just met you yesterday..." "...don't worry, I'm no rapist or anything..." "Thats not what I'm worried about" "Then what is it..." Micky asked pushing for an answer... ""I don't-I don't know..." McKeighla stuttered, then she sighed and gave it "...awe, what the hell, I know I won't win" "Nope, you probably won't..." Micky smiled, "...you comin' then?" "Aw...I guess..." McKeighla sighed, grabbing her bag. She had to go change. The last scene she seen was of Micky grinning.

McKeighla had accepted defeat, thank god Davy wasn't here to see this. She would never hear the end of it. Infact, this was probably Davys idea in the first place. He didn't want her to go back to Canada, but she couldn't stay with him, cause of his wifes dis-taste for her and if wouldn't exactly look good if he had a woman staying over at his house while his wife was in the same house now would it? "You ready?" Micky asked, grinning his arm in a crook so she could put her arm through it "I guess, but I'm not walking out with you holding my hand. I'm quite capable by myself, thank you." McKeighla retorted, in hopes it would break Mickys spirit somewhat. She was disappointed when he just fought back... "...ew feisty, I like that..." he said in a naughty voice. McKeighla just turned back to him and cast him a death glare then kept on walking. She was heard whispering "...men..." under her voice. Micky laughed as he followed behind her.

Micky and McKeighla made it to his house quite fast, what is this guy in a hurry for? he better not be thinking what I think he's thinking-McKeighla thought, casting suspicious glares at him in the drivers seat.

"Your rooms...up here..." he told her, carrying her suitcase up a flight of stairs. "Ummm...hmmm..." McKeighla voiced behind him, thats probably his room, explaining that he wants me to see his "Hot Wheels collection" or some lame excuse like that- she thought once more following behind him, but damn it-cute ass-she thought with a saucey smile. McKeighla was surprised to see that Micky didn't lye, it was actually an extra room, with just a bed and a desk. "Do you have any note books?" "Note books?" Micky asked, puzzled over why she would need notebooks if she was just going to sleep in here... "Ya, so I don't have to write my suicide note in blood..." McKeighla cracked. Receiving suspicious looks from Micky. McKeighla gave a I-Can't-Believe-You-Believe-That look, "...I'm joking, it's a joke..." she assured him. Micky backed away, unsure if he should leave or not.

"...go..." McKeighla pressed, pushing him out the door. Once he was gone and the door was closed, she leaned against the door and let out a breathe of relief. He worries too much-she thought, walking towards the bed-but at least he has the guts to care-she counteracted her first thought with reason.

