After a long uninterupted sleep McKeighla made her way down the stairs and found her way to the living room. Where she found Micky sitting on the couch reading a book. The movement caught Mickys attention as he looked up from his book. Once he realized it was her, he put down his book and got up, "Are you hungry, do you want anything to drink?" he asked, walking towards her. McKeighla shook her head, as she tried to make her way to the couch, but she was stopped by Micky, "Do you feel better?" She wasn't sure, but she thought she heard actual concern in his voice, very unusual in her life. "...Ya, I do..." she yawned, "...what kind of books do you have?" "Oh..." Micky answered "...ya, come with me..." he told her, walking towards a door. McKeighla did what she was told and followed him. Once he opened the door she was taken back by the amount of books that lined the walls. This had to be more books then the library she worked in had. "I had a library built in...incase I wanted to read something...but with all the parties and galas I have been going to I have no time to read. I'm sure you'll make good use of them though" he smirked. McKeighla nodded, speechless. He didn't seem like the kind of personality you would expect to read, but you learn something every day. "...I'll leave you alone now" Micky told her, shutting the door behind him. McKeighla stood there, staring at the vacant spot where Micky had just been. He was nothing like Jake, caring, handsome, not the jealous type and courteous.

She had been in the library for a while now and now was getting to the side of the room with the window. McKeighla was just bending down to look at a particular book when a flash went off in her face. Then, like a chain reaction she felt millions of little flashes hit her eyes. The Brightness of the lights almost blinded her and made her lose her balance and fall backward and land on her back. She let out a little yelp and vigorously wiped and clawed at her eyes. She didn't know how long she had been on the ground for before she felt her self being lifted off the ground and Micky quickly whispering in her ear "Come on".

As soon as they got out of the room Micky let her down "I'm sorry McKeighla..." He apologized, "I thought you guys were done with the media" McKeighla whined wiping her eyes, "What?" Micky laughed out loud, "...wow you have been living under a rock haven't you?" "Don't laugh" McKeighla whined again, "my work takes a lot, I usually don't get to watch the TV or listen to the news, sorry for working for a living..." "You don't have to..." Micky blunted out Does he mean what I think he means? McKeighla thought as her eyes dialated, she back away then turned around and ran up the stairs to her room and then slammed the door.

It didn't take long for Micky to be at her door apologizing, that that is not what he meant. McKeighla didn't know what it was, but she hoped he didn't mean that he didn't mean it some how.

